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Quotes / Workout Fanservice

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Dr. Crusher: You're certainly limber this morning.
Plinkett: Oh, yeah, she is limber. (That's right, honey pie, work that business.)

I completely forgot that Dame Joan was in a commercial for Holiday Health Club in the olden days. Dame Joan is auctioning off the deflated purple satin bundt cake headband she wore on her head and the exquisite leotard that hugged her pristine oyster. Julien’s estimates that it will get $400 to $600. That must be a major typo. That estimate is missing a whole lot of zeroes. I mean, that leotard has touched Dame Joan’s goddess crotch. It should get at least $60,000,000.

The reason we think of Muscle Beach was a bunch off muscular men lifting weights in Speedo-style trunks is because that's largely became in later years - after the acrobats who made up the tapestry of Muscle Beach's first decade moved on.
Maria Metzger Rose, Muscle Beach: Where the Best Bodies in the World Started a Fitness Revolution

Sometimes on an oppressively hot day, she would throw together an improvised picnic lunch - a couple of cold franks, a tomato, half a lettuce and take a bus to Muscle Beach. Jim had shown her where it was one Sunday. He believed in keeping fit and did some calisthenics everyday, but he told her how he told her those "muscle boys" have gone around the bend. When one of the young men tried to make conversation with her, she raised her hand with her wedding band, then smiled to show there were no hard feelings.

Of course, this has to be Dougherty's memory of what she had told him after coming back from such a day and it is possible she had secret flirtations with one. But we may as well accept her story as true, for it is likely she would have been transfixed by the narcissism of the weightlifters. Such shamelessness at slaving openly for one's own beauty had to suggest possibilities for herself.
Norman Mailer, Marilyn: a biography
