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Nightmare Fuel / Mary and Max

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  • Mary's suicide attempt, especially when you notice halfway through that she's pregnant when she does it, all while Pink Martini's haunting cover of "Que Sera, Sera" blares in the background.
  • Mary finally visits Max and cuddles up next to his corpse. It's meant to be (and is) a heartwarming moment in-film but it just sounds outright unsettling on paper.
  • Max's flashback to an incident in his youth, where he was cornered by a bunch of antisemitic children chanting "Jew boy" at him from offscreen. No wonder he has such a massive panic attack.
  • Vera accidentally drinking formaldehyde after mistaking it for sherry. Made worse by the slow, chanting Leitmotif and the fact that similar incidents have happened in Real Life. And then there's the violent gasping and choking noises she makes as she dies offscreen.
  • After Max recalls that his mother shot herself when he was six years old, it's followed by the deafening sound of a gunshot whilst the screen does an abrupt Smash to Black.
