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Awesome / Dingo Doodles

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked. You Have Been Warned.

Even with a party as chaotic as this one, maybe especially because of that, there are some truly epic moments.

  • Quinn-Ora using voodoo magic to choke out the tarrasque, a monster so powerful and functionally invulnerable that Dingo describes it as a god.
  • In the middle of a tense conversation between Sips and Quinn-Ora, Gothi — who was hidden as a mouse in Sips' pocket — pops out and straight up slaps Quinn-Ora.
  • Sips saved Rascam, with a hairbrush.
  • The Fools' Gold group managed to take down a dragon. Granted, it was with their own mechanical dragon, but still.
  • The battle with Bouclaire, with Erina getting the killing blow.
  • Gothi using her unmasked face to cow Jack into looking her in the eye.
  • In hindsight, Xanu's genocide of the foreclaimers can be viewed as this. It's one thing that they used souls to power their technology. It's another thing that they're an entire race of sociopaths who had the gall to create an "artificial god" just to enslave him into making more souls to fuel their tech. If anything, his wiping them off the face of the earth is almost cathartic! ...almost, had they not escaped with their lives.
  • The first crystal being placed, lighting itself so brightly that every NPC (the Baron, Mr. Wizardly, Gorthan, Julius, Vicky) can all see it. Like a beacon for the beginning of the end! It helps that the music is breath-taking.
  • Sips calling out Xanu on essentially killing a raccoon (even the one that attacked him a couple episodes ago) on the cold-hearted whim that "it had served its purpose". The awesome part is, despite Xanu's background of being abused by the Foreclaimers, Sips doesn't let that stop him from telling him "You have Empathy? Use it!" It's as though Sips is letting him know that what he just did is not different from how the Foreclaimers treated him, and he's not impressed with his underuse of empathy.
  • Gothi enigmatically warning Jack he shouldn't let himself by consumed by his ambition to discovering the Foreclaimers. Later, Gothi (and Jawbone) having Jack at their mercy when it's revealed he hasn't been honest with Gothi, as he was hiding he had Soul Magic.
  • What convinces Sips to agree to carry out the Foreclaimers genocide for Xanu? Vicky. According to Xanu, there might be a possibility that the first thing the Foreclaimers may do when they return to the world is declare war on the Billowing Wilds and commit genocide on all they deem "defective". Sips does not sit well with the implication that Vicky (with her werewolf curse and all) falls under that category. So if anyone (even the Foreclaimers) have anything to say about harming Vicky, they'll have to answer to Sips.
  • In episode 29, Gothi embodies this throughout her conversation with Emperor Godrick III. First, she's rather brave to confront the grandson of the very man who defaced her and left her for dead. Second, there's the way she shoots the Emperor a Death Glare when he demeans Stella's children. That's some serious Mama Bear tendencies right there, even for a former princess who's only reunited with her people after thousands of years. Lastly, despite the Emperor threatening our group with a Sadistic Choice between telling too much and being (literally) dissected of secrets, Gothi proves unafraid to share the secret of her survival.
    Emperor Godrick III And if you do not give the answer, then I will simply take it. By taking you apart. Piece by piece, until I find. My. Answer.
    Gothi: There's no need. It was a gift. From a god.
    Emperor Godrick III Which god?
    Gothi: Xanu. Who cared for me.
    Emperor Godrick III ...Ridiculous... Ridiculous! Do not lie!
    Gothi: Foreclaimers don't lie. It's inefficient. (Pointedly) Correct?
  • And in episode 30 she performs a masterclass in Talking the Monster to Death by dissuading Xanu from enacting genocide on the Foreclaimers, pointing out that he's adopting the very characteristics about them that he hates.
  • In episode 31, Erina (of all people) calling out Elowyn on (initially) refusing to save a dying Sips from his curse. She not only points out how everybody makes mistakes and deserves a chance to learn from them, but that Elowyn and Stella's Children know better than anyone what it means to need a second chance. This is enough to change Elowyn's mind, if begrudgingly.
  • For having Scatter Brained Senior tendencies on par with Old Gothi, Elowyn demonstrates therapist-levels of wisdom when she helps Sips through his issues and self-hatred in the Afterlife Antechamber.
  • Erina volunteers to be a Willing Channeler for Xanu, even after learning that it will cost her her magic and might kill her. Her friends have already suffered plenty because of all this, it's time for her to remember what it truly means to be a magical girl and take on her share of the burden.
    • As Dingo explains, a natural 1 will result in death. Erina rolls a nat 20.
  • Elowen unwittingly calling out Xanu on his manipulative nature and what it means to help heal someone else, hopefully setting him down on the path of redemption.
    Elowen: Well there's your problem: it wasn't about you. You can't help someone if it's only for yourself. To cure a soul, you have to work with it. Don't force your own ideals or opinions on it to make it do what you want. Instead, listen. See what they want, and gently help them along. Sure, they might need a good smack once in a while, but remember, you should be doing what's best for the soul, not you. Ugh, look, it's like what your group was showing us with the dancing: trying to become perfectly in sync to do something beautiful. Just let the soul lead, then you gently help it along. Also, I used a [quack] ton of magic, but still: stop manipulating people. You'll get more out of them, and your life.
    • Fridge Brilliance: This is what convinces Xanu that Stella's Children are the Foreclaimers who have truly changed their stripes. In contrast to the Old Society, Elowen is demonstrating the very empathy her ancestors previously lacked.
  • Even in wake of Xanu's powers being diminished, he and Gothi have a new goal: form a plan to stop Emperor Godrick.
