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Recap / Yu Gi Oh The Abridged Series S 4 E 7 A Convenient Truth

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"Thanks for putting down Pokémon GO for two seconds to watch this video."
Yami Yugi


  • Horseback Heroism: Yugi and Yami ride off to rescue Professor Hawkins, but Yami steals the big moment from Yugi.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Yugi's eyes briefly turn red once Rebecca tells him that her grandfather doesn't have time for children's card games.
    Joey: "You guys, Dartz must have kidnapped the professor for some reason."
    Tristan: "But, why?"
    Yugi: "Yeah, if they wanted him, they could have challenged him to a Duel and taken his soul."
    Rebecca: "Oh, my grandpa doesn't have time for children's card games."
    Yugi's eyes flash red
  • Running Gag: "WHO CARES, YUGI."
  • Self-Made Orphan: Looks like Rebecca's evil teddy bear from season one successfully sent her mother to hell to play some children's card games.
  • Shout-Out:
  • Stating the Simple Solution: Ultimately it takes Tristan using the card to successfully open the door.
    Tristan: "Boo-yah!"
    Joey: "Nice one, Tristan. How'd you get the door open?"
    Yami: "He must have used some manner of dark sorcery."
    Tristan: "No, I just flipped the card the other way."
    Yami: "Quiet, you sorcerer!"
  • Technologically Blind Elders: Yugi assumes the reason that the Hawkins house is blown up is due to her grandfather being bad with technology.
    Rebecca: Yugi, my grandpa... he... (cries, running into Yugi and hugging him)
    Yugi: There, there, Rebecca. Let me guess, your grandpa tried updating his iPhone and somehow managed to burn the house down. My grandpa does that all the time.
  • Timmy in a Well: Played for Laughs with Joey.
  • Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?: Yugi is hung up on Rebecca's name for her horse, Copernicus.
