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Quotes / Atomic Robo

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Baron Heinrich von Helsingard: Why must we always resort to brutalizing one another? Are we not men of SCIENCE?
Atomic Robo: I'm a robot and you're a brain in a jar. Is this a trick question?

"New plan. Drive away forever."

"An astronomer can enjoy a long and meaningful career continually proving Einstein correct. But prove him wrong, and future astronomers will enjoy long, meaningful careers proving you correct."

"I really need to restructure my life so I can spend more time reading abstracts and less time punching dinosaurs."

"Stop your dawdling, spirit! Progress is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent assassination!"

"I wear pants because it's the law."
Robo, as quoted in an in-universe newspaper article

"Angering powerful people in charge of shadowy organizations is pretty much my hobby."

Mariana: You have this whole other layer of history.
Robo: There's an assumption, I think, that being an ageless super robot billionaire mad scientist on a remote island makes me feel alone. It doesn't. But sometimes? That layer does.

Bernard: There's no way back, is there. To a normal life, I mean.
Lang: Sure there is, Bernie. All we gotta do is shut down the secret police backed by every terrifying government shadow agency ever. What could go wrong?
