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Recap / Babylon Berlin S 4 E 2

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As a dead man on a park bench in the Tiergarten grabs the attention of the homicide squad, Toni gets caught and Charlotte makes a terrible decision. Charlotte conceals evidence of her sister's culpability in the department store robbery, and as a result is fired from the Berlin police. Meanwhile, it is revealed that Gereon is not really a Nazi. He is conducting The Infiltration of the Berlin SA.


  • Affair Hair: One piece of evidence brought forward to incriminate Toni in the robbery case is a red hair found on the jacket she left behind.
  • Drowning My Sorrows: Charlotte heads over to My Local to get drunk after being fired from her job.
  • Incriminating Indifference: The irritated look on Gereon and The Coroner's faces when the wife of the killed Friedhelm Oelschläger doesn't show any signs of mourning while Identifying the Body.
  • The Reveal: The audience learns that Gereon was tasked to infiltrate the SA as The Mole and doesn't actually share their worldview.
  • Slashed Throat: Friedhelm Oelschläger was killed this way, apparently by someone who knows how to handle a scalpel.
  • Stress Vomit: Gereon vomits in the bathroom after the autopsy of the elderly man.
  • Trashcan Bonfire: Toni's fellow child thieves are shown huddling around a trashcan bonfire in an abandoned building. Toni is kicked out of the group when she returns without either her boyfriend (who died in the robbery) or any jewels.
  • Turn in Your Badge: Charlotte gets fired from her job at the police station and has to hand over her badge to her superior.
