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Recap / Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers S2E23 The Ninja Encounter Part 2

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Rocky, Aisha, Adam, and Mr. Anderson, still trapped in the cave, are well on their way to the side of evil. Goldar summons the Snake Of Destruction, which slowly slithers around the four, and once it gets its grasp upon them all, will remove their goodness and free will. Aisha attempts to pick her cuffs' lock with a hairpin, and succeeds, only to have their escape thwarted. Lord Zedd, trying to distract the Rangers from tracking down the four, sends down not only the Terror Blossom monster but revives Hatchasaurus and Cardiatron.


  • Call-Back: Once again, Zack gets frozen in place by a monster barely five seconds into the "fight". Worse still is that Jason and Trini get stuck with him.
  • Defiant Captive: Rocky, Adam and Aisha are this, refusing to use their abilities for evil. So Goldar resorts to release a snake which will bite them and brainwash them into becoming evil.
  • Deus ex Machina: Terror Blossom recreating Hatchisaurus just to stall for time...despite Hatchy not being plant-related at all. At least Bloom of Doom or Octoplant would have been keeping with the plant motif, plus they still had the Invenusable Flytrap.
  • Hairpin Lockpick: Aisha uses this on the lock of her chains. It works and she, Adam, and Rocky fight off the Putties, only for Goldar to appear and put a stop to their escape attempt.
  • Same Character, But Different: More like the same monster, but different disposition. Hatchasaurus didn't speak in "Birds of a Feather" and was nothing a ravaging animal for Cardiatron to control but here Hatchy becomes a talkative generic villain with barely anything going for him. Not to mention, Cardiatron became the opposite.
  • Snakes Are Sinister: The Snake of Destruction causes whoever is bitten to irrevocably become an evil slave to Zedd's will.
  • The Voiceless: As mentioned before, Cardiatron lost his voice since his last appearance whereas Hatchasaurus gained more coherence.
