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Funny / Dragon Quest VI

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  • Many Party Chat lines:
    • Milly notes that people often raise their voices when near loud places like waterfalls, Carver...
      • Carver's reaction to the same event (an old man yelling because he can't hear himself over the waterfall): I WAS TELLING THE OLD MAN THAT wait, why am I yelling at you, [hero]?
    • Anything Carver says, really.
      • On living in houses: "Martial artists are so intense, we live in tents!"
      • On the use of Ra's mirror to defeat Murdaw: "I can think of a lot of uses for that mirror. We can blind him, or hit him over the head, or, uh... See, two uses!"
      • On nightmares: He had one where his head turned into an apple pie.
      • On Tania's charms being enough to stop any monster in its tracks: "Her feminine charms? What, like her earrings?"
      • On hearing a particularly lame joke: "Hardy har! ... Wait, I don't get it."
      • On hearing one that's even worse ("There's none more fun than a nun with a pun!"), he breaks down into hysterical laughter.
      • On hearing King Somnus's sword can split a hair: "That's nothing, I can split a skull with a kick!"
      • On passing a checkpoint: "More territories to tame, more monsters to massacre!"
      • On hearing an old man saying tough guys don't last long in Felonia: "Whoa! I better watch out, I'm the toughest guy around!"
      • On reading a sign that reads "Without brains, there can be no brawn": "What's that say? I can't read it over my muscles."
      • NPC: "The eggnote  shall hatch! It bears a new era!" Carver: "Huh. I didn't realize eras hatched from eggs."
    • On hearing a merchant claim a "net loss" is scarier than any monster: "'Net loss', huh? If ever I meet one, I'll teach it the meaning of 'tooth loss' with a kick to the jaw".
    • One visiting Weaver Peak: "Seems like the air here breeds hardy folk. So what's your excuse, [hero]?"
      • "I don't know squat about keeping Yggdrasil healthy. I mean, I can barely pronounce the word. Iggydrazzle? Iggdrowsy? Ah, close enough."
      • On a view from a cliff: "Spit over the edge, [Hero]. It's fun."
      • On Felonia getting a new king: "New king, aye? Did they have a cootie tat... Uh, I mean a coup day toe... Er, an uprisin'?"
  • After learning that the world above is the world of dreams, Carver (yes, Carver) starts philosophizing over whether he's real or the dream self of the real him.
  • Nevan has many Covert Pervert moments, which he immediately covers up by saying he's going to pray. Given that "I pray for" is his standard answer to just about everything, one can't help but wonder...
  • During the attack on Weaver's Peak, one farmer has this particularly inspired battle cry: "I'm gonna cut through you like a row of turnips!"
    • And afterwards, when a villager thanks the Goddess that their looms are safe and sound...
  • Most of the monsters' names are atrociously hilarious puns. A cloud enemy called hell niño, batatouilles, gustblusters, low djinks, stinkerbells, bad karmor, ghastropods...
  • One of the first NPCs you have to rescue is hanging for dear life above a precipice. If you're feeling sociopathic, keep saying no to hear him say "That's not my hand! It's a tree root! Grab my hand! My hand!" and "I said my hand, not my hat! It's not bolted to my head, you clod! Grab my hand!".
  • Your majesty, you're... you're a woman.
  • If you take Nokturnus with you to defeat Mortamor, a Curb-Stomp Battle will ensue.
  • Every monster and boss has unique sprite except Terry. He uses only an absurdly upscaled version of his overworld sprite. In the DS remake, however, he gets proper sprites and animation.
