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Playing With / STD Immunity

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Basic Trope: Nobody need ever worry about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), no matter how much unprotected sex they have.

  • Straight: Alice Really Gets Around, but never gets any STDs.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice Really Gets Around. She gets pregnant once, has a pregnancy scare a second time, and discusses hormonal birth control on several occasions. No one ever so much breathes a word about STDs.
    • Alice lives in The Dung Ages. Condoms don't exist, and neither do other modern contraceptive methods, and Alice and most of her partners are ... chronically unwashed, and germ theory isn't a thing. Yet neither Alice nor any of her partners nor anyone else ever contracts an STD. As for contraception, Alice either takes her chances, or uses questionable herbs from the village midwife.
  • Downplayed:
    • STDs are occasionally mentioned — in the context of side characters, and only as a joke.
    • Someone gets an STD, but because they have a Healing Factor, it's no big deal.
    • STDs are a mild annoyance, a few pills or a cream and everything will be good.
  • Justified:
    • Alice lives in modern times, and is very careful about safe sex. STDs aren't explicitly discussed, but Alice's carefulness with condoms is.
    • Alice lives in an RPG Mechanics 'Verse, and has Immunity to Disease as a class feature/feat/perk/advantage.
    • Alice lives in a Free-Love Future where most major STDs have been (somehow) eradicated like smallpox.
  • Inverted: STDs are frequently discussed, and some characters have them. It's a big subject of the story.
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted:
    • ...and finds out she doesn't have one. She's happy, and never mentions them again.
    • Later she adds that she doesn't worry about sexually transmitted diseases, either.
  • Parodied: While preparing to have sex, Alice asks Bob about STDs. He laughs, and tells Alice they have Plot Armor protecting them. She laughs and agrees.
  • Zig-Zagged: Alice Really Gets Around with men, women, and nonbinary people who have varying levels of risk of STDs. She's lucky not to contract STDs from some of her infected partners, gets a few low-level STDs from others that she gets cleared up soon enough, but somehow she gets AIDS after sleeping with the squeaky-clean Adam.
  • Averted: STDs exist.
  • Enforced: Everybody Has Lots of Sex, and if even one character had an STD, everyone would have it. The writers don't want to deal with that, so they leave out STDs altogether.
  • Lampshaded: "I know I'm so lucky I've never had an STD."
  • Invoked: Science comes up with new treatments and cures for STDs that currently exist (chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes, HPV, HIV, etc.), and vaccines to prevent them in the first place.
  • Exploited:
    • Alice knows that STD Immunity is in effect, and so she doesn't need to worry about them.
    • Since Alice doesn't have to worry about STDs, Alice becomes a High-Class Call Girl or a porn star. She doesn't just get to have sex (which she loves), she also gets paid for it.
  • Defied: Even though science has made sex a lot safer, people are still wary, so it doesn't change society's sexual mores or politics.
  • Implied: Alice Really Gets Around, and for an unrelated reason goes to the doctor for a thorough medical examination that would reasonably include STD testing. She is in perfect health.
  • Discussed: "Have you ever gotten tested for STDs?" "No. C'mon, who's ever actually gotten one?"
  • Conversed: "Why does no one on TV ever get STDs?"
  • Played for Laughs: Alice avoids getting STDs through highly improbable circumstances that make her and her friends and family laugh.
  • Played for Drama: Betty contracts herpes the first time she has sex. She knows that Alice has a long history of unprotected sex but has never had any STDs, which makes her deeply jealous.

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