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Awesome / Watchmen (2019)

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  • The raid on the Seventh Kavalry property in Episode 1. Judd and Pirate Jenny are communicating with Sister Night and the other officers from what appears to be a surveillance van. Then, one of the Kavalry escapes in a plane, Angela calls for support, and it's revealed that Judd and Jenny aren't in a surveillance van at all, but a fully functional Owlship, which goes after the plane with flame-throwers ablaze. After spending the episode with only small references to the comic, seeing this was glorious, even if the Owlship ends up crashing to earth only moments later.
  • In Episode 3, there is the sight of Adrian Veidt in a comic accurate recreation of his old Ozymandias outfit.
  • The flashback in Episode 5 reveals the one thing that Zack Snyder wouldn't touch with his otherwise largely-faithful adaptation: the corpse of the giant squid, in all its gory glory.
  • The show is bold enough to reveal Hooded Justice as a completely different person than the few canon hints have provided, a black cop who finally got fed up with the systemic racism he witnessed and took on a white identity to use their own violent tactics against them, finally just snapping and murdering a whole group of Klansmen.
  • The writers really top themselves with "An Almost Religious Awe":
  • "A God Walks Into Abar" puts Dr. Manhattan back in action, teleporting onto the front lawn to save Angela's life and casually annihilating a small squad of Seventh Kavalry goons.
  • Adrian Veidt goads the Game Warden into shooting him, collapses when the shot rings out, and then reveals the bullet between his fingers, a trick that was challenging enough to him that he avoided performing it in his prime. He then stabs the Warden with the horseshoe, tells him he wasn't a worthy adversary, and strides to the rocket sent for him, all in costume. His sanity may have slipped on Europa, but his skills never did.
  • Lady Trieu reveals that the entire Seventh Kavalry was nothing but a pathetic Big Bad Wannabe all along, simply carrying out her own plan and never having a chance of achieving their own goals, before casually killing them all. Nothing of value was lost.
  • After nearly 35 years, Laurie finally gets to bring Adrian Veidt to justice, with a full confession that in his arrogance he never thought could come back to bite him. Wade helping her adds to this due to the lifelong trauma that his squid attack had on him.
  • After deducing that his daughter will abuse Dr. Manhattan’s powers, Ozymandias gets to work stopping her as soon as the opportunity presents itself, ultimately saving the day. And unlike the last time he did so, on this occasion he does so without murdering millions of innocent people.
