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Awesome / Marauder Shields

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  • In Episode #8 ("The Beacon of Hope") Marauder Shields (who was previously revealed to be Nihlus, the turian spectre from Mass Effect that died on Eden Prime.) takes on a horde of enemies to defend the dying Commander Shepard.
  • Episode #8 ("The Beacon of Hope") ends with the Normandy swooping in to save the day once again.
  • In Episode #10 ("Spectres") Commander Bailey decides to form his own "Spectre" unit out of the Citadel refugees and civilians and take back the Citadel command center.
  • In Episode #11 ("Way Out of Their League") Miranda Lawson kills two husks by snapping her fingers. She does this right after waking up from shock, after being half-blinded by a Reaper destroyer's attack.
  • In Episode #15 ("Enough Dead Heroes") Garrus decides to sacrifice himself to hold off a horde of husks assaulting him, Liara and Tali. He is unable to go through with his plan because of another moment of awesome: Liara using her "pull" ability to pull him to safety.
  • In Episode #28 ("Signals"), with the Normandy's shields almost gone and a Sovereign-class Reaper stalking their every move, Joker resolves to save the rest of the crew by drawing the Reaper's attention onto the Normandy, while the escape pods make landfall. He even instructs EDI to upload her consciousness into her robot body so she too can live on. Then, Mordin makes his appearance via auto-transmitted recorded messages; revealing a terrifying possibility.
    Mordin: "If [message] received... abort Crucible mission at once."
  • In Episode #39 ("The Debt, Part I"), things are looking bleak. Hammer Ground Forces are in full retreat, The Crucible is no longer an option, and the Normandy, with EDI and Joker aboard, are about to meet their end at Harbinger's hands. Knowing that this may be their Last Stand, Admiral Hackett addressess the Galactic Fleet to prepare them for a final attempt to turn the tide; an all out assault on Harbinger to save the battered Normandy:
    Hackett: "Three years ago, when Saren Arterius assaulted Citadel space, breaching galactic peace.. We all acquired a debt. From Virmire, to Ilos, to Rannoch, Palaven, Tuchanka... To Earth. A debt multiplied at the Omega-4 relay, in the Bahak system, at every major battlefield of this horrible war. A debt to the Normandy, to its Commander and crew... To all unengaged starships of the United Fleet... On my command... Engage Harbinger. Save the Normandy. Repay the debt."
  • In Episode #40 ("The Debt, Part II"), EDI and Joker share their last heartfelt goodbyes... before half of the United Fleet drops out of FTL to block Harbinger's path.
    Geth Dreadnoughts: "Vessel-Normandy. Approach the shared coordinates. Assistance is available."
    Alliance Cruisers: "Attack group Parma: don't ease up until that sonuvabitch is spacedust Weapons-free, Thanix cannons authorized. The crew that opens up its shell gets free drinks on me for the rest of their lives."
    Batarian Ships: "You heard him, men! Humans are picking up our tab! Let's show them how it's done. Forward! Rip out its guts!"
    Salarian Ships: "Fall into formation! Keep your distance! Follow the attack pattern! Engage, engage, engage!"
    Primarch Victus & Turian Cruisers: "Spirits, grant us vengence! For Earth! For Thessia! For Palaven!"
    Volus Bombing Fleet: "Commence bombing runs! *tshshshk* I want it flared up like a supernova!"
    Rachni Queen & Rachni Cruisers: "Sing, my children. Sing to its destruction. Destroy the sour song!"
    Destiny Ascension: "Transfer all power to the main cannon! I want that thing obliterated! As soon as the rachni go for another take, we join up!"
