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Analysis / Pocket God

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Nooby's fears and concerns in Pocket God #20

*Spoiler Alert* If you haven't read issue #20 and would like to, do not keep reading.

Nooby is a hard pygmy to analyze because of his dimwittedness and childlike mind. In more recent issues, he's been having problems fitting in with the tribes and in Pocket God #20, he runs away from the tribes and finds a device called the cosmic wayfinder. It sends him on a mind trip; making it easier to read Nooby's thoughts and fears.

  • Nooby's love for Sun: In the first scene in his mind, we are shown Nooby confessing his love to Sun on a beach and giving her a ring with a shiny pink gem. Instead of requiting his love, she takes the gem for herself while proclaiming that the answers are hers now. Then a giant Ooga appears and picks her up; saying that it's theirs while Sun call him her darling. Nooby tries to get Sun back, but Ooga says that she and no one else ever cared for him. Nooby almost gets crushed underfoot before getting pulled into another dream.

Gems are an important item in Pocket God, as the Gem of Life and the Jewel of Life are the sources of the pygmies' immortality. What questons Nooby's ring gem answers are currently unknown. Nooby has a crush on Sun; who has been spending time with Nooby's best friend Ooga. Sun calling Ooga her darling reflects their romance and Nooby's jealousy towards them. Ooga's hugeness symbolizes how powerless Nooby feels. While Ooga is a clever leader, Nooby is a dimwit and sometimes The Load note . Nooby feels he's useless and unloved as a result.

  • Nooby's Stupidity: The second dream has Nooby wake up in a lab Strapped to an Operating Table. Tribe geniuses Klik and Teela are with him dressed as mad scientists. They tell him that he's here because the tribes volunteered him. Nooby asks why he didn't have a say and they respond that the tribes feel that he's unfit to make decisions and decide to cure him instead. Cure him of what? Why his stupidity of course. As they are talking, Klik and Teela hook up an electric device to Nooby's head and flip the switch. Before the current reaches him, he finds himself in another dream.

This is obviously Nooby's concern over his intelligence (or lack thereof). He thinks that if he's smarter, the tribes will appreciate him more. However, he says he doesn't want to be cured; meaning that he likes himself the way he is.

  • Nooby's friendship with others: The third dream starts off with Nooby wondering where he is and noticing his voice changed. He also starts talking in the first person. He is found by Moon, who calls someone over. That someone is Nooby's coconut, Wilson; who is big and sapient in the dream. Nooby asks them to help get out of this weird mind trip. They talk amongst themselves how odd Nooby is talking and suggest eating him. Nooby is frightened how his friends could turn on him and escapes into a portal.

Nooby has an odd friendship with the tribes. He's very friendly, but his childishness can be off-putting. His most loyal friend is his Companion Cube, Wilson. If he can't trust an inanimate coconut, how can he trust anyone else?

  • Nooby's faith in the tribes: We next see Nooby spying on the tribes. The tribes are gathered around a bonfire, armed for battle. Ooga is on a pedestal motioning a vote to have Nooby imprisoned for life. Everyone agrees. Enraged, Nooby comes out of the bushes and is grabbed by Booga and Dooby. Ooga tells him that he is sentenced to only prison he doesn't have a key to: permanent death. He stabs Nooby through the chest with a pointy seashell. Nooby starts glowing as he immortality is drained from him. Crawling into the water, he sees in his reflection his evil clone, Newbie.

Following up on the previous scene, having everyone out to get him makes it seem that he really is alone. This also touches on another fear: the loss of his immortality. Him being stabbed in the chest mirrors how his evil clone, Newbie was impaled with an icicle (but survived).

  • Nooby's similarities to Newbie: The final dream takes place in a white void; where Nooby and Newbie have a little talk pygmy-to-pygmy. Nooby doesn't want to be with him, but Newbie says he's the only one who gets him. He talks about how the other pygmies use him and make fun of him behind his back. Nooby says he knows this and how they treat him like a pet. Newbie adds to that; saying they treat Nooby like an outcast like himself. Then he asks him a heavy question: "Are you really one of them?". Nooby realizes he's trying to get into his head and says the tribe are sometimes good to him; citing Klik as an example. Newbie laughs at his answer and tells him how Klik uses him in his own quest for power over the tribe (Which is an exaggeration of what happened in issue #9). He takes Klik and Teela's romance as an example of them moving on from Nooby and asks him isn't it time to the same to them. Nooby reverts to his third person talk and pushes him away. He says that the tribe really does care about him and remarks how antagonistic Newbie has always been. He punches Newbie and shatters him into a million pieces. The pieces melt away; saying that Nooby will one day see how similar he and Newbie are. Alone, Nooby regrets regrets leaving the tribes. Suddenly, Darby the ghost appears; having been following Nooby through his mind. He tells him he's only alone when he thinks it and escorts him back to reality. A changed pygmy, Nooby returns to the tribes.

This sequence shows what Nooby thinks about himself and Newbie. In some ways they are the same, but they're vastly different from each other.

The events in this issue are concluded in issue #21; where Ooga apologizes to Nooby about neglecting him. Nooby is relieved that he is still cared about and hugs him; resolving his concerns.
