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Recap / Burn Notice S 5 E 4 No Good Deed

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While Michael works with Max to intercept some files on a stolen tablet computer, Barry asks the gang to help his brother, who is having problems with a hacker.

  • Almost Dead Guy: Mike shows up just in time for Max to say goodbye to his wife. Justified, since this was a very careful Frame-Up and Mike had to be present just as Max died to make it most plausible that Mike was the one who killed him.
  • Beware the Cute Ones: The hacker is a petite redhead. She also has no problems ruining peoples lives or just torturing them for information.
  • Black Sheep: Barry's the criminal of the family. He even calls himself "Black Sheep Barry".
  • Casanova Wannabe: Mike's minisidle is as a nonstop creep who once got picked up by the cops trying to pick up some jailbait.
  • Frame-Up: The episode ends with Mike framed for Max's murder.
  • Groin Attack: Fi shoots Griffin in the nards with a beanbag round.
  • Oh, Crap!: "When things go wrong, they go very wrong." The hacker figures out Mike's escrow account is fake, drugs him with ketamine, then takes him back to her place for a Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique.
  • Properly Paranoid: This episode proves that Mike was right to think the organization that burned him isn't quite dead.
  • Sacrificial Lion: Poor Max. He lasted four episodes and spent each one proving he was a decent guy.
  • Strange Minds Think Alike: "Barry's brother? My god, there's two of them?"
