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Quotes / Chronically Killed Actor

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I was a widow at the end of every picture.
James Cagney's wife

Like Bryan Singer in a bathhouse hot tub, the Predator strikes, introducing us all in the process to 18th rule of 80's action: To cast Bill Paxton is to kill Bill Paxton.
The Rageaholic on the actor's character facing off against the titular alien only for the obvious to happen, Predator 2

"So far I've been shot 6 times, (by a Gatling gun, & by a U-Boat), eaten by sharks, hurled over the Reichenbach Falls, bludgeon with a chair leg, roasted by Mt. Vesuvius, hung twice, & died in my sleep. But my personal favourite — being split in half by the space time continuum."

It seemed my fate to be cast in iconic British television shows but not to survive much beyond three episodes.
Ian Ogilvy, Once A Saint: An Actor's Memoir

In fact, I think the only reason Boromir never came back is because Sean Bean has it in his contract that he has to die in every single role that he's in, and stay dead!
