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Funny / Ni no Kuni

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Oliver initially refuses the Call to Adventure, much to Drippy's consternation. After Ollie sheepishly apologizes and explains he can't do it, Drippy guesses why, in a line so brutally blunt, in a tone that's the verbal equivalent of an eye roll directed at a young boy who just lost his only parent, it Crosses the Line Twice and slams headlong into hilarity.
    Drippy: Because your mum dropped dead?
    Oliver: (completely stunned) Yeah.
  • When Oliver learns the Form Familiar spell and summons his familiar for the first time, the first thing it does is bop him on the head with the flat of its sword, for no real reason.
  • Meeting the Great Sage Solomon starts with Oliver blundering. He addresses the first person he sees, thinking that he's the sage. Nope, that guy was the right-hand man to Solomon. Solomon looks like a little kid in spite of his age and is astonished that Rashaad grew up and started a family.
  • Getting the cauldron back from Swaine. Drippy has to carry the thing. Yikes. Do we have to mention the silly cutscene and boss fight that happen once Oliver says the magic words to unlock that cauldron?
  • The whole Fairygrounds scenario. From the Smiley n' Surly skit to the journey into the Fairy Godmother's tummy and getting "reborn", you are bound to laugh at least one time or more.
  • Swaine's Deadpan Snarker attitude causes a few moments, but his reaction to finding out Shadar was really a Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds really takes the cake:
    Swaine: "He could've fooled me."
  • Pretty much anything Drippy says is comedic gold, though his interaction to seeing his mother again deserves special mention.
  • When the party encounters a thieving mouse on Ding Dong Dell, he proceeds to surprisingly reveal he knows about Oliver and how he still sleeps with his stuffed doll. Oliver angrily replies that he hasn't brought Mr. Drippy to bed in almost a year.
  • You can have Oliver talk with Drippy on the field. When not commenting on something related to the plot or the nature of the current location, he's a fountain of dry humor:
    Is there something stuck to my face? Besides the flipping lantern I mean, you cheeky so-and-so!
    You talking to me or chewing a brick? Sorry, mun. Just wanted to try and sound tough. Pretty convincing, eh?
    What's up? Sorry, mun—if it's a pep talk youer after, I'm a bit short of wise words at the moment. Got a few unwise ones if you fancy them...
    Give over, mun! Stop staring at me like that! Youer giving me the flipping willies!
    I don't know what it is you want me to tell you, mun, but I'm afraid I can't help you.
    Never fear, Drippy's here! Whether he likes it or not...
