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Awesome / Scooby-Doo! Legend of the Phantosaur

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  • After hearing the keyword, Shaggy beats up an entire gang of biker thugs. At least twenty guys, all of them a lot beefier than him, without taking a scratch. Here's the scene where that happens. A fan-edited edition with DBS's music and effects can be seen here. No, that Ultra Instinct Shaggy video was not exaggerating.
    • The best part: Shaggy suddenly became a super-good fighter because of hypnosis. So, what was its effect? Did it make him faster, did it give him the skills of a martial arts master, did it...? Nope. It just turned off his cowardice. That's all. That was just normal Shaggy when he's not afraid.
    • As far as we see, Shaggy doesn't even throw a single punch... because he doesn't need to. He simply trips them up, redirects them into each other, uses improvised objects to stop them in place/push them away, and only occasionally uses more physical means (like keeping one guy in a headlock as he returns the trophy) - in other words, he was barely trying at all and still mopped the floor with them all.
    • To add more awesome points, this single scene is what inspired MultiVersus. Warner Bros. themselves confirmed that this single bit of animation was enough to put into production a massive crossover fighting franchise. How many pieces of media can say they've had a single scene do that?
  • Not to mention Shaggy managing to win his motorcycle race and take down the Phantosaur, despite never riding one since last night. Daphne must be a really good teacher.
  • While Tex is on his bike, he manages to nail a velociraptor in the face!
  • The entire biker gang get some pretty good moments during the dinosaur attack.
  • During the Phantosaur's first attack, Scooby saves Shaggy in a pretty remarkable chase between the monster and a railway car He gets a little help from Fred, who rams the Phantosaur with the Mystery Machine, knocking it off a cliff as it's about to chomp down on Scooby. Points also go to the amazing CGI during the sequence.
  • The Phantosaur's fiery form towards the end is pretty impressive.
  • Shaggy and Tex's motorcycle race. Sure, Shaggy was under hypnosis at the time, but that's still something you never thought you'd see Shaggy do.
  • Velma gets a small one when she uses Windsor's keychain and a phone line to keep Scooby and Shaggy from dying in a motorcycle crash.
  • Shaggy managing to save everyone from the collapsing cave without being under hypnosis. After a speech from Fred that helps him realize that all of his cool moments were entirely within his capability, Shaggy jumps half of an underwater river stream In a Single Bound, and when forced to climb for his life, he leaps from rock to rock in mid-air repeatedly to clear it to the top. Holy crap.
  • Most people would lose their voice after screaming for more than ten minutes. Shaggy manages to scream for three consecutive hours without any ill effects.
