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Playing With / Mooks

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Basic Trope: Evil soldiers that exist to be killed.

  • Straight: Emperor Evulz has several soldiers that exist for no other purpose than to be killed by Alice.
  • Exaggerated: Evulz has millions of soldiers, all of whom are killed.
  • Downplayed:
    • Evulz has soldiers; however, some are severely injured instead of killed.
    • The mooks aren’t necessarily that easy to kill and take about a medium amount of effort to do so.
  • Justified:
    • Evulz needs an army to guard his castle.
    • Evulz's army is composed of people with little to no combat training nor experience, because training would cost money and Evulz is a cheapskate.
  • Inverted:
    • Alice has clones of Bob to guard her mansion. While Evulz is breaking into her mansion, Bob's clones kill him in minutes.
    • Red Shirt
  • Subverted: The soldiers look like they are going to be killed by Alice... but they kill her easily instead.
  • Double Subverted: It was a dummy, and Alice is right behind them. She kills them afterward.
  • Parodied: The soldiers have the words "PLEASE KILL THIS PERSON" on their armor.
  • Zig-Zagged: Some mooks are easy to kill, and other ones aren’t.
  • Averted: Evulz doesn't have an army.
  • Enforced: The creators wanted an army for Evulz.
  • Lampshaded:
    • "What's with these evil but easy to kill soldiers?"
    • "Alice is killing so many of my soldiers! This always happens in these Disney movies!"
  • Invoked: "What do I do? Alice is planning to break into my castle to kill me!" "Maybe hire some soldiers?" "But what if they're not trained?" "Whatever, at least she'll waste her time to get to your throne, Evulz."
  • Exploited: Alice forces the soldiers to be on her side or she'll kill them.
  • Defied: Evulz hires trained professional soldiers to kill Alice, and they successfully kill her.
  • Discussed: "Man, I hope these soldiers aren't weak and actually doing their job of killing Alice."
  • Conversed: "It is honestly unbelievable on how fast Alice can kill these “soldiers” in this movie. I mean, what kind of dunce is Evulz is for hiring these guys?”
  • Deconstructed: The soldiers, tired of being killed, defect to Alice's side.
  • Reconstructed: The soldiers are then killed by Evulz, and replaced with fresh ones.
  • Played for Laughs: Alice kills the soldiers in absurd ways, such as forcing them to stay in a room with a speaker playing bad songs until their ears bleed to death, and forcing them to watch their least favorite movie to death.
  • Played for Drama: After Alice kills the soldiers, one soldier remarks on the last days with his family, before realizing that it'll be over soon, and decides to Go Out with a Smile.
  • Played for Horror: Alice kills the soldiers in brutal ways, such as gouging their eyes out, impaling their crotch, and smashing their heads.

Back to Mooks after easily killing the army of evil minions that was guarding it.
