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Comic Book / Power Rangers Turbo vs. Beetleborgs Metallix

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Power Rangers Turbo vs. Beetleborgs Metallix is a comic book crossover between Power Rangers Turbo, the fifth season of Power Rangersnote , and Beetleborgs Metallix, the second season of Beetleborgsnote .


  • Combining Mecha: To fight the changelings' Fusion Dance, the Turbo Rangers combine their Turbozords with the Beetleborgs' Battle Vehicles to form the Ultra Mega Turbo Beetle Battlezord with Turbo R.A.M. Metallix Mode.
  • Defeat Equals Explosion: As ever, this is played straight when the changeling Fusion Dance is destroyed.
  • Designated Girl Fight: During the battle between the real Rangers and the Beetleborgs, Yellow Ranger Tanya and Pink Ranger Kat fight Jo, the Platinum Purple Beetleborg.
  • Fusion Dance: The eight changelings combine into a giant Megazord-like monster.
  • Let's You and Him Fight: Having been attacked by their respective duplicates, the Turbo Rangers and Metallix Beetleborgs meet each other in a brief battle before they work out the truth.
  • Make My Monster Grow: The changelings combine together to reach Megazord size.
  • Mutually Fictional: Power Rangers is a television show in the Beetleborgs world, while the Beetleborgs are comic book characters in the Power Rangers world, just as they were initially in their own world.
  • No Honor Among Thieves: Both Divatox and Nukus plan to betray the other after they have destroyed the heroes of their respective worlds together, but they never get the opportunity to do so.
  • One-Winged Angel: After they are exposed as phonies, the changelings change their form to incorporate elements of the opppsing team: The "Turbo Rangers" become the Beetle Rangers Turbo, while the "Beetleborgs" become the "Big Bad Power Ranger Borgs Metallix".
  • Power Trio: The Metallix Beetleborgs.
  • The Psycho Rangers: The evil changelings, who transform into doubles of both the Power Rangers and the Beetleborgs.
  • Versus Title: Justified by the temporary conflict between the Power Rangers and Beetleborgs, caused by their copies attacking the other.
  • Villain Team-Up: Divatox and Nukus, nemeses of the Power Rangers and Beetleborgs respectively, collaborate in a bid to destroy the two teams of heroes.
