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Playing With / Loony Laws

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Basic Trope: Weird laws.

  • Straight: Tropeville has laws against allowing monkeys to sleep in bathtubs and wearing yellow on Wednesdays.
  • Exaggerated: All of Tropeville's laws are downright weird, including "no reading signs". They're very heavily enforced, too.
  • Downplayed:
    • Tropeville has a law against driving a tractor while drunk. While it's weird that the law is this specific, it is a legitimate danger and most places already have laws about operating any vehicle while intoxicated.
    • Tropeville has some specific laws, but no one really pays attention to them.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: ???
  • Subverted: The law against allowing monkeys to sleep in bathtubs was misinterpreted. It's actually a law against keeping monkeys as pets, which is a fairly sensible law.
  • Double Subverted: But it's still illegal to wear yellow on Wednesdays. This is never specified.
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zig-Zagged: (Continuing from Double Subverted) It's later mentioned that wearing yellow on Wednesdays was historically a tradition only done by the town's officials, not the common people. However, this tradition has since fallen out of practice, but the immortal Hanging Judge of the town has a preference for attaching it to the list of crimes in any judgement he is personally overseeing in order to increase (or ensure) punishments.
  • Averted: All of the laws in Tropeville make complete sense.
  • Enforced: There are several odd laws in Real Life, so the creators of the series wanted to acknowledge that.
  • Lampshaded: ???
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: The town's lawmakers realize that these laws are unnecessary and repeal them.
  • Discussed:
    • "Why can't we wear yellow on Wednesdays and allow monkeys to sleep in bathtubs? What if only my socks or underwear was yellow? Where would I even get a monkey anyway? What if a monkey chooses to sleep in a bathtub, would I have to make him leave?"
    • "What the hell happened to make them pass that law in the first place?"
  • Conversed: "You know what's funny? In Denver, Colorado, you can't drive a black car on Sunday."
  • Played for Laughs: The weird laws are played for Surreal Humor.
  • Played for Drama:
  • Played for Horror: Bob wears yellow on a Wednesday in Tropeville, and just for that suffers a horrifying public execution.

Back to Loony Laws, but please remember that you have to wear a silly hat first.
