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Nightmare Fuel / Quake Champions

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  • Slash's "Darque" costume has plenty of accesories (sharp objects, spikes...) you would usually find in nightmares and evil guys. But those eyes in her "Unknowable Sights" head accesory are frightening, to say the least...
  • Most of Visor's costumes have the Strogg vibe around, with plenty of flesh and skin being jointed with all kinds of tech.
    • His "Psionic" costume. Its description says that the project was terminated when he convinced a team of researchers to rip out their own organs.
    • His "Metals of Honor" armor accesory for the "Eternal" costume. Those skulls... and even THAT skull in the back!
    • "Visor Prime", the costume awarded for completing his Lore. Take a look at his helmet. ANOTHER frightening skull to the list.
    • Even his default costume has the horrific note that another soldier that underwent the process he did was taken in for experimentation, only to find that behind the titular visor was... nothing. Their facial and skeletal structures are just an inarticulate mess of gore beneath it.
  • One of Ranger's equipment items is his face, ice-blue and frozen in a permanent scream. According to the description, this is the result of continued exposure to the Quad Damage rune's energies. Considering in Quake 1 alone you find a hefty amount of them, he may not be far from that being his default.
  • Keel is, for all intents and purposes, a man resurrected as a Cyborg.
    • The K-9000 costume is even more unnerving, its description says that Keel lost all traces of humanity and became pure machine. The skin even looks like a T-1000 with armor.
