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Playing With / Moose Are Idiots

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Basic Trope: Moose are portrayed as unintelligent animals.

  • Straight: Marvin the Moose is notably dim-witted and airheaded, especially compared to other animals.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Marvin is the logical extreme of being Too Dumb to Live.
    • Any breed relating to moose is portrayed as ultimate dimwits.
  • Downplayed: Marvin is a Cloud Cuckoolander or simply a bit eccentric in some way, but calling him stupid would be a bit of an overstatement.
  • Justified: Marvin never paid attention in school nor had any street smarts in the first place.
  • Inverted:
    • Marvin is an brainiac aside from other mooses with average intelligence.
    • Moose are portrayed like their real-life counterparts with being moderately intelligent.
  • Subverted: Marvin was Obfuscating Stupidity the whole time for some devious plan of his.
  • Double Subverted: ...which shows that he's actually even more of a moron than he acts!
  • Parodied:
  • Zig-Zagged: Marvin's intelligence varies depending on the writer.
  • Averted:
    • There is nothing unique about the intelligence of any of the moose.
    • Moose aren't in the work.
  • Enforced: "We need a species for our dumb comic relief character, what should they be?" "How about a moose? They're pretty funny-looking."
  • Lampshaded: "Gee, it's like the writers like portraying moose as stupid creatures just because cows used to portrayed as idiots as well."
  • Invoked: In a show where there were all of the cows that are portrayed as fun-loving goofballs, mooses were also portrayed as dullards while deers were perceived as nitwitted, imbecilic buffoons.
  • Exploited:
    • Professor Drachenstein tries taking over the world, and one of the most manipulative tactics he'd use to make people or even animals follow his orders is first getting both mooses and deers to reduce their intelligence for Drachenstein's advantages with brainwashing those around them.
    • Marvin the Moose, who is actually an eccentric genius, sees how his brethren and moose residents are a not so bright pack who show how gullible they are after seeing how they followed whatever the manipulative wild rangers told them to do so blindly and Marvin eventually tries to tell them how unaware they were in a rather proactive way with convincing his people about educating themselves when he founded a history center about the wilderness to learn more about the rangers where no person was around when Marvin also used their obsessions with fruits as a reward for herding as a pack as a defensive force. In which was where Marvin's success was also done to actually try getting back at the wild rangers for finding more about their malicious behavior out of the wilderness.
  • Defied: Marvin informs himself, where he is so intelligent that he goes to college to get smarter.
  • Discussed: "That's weird that cartoon moose are always seen as stupid."
  • Conversed:
    "Marvin the Moose being one of the many anthro moose characters that were portrayed as goofy idiots has had been a common trope after a certain cartoon moose has enforced the trope. Just like how after Disney's Goofy & other examples with cartoon mutts enforced their own trope with dumbness."
  • Implied: Marvin is The Ghost, but is often described as a "dumb moose" by anyone.
  • Played for Laughs: Marvin J. Moose is portrayed as a comedic idiot.
  • Played for Horror: Marvin is The Brute and will always chase his prey no matter what. His Dumb Muscle tendencies have singlehandedly wiped out a village.

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