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Recap / Re Boot S 3 E 10 The Edge Of Beyond

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With Ray Tracer leading the way, the Saucy Mare sails into the Web. However, Ray's interest in AndrAIa stokes Matrix's ire, leading to the game sprite being attacked by a Web creature. Now, the crew must find a way to save her, and there may be something besides creatures in the Web...

This episode has examples of

  • Big "NO!": Matrix after being sent flying by a Web creature.
  • Crazy Jealous Guy: Matrix is not happy with Ray hitting on AndrAIa.
  • Didn't See That Coming: Ray and later Matrix over encountering other beings in the Web.
  • Downer Ending: Matrix loses his trace of the Web creature, AndrAIa's health declines even further, and a mysterious horde is preparing to attack the Saucy Mare.
  • Eldritch Location: The Web is shown to be a chaotic region filled with deadly creatures and other hazards. Anyone or thing from the Net will immediately degrade, requiring the Saucy Mare to be properly shielded with the scales of dead Web creatures.
  • Heartbroken Badass: Matrix following AndrAIa being left comatose by the Web creature.
  • Hope Spot:
    • Ray is about to get what he needs from the given Web creature, only to suddenly be attacked by a rider.
    • Matrix soon experiences the same thing, but this time, the trace is lost in the process.
  • Noodle Incident: Ray says he knows from experience how killing a Web creature immediately kills the one it fed on.
  • Not Quite Dead: Ray is presumably lost in the Web, with only his board recovered. It turns out he was inside his board.
  • Synchronization: Ray stops Matrix from shooting the Web creature dead, saying it draining her energy has linked them in this way.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: Matrix tells Capacitor that there are others out there watching them and advises going to battle stations.
  • Wham Shot: Just as Eay gets within range of the desired Web creature, he sees another approaching creature and someone riding it.
  • What Are You: Matrix asks this to Ray, who replies, "A search engine, next generation."
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Ray over Matrix foolishly steering the ship into the data storm and nearly getting everyone killed. Capacitor soon joins in, saying he's only tolerating such behavior for Dot's sake.
