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Nightmare Fuel / The Scooby-Doo Project

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"Like, why do we have to do these things when it's almost dark?"
WARNING: Spoilers are unmarked.
While The Scooby-Doo Project is intended to be comedic (and for the most part, it succeeds), the fact that it is a mostly faithful parody of The Blair Witch Project, often cited as one of the scariest movies ever made, means that there are some genuinely creepy moments scattered throughout. In fact, this special scared so many kids, that Cartoon Network never aired it again.
  • The scene in which it initially seems that Scooby has vanished, similarly to Josh's disappearance in the movie.
  • Fred's freakout, while also rather funny, is still somewhat unnerving.
  • The ending, which implies that the gang died. Fred's interview with Moltar later explains that they didn't... ...but doesn't really clarify what the hell was up with the monster from the end. The segment with the interview also isn't part of the parody, it was part of another bumper entirely. So those who saw the original Scooby Doo Project broadcast or found it years later like most didn't get that much-needed ease of tension.
  • After the "monster" is unmasked as some random guy who was tired of kids coming to his house on Halloween asking for candy, the gang asks why he scared them the previous night in the cemetery. He quickly states he never went to the cemetery, at which point the REAL monster emerges at the window.
  • Some of the noises outside the tent are genuinely disturbing, mostly because it's ambiguous what could possibly sound like that.
