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Playing With / Mooning

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Basic Trope: A character exposes his (or more rarely her) buttocks, often as a show of contempt or as a joke.

  • Straight: Bob exposes his buttocks in front of a large crowd.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Bob exposes his buttocks and becomes an international sensation thanks to the Internet.
    • Several characters participate in a "mass mooning."
  • Downplayed:
  • Justified:
    • Bob disagrees with the victim(s) of his mooning, and does this to show contempt for them or their viewpoint.
    • Bob is trying to be funny.
    • Bob is trying to show off his assets.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
    • Bob is in an argument or fight with Charles, and remembers his pastor telling him about Turn the Other Cheek.
    • Bob didn't do it on purpose; he was wearing a kilt on a windy day.
  • Double Subverted:
    • Bob takes it a bit too literally and ends up presenting his... rebuttal.
    • Bob later gets into an argument with Alice, quotes the above line... and is mooned by her instead.
  • Parodied:
  • Zig Zagged: Bob moons Dave, Sam and Kate, was about to moon Alice but is mooned by her first, and thinks about mooning C'thulhu but quickly thinks better of it.
  • Averted: Bob does not expose his buttocks.
  • Enforced:
    • Rule of Funny
    • The creators want an excuse for Bob to show off his buttocks.
    • "We want to demonstrate that Bob is an immature jerk, and having him show contempt by baring his backside at someone would be an effective means of making that clear."
  • Lampshaded:
    • "Here's the biggest moon of Uranus!
    • "I'd like to present my rebuttal" —> cue the sound of trousers dropping
    • "I'm not mooning! I'm turning the other cheek!"
  • Invoked: Bob is in a Cavemen Versus Astronauts Debate
  • Exploited:
    • One of the people Bob is mooning, or a friend who's sick of his shenanigans, applies a Literal Ass-Kicking.
    • Someone shoves Bob, pulls off his pants and underpants and runs away, leaving him half naked.
  • Defied:
    • Someone challenges Bob to pull this stunt, but he sternly refuses because it'd be crude and tasteless according to his personal standards.
    • "I sure would like to flash my bare behind at that jerk, but seeing how he reacts just isn't worth getting in trouble for indecent exposure."
  • Discussed: "I still can't believe Bob mooned The Pope!"
  • Conversed: "Can't Bob think of any other, more mature and intelligent way of expressing himself?!"
  • Implied: We don't see the butt of the joke, but we do hear Bob unzipping his pants, as well as seeing Dave's reaction and a few frames of him pulling his pants back up.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Bob exposes his buttocks to his Russian friend Nikolai, but due to Values Dissonance Nikolai responds with "What the hell, Bob?!", calls him gay and does not want to talk to him anymore.
    • Bob moons the crowd. Some person with fast enough reaction takes a picture of Bob's buttocks and posts them at the Internet. This makes Bob's social life quite awkward.
    • Bob drops his pants just as a cop shows up. He's promptly arrested.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Bob manages to explain Nikolai the point of mooning prank. Though Nikolai seems not pleased by local traditions, he understands Bob's point. Since then, Bob only pulls this prank on people who would not misinpterpret it.
    • Bob turns his buttocks into performance and becomes known in some circles.
  • Played For Laughs: When Bob moons everyone, the men are disgusted but the women like what they see.

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