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Sandbox / Kahran 042

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Some information on my story ideas:

Jonas Corbin’s Guide to Life (JCGTL): Cornerstone universe. Animesque high-school dramedy with some degree of Magic Realism / Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane. The JCGTL master file can be found here.

RPG Hero Academy: RPGHA for short, pretty much what you get when you combine Final Fantasy, Harry Potter, and Naruto. Also somewhat based on my spite lore for a Tortallan forum-based RPG that would probably make Tamora Pierce spin in her grave if she were dead. My only setting with no direct ties to JCGTL.

Alseide: Medieval fantasy setting similar to medieval/Renaissance Earth, but with steampunk and magitek technology and standard fantasy monsters. Notable as perhaps the only fantasy setting with a Fantasy Counterpart Culture to the Kingdom of Georgia, and for having many small stories instead of one big one. This is also where Mark Seaver’s Wayfarer (Pathfinder expy) campaigns are set in JCGTL.

Exoframe Chronicles (XFC): Real Robot sci-fi mecha setting, set in our solar system, which humanity has colonized as far out as Uranus. For this setting, I tend to focus more on the main antagonistic faction, the Maralean Empire, and mecha designs in general because I don’t really have a solid idea for a hero. Also exists as an in-universe anime in JCGTL.

Legend of Altheria: Sci-fantasy JRPG setting, similar to Alseide, but with a main storyline, albeit one that I haven’t been able to complete. Exists as an in-universe JRPG in JCGTL, and in the past of RPGHA.
