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Recap / Hamster & Gretel S1E40 "Crimson Haste Makes Waste"

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As Kevin, Fred and Anthony help Hiromi with making a commercial for a product named Mustanchup as part of a contest, the four hear of a string of super-fast thefts. After Kevin, Fred, Hamster and Gretel find out it's Crimson Haste, a villain that gave Hamster and Gretel the slip earlier, the superheroes are determined to catch her this time.


  • Bittersweet Ending: In the end, the executives decide that the commercial contest is a failure and make Mustanchup an engine coolant like they originally intended, which means Kevin and his friends went through all that hard work for nothing. However, they did help Hamster and Gretel catch Crimson Haste with the help of their camera.
  • Burning Rubber: Going into turbo mode lets Crimson Haste run so fast that she leaves a trail of fire... and lets cows and cars get carried by her wind.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Or rather, Chekhov's Disclaimer: in the commercial, the teens have to inform that Mustanchup must be kept away from fire, or it will harden like concrete. This little detail allows Hamster and Gretel to finally catch Crimson Haste after her legs are covered in the stuff, given her Burning Rubber tendencies.
  • Cordon Bleugh Chef: Mustanchup is a combination of mustard, ranch dressing and ketchup. It was never even meant to be eaten; the original plan was to sell it as an engine coolant.
  • Eye of Newt: Possibly a light jab on emulsifiers, Mustanchup contains some downright incomprehensible-sounding ingredients such as "artificial glorbitate".
  • Face Plant: Performed by Crimson Haste when the Mustanchup on her lower half hardens.
  • Goofy Suit: Fred, Anthony and Hiromi wear condiment dispenser costumes for the commercial.
  • Losing a Shoe in the Struggle: In this case, Gretel loses both her shoes while chasing Crimson Haste. Gretel's socks are also badly damaged as well.
  • "Shaggy Dog" Story: In the end, the manufacturers of Mustanchup deem their commercial contest a massive failure and decide to rebrand the product as an engine coolant like they initially intended.
  • Super-Speed: Crimson Haste, natch. She's so fast that when she "goes turbo", she creates a sonic boom.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Prior to Crimson Haste, there already was a super-fast female villain clad in a reddish color, who made a prior minor appearance in "Superhero Sibling Rivalry" and even appeared on the Rogues Gallery poster among several other major villains, but sadly went unnamed.
  • Take That!: The repulsive-sounding and seemingly inedible Mustanchup is one to the trend of “combination condiments” that no one seems to have asked for, like Mayostard, Mayochup, etc.
