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Live Blogs Rangers, Sentai Warriors, and...Wait, They're Not Them? Rika Liveblogs Vs. Super Sentai Vs. Power Rangers!
arcadiarika2014-09-27 22:00:32

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Act 33: A Liveblogger's Despair, A Heroic Resurrection

(We fade into the All-Stars, still bearing the brunt of their fight. Ryota is still sobbing over what happened, fearing that there is no way to bring the Scouts back to life. Natsuki and Saya are quiet, trying to figure out why...)

(Brittany tries to do her best to comfort Ryota, as do Rin and Jason. Alex is just trying to figure out himself on what to do. As for Christopher, he's shell-shocked, his weapon still on the ground, and he's also blaming himself for what it appears to be his friend's death...)

Christopher: <It's all my fault...I wish it would have been me. And not I'll never get to see him again...>

Ryota: ...

Brittany: Ryota...guys...I know it's been really tough. (she tries to wipe away tears of her own) But the Scouts died doing what they know best—saving lives. Saving our lives. So that way, we can save Rika.

Ryota: And she's probably growing even more insane, if Radiguet's forcing her to watch it...

Jason: ...

(Christopher is just curled up, still devastated)

Brittany: As horrible as this entire situation was, for both us and the Scouts, they were brave until the end. They were true heroes.

Rin: Yeah...I'm sure they don't want us to be sad.

Ryota: ...

You're right.

(he wipes away his tears, and the All-Stars look at their fallen comrades)

Thanks to them, we can focus on what we need to do. Now, not only we'll fight to save Rika, but we'll also avenge them. Radiguet will pay for what they did to them!

Christopher (in a furious tone): I want to fucking kill the bastard for all the tortures he put Sean through! And all other ones for us! It's unforgivable!

Rin: I had a close kinship with Mako, in the few times we've met. I want to help her and her friends more than ever...

Saya: Xander, Tori, and Dan...even though we lived different lives, we also bonded. Even if it wasn't exactly the kind of bonding anyone would like.

Ryota: And Mao...I cared for her just as much as I did with my other fellow castmates. We were like family. How she became a serious leader, I'll never know, but it was still inspiring to see.

Godspeed, Scouts, and we hope that you'll find happiness in the next life.

(The All-Stars salute to the Scouts, and they walk off, planning their next courses of action)

(We find Rika, still in shock over what happened)

Rika: I refuse to believe they're dead. No, they can't be dead! They should be alive somewhere!

Tranza: Rika...your optimism is tremendous. But you have to face reality! The Scouts are gone...

Rika: NO! (she's shaking, tears flowing freely) I don't want to believe it...I can't!

Tranza: ...

Rika: I'm sure they'll wake up. Sooner or later...they have to. Otherwise, what's going to happen? Their friends would realize it. And I just don't mean the All-Stars themselves.

Tranza: <I get what she means...>

Rika: C-come on...maybe my analysis will cheer m'self up...

(she then realizes exactly what chapter she's on)

Oh, fuck me! I can't back out of this now...

(she sighs)

Well...previously...(she wipes her tears again)...we had the Fiveman "tribute". Also, Houka was thrown into the detention center. If there's one other positive thing I can say about that, it's this: at least we were spared the scenes where she was suffering.

I warn you guys right now, that this not going to be pretty. Because it's far from the usual bad shit from this story, from OOCness to the infuriatingly headdesk-worthy repetition. This chapter is basically going to be like Agony in Pink Lite, in which a certain Pink Ranger is destroyed by a villain, all in the sake of "fanservice". All because an author just lusts over her, and yes, even though the tortures here aren't as bad as it was in the legendary badfic, it is still sickening.

I give you this one chance to turn away. Turn away and wait for the worst "tribute" episode thus far, the Jetman two-parter, to come out.




Still with me? Don't say I didn't warn you.

We'll now continue with...

Chapter 33: Another Gai Appears

The chapter begins with RINO and another villain sitting down, discussing the plans, all while "The Devil's Trill" plays. Who's the villain? Basco Ta Jolokia, one of the worst villains in recent Super Sentai history.

...and by that, I don't mean he's bad, or he sucks at being a villain. By that, I mean, he has done very dark stuff. Now, I'm not going to spoil it for those who haven't seen Gokaiger, but hoo boy.

So I'd like to take the time to talk a bit about his actor, Kei Hosogai, because he's one of the more interesting actors who has played a Super Sentai villain in recent years. The complete opposite of his character in every conceivable way, this guy became friends with the actors of the Gokaiger team, and even takes pictures with them. And, really, who can argue with this heartwarming, and yet still kinda sad, story when his character's arc was done? (Naturally, this contains spoilers as well.)

Another interesting thing is that, when Power Rangers Megaforce was coming out, several fans speculated over whether or not Basco would be adapted, giving the nickname AmeriBasco. But the major reason why the nickname came about? Turns out that Kei has lived in America for about more than half of his life (at this time of writing), specifically 15 years. And he's fluent in English, so the fans thought that he could play the adapted character as well.

(Rika looks at Power Rangers Megaforce)

...yeah, I might be liveblogging that one in the future.

Anyway, back to the story, RINO tells Basco that he would be working for Europe's emperor, and he would be paid handsomely. Basco, though, finds the idea of teaming up boring, and that he likes working alone. This ticks RINO off, telling the young man that he offered services, but he'll show him a thing or two.

...hey, wait a second. Didn't RINO force Basco to work with him? In fact, how, exactly, did the latter even join the U.A.O.E?

You're not going to give me an answer? Okay!

RINO, presumably with the Time Crystal (because I remember lost items like this, and Akizuki doesn't), ages Basco to an old man, which forces him to agree. After getting turned back, he tells the Emperor that there's one person they can use—Gai Ikari, aka Gokai Silver.

As you know, Gai is basically a Super Sentai fanboy, much like his actor, Junya Ikeda. I'd almost have to say that both are the Justin Stewart/Blake Foster of their own respective franchises exactly for that reason! Ah, I just love coincidences that make sense...

(naturally, Rika's doing it to keep the depression at bay)

Anyway, RINO and Basco decide to create an arena to the death, using certain Rangers/Sentai Warriors. Why not just rip off Battle Royale or The Hunger Games? I'm sure those are just ripe for it, considering oh, I don't know, how many other plots you've ripped off thus far! And who will be helping Basco out? Tranza and Long.

Also, yes, when the former of the two snarks about it, RINO answers the best way he knows how: splashing wine onto Tranza's face and shooting at him. You know it's bad when the now long-gone Jetman dub gave Radiguet slightly more dignity than this fanfic!

To the New Skybase, we see Eric Myers, and we get to see how he actually got there for once. Back in his world (you know, the one that doesn't budge a single year, apparenally), he and Wes Collins fought against ordinary criminals, until the Sixth Ranger saw a ghost. Namely, Naoto, Time Fire. Wes asked his friend if everything was okay, until a portal opened up.

Oh, and apparentally, Eric was, and I quote, "at his most bad-ass" to be sent to the Super Sentai world. Okay, admittedly, when I've seen bits and pieces of Time Force (...which, I'm just going to say right now, is honestly not my favorite Power Rangers series), Eric was actually an interesting character, and Daniel Southworth played his character very well. It also helped that, like the aforementioned Kei, Daniel seemed to be another one of those Mean Character, Nice Actor types, playing anti-heroes (or the occasional villain), but rather nice and funny (example: him telling about the infamous "Sea of Tranquility/Twanquility" story in any Power Rangers conventions).

But...there has to be other badass Rangers to be sent, right? Ones that haven't been ruined yet?

Wes says Eric's name, ending the flashback, and Tommy confirms that he, too, once received a visit from a ghost, Burai, and—as we all know before—so did Trini. Jetman!Gai (to separate him with Gai Ikari, henceforth known as Gokai!Gai) states about how they'll have Gokai Silver himself join their team. However, they will need to get him before the U.A.O.E does.

Speaking of...we see Gokai!Gai, who's now a writer for adventure stories, apparentally. Just when things look good for him, Basco's team shows up, frightening the guy. Basco tells him that he'll be the new Abare Killer, and cue a Big "NO!" from Gokai!Gai.

...which kind of kills the mood as well.

So Gokai!Gai's easily defeated, and just when the villains are about to take him, Jetman!Gai shows up, defeating the mooks after transforming. But there's a problem. Namely, if he tries attacking Basco's team, they'll kill Gokai!Gai. This shocks the Black Condor himself, and they give him a map of the game—the Maze of Deception. And as an added "bonus", the Sixth Rangers and any extra Heroes must participate, namely Tommy and Mikoto, to name a few. If anyone makes it through, they'll free Gokai!Gai, but if not, they'll die.

(Rika exhales)

(We cut back to the Scouts. Why them again, you ask? Little does anyone know that, even though the Scouts are seemingly dead...)

(...they're Only Mostly Dead.)

(In a cloudy room, almost like Limbo, Xander is searching)

Xander: Tori? Dan? Where are you?

( does Mako)

Mako: Guys? Oh, I hear someone...(she sees Xander) Xander?

Xander: Oh, hey! You know where the others are?

Mako: No, I'm trying to find them.

(Mao, Dan, and Tori then meet up. Noticeably, Sean is absent...)

Mao: Guys! (she laughs) Thank God you're okay...

Xander: We kinda are. (grins) But where are we?

Dan: ...I hate to admit it, guys, but...

(then the Sentinel Knight and the Phantom Ranger appear)

Phantom Ranger: You are not dead. All five of you are in Limbo.

Xander: Wait, Limbo? And who are you?

Phantom Ranger: I am the Phantom Ranger. And yes. You may get a chance to be brought back to life.

Sentinel Knight: Daniel, Mao, and Mako? I'm the Sentinel Knight. I once assisted Xander and Tori on a special mission...

(Xander and Tori recognize the Sentinel Knight)

Tori: So what are you doing here?

Sentinel Knight: Let's just say that, as one of the Tokusatsu Spirits, I am also one of the few who can ascend and descend to my will. Especially since what happened on that special mission.

Dan: So you're like a deity? That's cool!

(Mao then realizes one thing...)

Mao: Where's Sean? Is he...dead?

Phantom Ranger: Aka Red is tending to him in a different Limbo. However, with him...let's just say that being the Red Ranger isn't always a good thing.

(The Scouts realize that there's something wrong...)

Rika: Back at the New Skybase...

Jetman!Gai: "I guess we're in deep doo doo."

(Rika snickers)

Fucking seriously? THIS AGAIN?! You know, I don't get it. We've seen multiple times of several characters swearing in this thing. Why is it that Akizuki insists of giving them a few other Badbutt-esque words/dialogue?

Regardless, Tommy and Mikoto, as well as Eric and Justin, decide to go through the maze. Joining them are a shitload of other Extra Heroes. Marvelous asks about what they can do to help, but Jetman!Gai tells them that they need to play by the villains' rules for now.

After a scene where Gokai!Gai is tied down and later revealed to become a Vyram if they don't save him, Basco begins the game with a bang. By giving them a message: to begin, they must clear the city from the Mooks. Jetman!Gai makes Tommy the leader of this "mission", and they arrive at the city. The team of Extra Heroes transform and clear out the Mooks. Yawn.

They see a portal, and out steps Basco. He tells them that they must clear the maze within two hours, or Gokai!Gai will die. Hey, wait a second, he did not say the time limit on this thing! Also, speaking of playing dirty...turns out that Trini's spying on the entire thing, taking pictures and filming it.

...we're supposed to root for the heroes, right?

Jason tries to talk to her through a communicator, but she tells him that there's no time for that. She heads off with her motorcycle, which causes the Red Ranger to become upset. Kimberly volunteers to help out, which is granted.

You know, with all the bad shit that's happening in this chapter, I can't help but think it would be retitled "Everyone Gets a Hold of the Idiot Ball". Because virtually everyone's acting so crazy, so OOC, so...I don't know. Basically, everyone's acting so illogical.

Tommy's team are taken to a maze, where they find out that they must all split up. Yes, even with all the efforts made, the villains still insist on the "divide-and-conquer" thing. When they do, they're taken to places with trick doors and spirits of dead monsters, so they're screwed either way.

As for Kimberly...during the search, she ends up falling through a trap door.

(Rika cringes)

This is not gonna end well.

(meanwhile, in that special Limbo, which is just...darkness with a light shining through, Sean wakes up)

Sean: Where am I? And where are the others?

(Aka Red appears to him)

Aka Red: Welcome to the halfway point between life and death. I am Aka Red.

(Sean is completely freaked out)

Sean: L-life and death? And what are you going to do with me?

Aka Red: Calm down. I realize that you're scared...I assure you, I am not going to harm you.

Sean: ...I'm not scared about life or death. I'm more frightened...I'm sorry, but I read this fanfic, and, well...

(Sean tells Aka Red everything about what happened to the latter's fanfic counterpart)

...I really hope you're not going to do the same things to me.

Aka Red: What? Those things? Quite the contrary.

(Aka Red walks over to Sean)

Come. We have some things to discuss.

(the two take a walk)

Rika: At the control rooms, Long decides that, for this one, Tommy and Mikoto will be captured, and once they go missing, that is when Gokai!Gai will turn to evil. Hey, wait a second, why the hell are they changing their minds like that?! First, it's "try to free Gokai!Gai or he'll die", now, it's...gah.

With the separated Extra Heroes, we get all the different reactions from them (Hiroto, not Hiruto, and Miu becoming scared, Eric trying to "talk" to Naoto, Genta failing to defeat the phantoms). As for Tommy and Mikoto, the former is failing to defeat some Dora monsters whilst stating the flippin' obvious, whereas the latter is facing the problem with the doors.

At the New Skybase, Billy and Ranru try to find a location in case if they need to break through, whereas Jason and Trini get into a fight. You know, I don't really think Trini's that impulsive in canon. Or, dare I say it, that fucking stupid overall. Ranru obtains the camera, and Billy surmises that it may be a pocket dimension. Gee, you think?

After bits where Billy hints about the Zyuranger "tribute", one that won't be liveblogged (yet), Ranru senses that Tommy, Mikoto, and perhaps Gokai!Gai would turn evil, and she asks Sen to do a handstand to confirm her concerns. He confirms that the game's a trap to kill everyone, and yes, the villains do know about Tommy and Mikoto's time for evil.

The other important things to take from this scene, since this liveblog's already getting kinda long for even my own standards, is that in this fanfic, Basco wasn't destroyed, he was actually sucked into a time hole, and they finished the battle at Planet Delta. Also, the Gokaigers wiped the memories of all the Sentai groups somehow. Finally...Kimberly hasn't returned.

And yes. It is so going to suck.

But first, we go to Tommy and Mikoto, and they arrive at the control room. Turned out that, no, they haven't won. Rather, they're going to be their new subjects very soon.

(Rika headdesks violently)

Stupid fanfic! Stupid plot holes! STUPID EVERYTHING!

(Rika is crying, just curled up like that, and Tranza runs to her)

Tranza: ...please don't hurt yourself...

Rika: ...

First, I liveblog this piece of shit. Now...six of the All-Stars...I feel like I'm just as responsible for their deaths! I just...why did they have to die?

Tranza: ...

(Tranza isn't saying anything, since he doesn't quite understand how comforting works—understandable, since he had been a villain throughout his life—but he just gives Rika a bit of a hug)

Rika: ...thanks. (sniffs)

And so, it has come to this. RINO enters the control room, and Kimberly falls into the same room. She's in fear of this...this maniac who constantly lusts over her. He grabs her immediately, and Tommy's in chains.

RINO decides to make Tommy, Gokai!Gai, and Mikoto evil, so they can slaughter the other Extra Heroes. For entertainment.

(Rika then lets out a cry, remembering how well that other fight went over...)

Kimberly lets out a Big "NO!", and she realizes one thing. She forgot her morpher. I swear to God, is everyone from the USSPRA absolute morons?! RINO tells her that it would be time to make her the queen...

(Rika then sees what happens to her next)

God, no! I am so not liveblogging that shit!

Gokai!Gai becomes upset when he finds out what's going to happen all along, and RINO has this to say.

RINO: "Foolish youngling do you realize that evil exists in the hearts of men? All of them?"


I don't have the heart to make a Homestuck joke. (sniffs)

RINO: "As said, that's why the Orgs are born, that's why the Vyrams have the right to conquer the Earth. Humans are the worst fallen bastards ever."

..."worst fallen bastards". That really did not make any sense. Yes, I know that canon!Radiguet always believed that humans are bastards, and he was proven right with Commander Asshole, but still!

Oh. And it gets even worse. RINO plans to, uh...yeah, do those Kimberly. God, this chapter is really pushing on what I can or can't liveblog!

RINO goes on and on about how he has his pretty now (I swear to God, he sounds like a demented Wicked Witch of the West), and he uses his brainwashing waves to turn Tommy and Mikoto into evil. With the latter, I shit you not, described as turning into his "evilicious" self.


"Evilicious". What kind of a fucked-up word is that? In a serious scene such as this one? That's just as bad as what happened in the twenty-fifth chapter between S!Takeru and Mako!

As for Gokai!Gai? Tainted with the evils of the past Sentai Warriors, especially the two (okay, counterpart for one of the two, but still) that are standing right before him. RINO then...(she tries to hold back tears)...takes Kimberly in his room. And all that we hear are her screams, and...

(she reads what happens)


(the girl is breaking so much, and she becomes distraught)


(at the normal Limbo...)

Dan: So, wait. Aka Red's going to give Sean a chance to either live or die?

Sentinel Knight: That is correct.

Phantom Ranger: I will admit, the idea was rather sketchy at first. But Aka Red told us more information about the decisions.

Tori: What about them?

Phantom Ranger: Let's just say that if he lives, he will find that there are some responsibilities he'll take up, and he'll have to give up parts of his old life. If he dies, that's it. No coming back. A few other fallen Red Rangers, those spanning different dimensions, chose not to live, because they weren't sure if they could...

Mako: Wow...

Phantom Ranger: And those are the Red Rangers who didn't sustain as much injuries as your friend did.

Xander: But what about us? I'd rather go back to the living! Maybe even charm a girl!

(the other Scouts stare at Xander)

Mao: Listen to yourself, Xander. Keep in mind that you just sacrificed your life. And now, all that's important to you is to woo a girl?

Xander: Well, he did say that

(Dan nudges Xander, which shuts him up)

Sentinel Knight: As for you, as mentioned before, you can return to the world of the living. Because it is not your time yet. Also...most of you will have stronger powers.

Xander: R-really? (he grins)

Mao: So we'll be able to rejoin the other All-Stars. That's...awesome! (she does a fist pump)

Tori: That's a relief!

Dan: Yeah...even with all the shit we suffered through.

Mako: So what do we need to do?

Phantom Ranger: Gather into a circle. Then the Sentinel Knight and I will be able to grant you your powers. Mako, you will have stronger Wind-based attacks. Tori, you will be able to control the water more without tiring yourself out. Xander, in addition to the vines, Energy Ball, and all other Forest-themed attacks, you'll have access to stronger Forest-themed magic. Dan, you'll be able to manipulate shadows more, and you'll have stronger Energy attacks.

As for you, Mao, you'll have access to all the Yellow Sentai Warriors' Ranger Keys, without the need to borrow one. You'll have a more powerful access to your Hidden Power.

Mao: ...nice.

Okay, guys...let's do it.

(Mao, Tori, Xander, Dan, and Mako stand in a circle. The Sentinel Knight and the Phantom Ranger grant the five Scouts the powers...)

Phantom Ranger: Good luck.

(and then...the scene fades to white as they return to their bodies)

(Rika feebly grabs her tablet, and she sighs)

Rika: O...okay. (she wipes her tears) I have to stay strong...

At the maze, the Extra Heroes are rejoined, but there's just one tiny problem. Namely, it's causing them to turn evil, thanks to Tommy and Mikoto's presence. Also, Hikaru and Tetsu are there as well, despite not being there in the initial damn lineup! So how in the hell did they get there?!

And so, pretty much every single Extra Hero fight against one another, causing a bloodbath. Kind of. Also, Justin, for some inexplicable reason, makes some gestures to Miu. What the hell.

And Hiroto? He doesn't go into this protective Big Brother mode. Granted, he was affected by the evil, but still, what the hell?!

At the New Skybase, Jetman!Gai's team and Hoji decide that it's time to save the other trapped Rangers. Trini still feels guilty over her actions, and she decides to take punishment after all this. The punishment, by the way? Going onto the mission. I am dead serious. No...working in a greenhouse, no jail time, nothing. Just...gah. She pretty much gets off scot-free.

So Jetman!Gai's team heads off into the Gokai Galleon, and Cole and Aka Red are there to help them out. Trini wishes that Kimberly would forgive her. NEXT!

Back at the maze, which has been turned into a ring, Kimberly is now clad in a slave girl attire. (Rika is sickened) Seriously?! Dressing her up like this when she has been...what kind of a fucked-up mind would think of that?!

Kimberly is still ashamed of her forgetfulness, and RINO sits on his throne once more. And he goes on to say that he would have tortured her, but it would be a shame to waste such beauty. Dear God...

(Rika becomes even more sickened)

And if she says the word, she'll come down from the platform, but she refuses. Unfortunately for her (and us), RINO has some alternatives. And what are those? Releasing some innocent civilians, only for them to be murdered. By the controlled Extra Heroes. Fucking seriously? And what do you want to bet that they won't mourn for them, either?

Kimberly tries to have RINO stop, but he tells her that it only takes one word to release them. His plan for this one is to double-cross her, but she's so horrified that she can't speak.

...please, let the pain end soon...

The Extra Heroes continue to fight, until Naoto and Shurikenger appear in Eric and Cam's visions. Oh, and Shurikenger? He's dead, too!


Why the fuck did he end up killed off, and yet Jetman!Gai can't rest in peace?!

Naoto has this to say to Eric.

Naoto: "Eric, why are you fighting against them? Both Super Sentai and Power Rangers are on the same boat… the boat of justice!"

...that has got to be the lamest line I've ever seen. I'm sorry, but aren't they supposed to be determination speeches? And not those that make you want to roll your eyes over how...pathetic it is?

Shurikenger, thankfully, does the short and sweet "you're under mind control, snap out of it, dammit!" request to Cam. Though he did say that he helped out the Hurricanegers and Abarangers...did that really need to be said in a fight like this?

(Rika shakes her head)

RINO becomes disgusted by the lack of "entertainment", much to Kimberly's relief. But then, he orders Tommy, Gokai!Gai, and Mikoto to fight against Cam and Eric. This would possibly kill them.


(Rika feels even more depressed the more she goes on)

(in the dungeon, Mao slowly wakes up, and the other four follow suit)

Mako: Was that a dream?

Mao: No. It wasn't a dream. We're alive.

Xander: YES! (he cheers) We actually cheated death?!

Dan: It seems so.

Mako: ...

(she looks at Sean, still not moving)

But it's so bittersweet. He's still...who knows what he'll decide?

Mao: We'll wait for him. If we know that he's dead, we'll have to go on without him...we're not going to leave a comrade behind otherwise.

(in the special Limbo, Sean and Aka Red reach a plateau of sorts. The skies are blue with pink clouds...)

Sean: So let me get this straight. Because I was willing to die for the world, I have a chance to return, too?

Aka Red: Yes. Let's just say that Carter wasn't the only one who wanted to sacrifice his life to save his world. You did the same thing.

Sean: That's heavy stuff.

Aka Red: Because of your bravery, I will give you a chance to go back to the world of the living.

Sean: What's the catch? I take my shirt off or something equally as stupid?

Aka Red: (chuckles) No, nothing like that. Because the powers I can give you...does not require beauty. Or body toughness.

Sean: <Thank God...>

Aka Red: You would become the Ultimate Red Legendary Ranger.

Sean: Wait, what?

Aka Red:'d become me, only you'll have your own Ranger forms to go through, from the original Red Ranger to the current one, the Red Megaforce Ranger. You'll have access to all the abilities and powers each one has.'ll have both fire and psychic powers, fire being your primary one, psychic being your friend's main power.

Sean: So, basically, overpowered. Nice.

Aka Red: However, there is one thing I must say. Yes, you will be powerful. But...if you accept the powers, after this mission, you'll be cursed.

(Sean sports a "...really?" look on his face)

Sean: Cursed?

Aka Red: Yes. You'll be cursed to walk the earth, never stopping at one place. Yes, you'll be able to help others in need, but unless if there's another situation that requires your won't see them again for a long time.

Sean: Huh...I was expecting to just be...gone. Out of reality. But...

(he rubs his head)

And what if I choose not to accept the powers?

Aka Red: Then you'll die.

(Sean sports a look that reads, "are you fucking kidding me?")

Sean: So that's it. Either I become this all-powerful, walking-the-Earth deity, or I'm gone for good? No middle ground?

Aka Red: Correct.

(Sean snorts)

Sean: That's rich...but you know what, man? If I'm going to be the closest thing to a deity, I think it's time to change some of those rules. First, perhaps you should not give me all those fancy powers, like overpowered Fire- and Psychic-type attacks. Ah, a few mid-level attacks, telekinesis, and strictly the fire powers some of the Rangers have used would work better.

Secondly, seriously? Cursing me to walk the Earth? How about if I ascend and descend to my whim? And do it when there are people in danger, when all hope's lost?

(Aka Red's sporting an "oh, shit" expression...even though he's just clothed in spandex)

Third, how about this? How about if you give all the past Red Rangers an apology for giving such a fucked up ultimatium? And what if the other Red Rangers wanted to die, anyway, and not be brought back to life? If I was a Red Ranger, dying of old age, and then you show up and give me the same shit, you know what I'd choose? I'd rather choose death!

(Sean looks at Aka Red in the eyes...or visor, whatever)

So how about it, Aka Red? Can you do exactly that? Can you, the embodiment of all Red Sentai Warriors, honor the wishes of someone who wants to bring hope back?

Rika: ...we're almost done...

Just when things look their bleakest, the Gokai Galleon appears. Jetman!Gai transforms, and Cole...doesn't do anything. Seriously. Marvelous and his team also transform, and after a bit of banter between RINO and Jetman!Gai, he teleports Kimberly near the control room, and he has the Extra Heroes fight against the Gokaigers.


This sounds so familiar.

Also, in said control room, RINO forces Kimberly to watch the fight. And he tells her that she'll share immortality with him. I'm really thinking this guy's so fucking deluded...and yet, Kimberly is sorrowful, but RINO just loves it.

Meanwhile, in the fight, Gokai!Gai manages to defeat all the Gokaigers (seriously), until Jetman!Gai steps in. The two duke it out for a bit until Gokai!Gai realizes that he's hurting the people he likes, and this breaks the spell, not only for Gokai Silver here, but for the rest of the Extra Heroes.

When everyone's freed, they realize one thing. Namely, it's time to free Kimberly. And so, Gokai!Gai is chosen to lead the pack, heading to the control room, where RINO is threatening Kimberly, who remains defiant as ever. But guess what? It instead invokes the feeling of this: "Thank you, Extra Heroes! But the Pink Ranger is in another castle!" Why? Because he teleports her to another area, chaining her up.

Basco, Long, and Tranza try to fight against the Extra Heroes, but...they end up getting their asses handed to them. RINO then decides to step in, trying to use his powers, but the Extra Heroes combine all their might to defeat the villains. And this actually happens.

Tranza: "I told you this was a bad idea!"

...that made me smile. A bit...because it was unintentionally funny. But...I don't know anymore.

RINO then addresses the USSPRA. He tells them that even though they defeated him, a darker plot will be uncovered, and the dark aura will have its side effects. And he promises to Kimberly that he'll return for her.


In the other area of the control room, Tommy frees Kimberly from the chains. And he actually says that she looks hot. Dude, what the hell? She was being...

(Rika is getting even more upset)

Kimberly continues to cry over what happened. Yeah...considering that I'm suffering from this bad chapter, I feel the same way. She feels that she may not be his only victim, and she still is suffering deep inside. And so, once they reach Kimberly, the Extra Heroes try to help the Gokaigers up, only to faint as a result of the dark energies.

After Jetman!Gai orders everyone to head back to the base, we cut back to the infirmary section, where the Gokaigers are staying, and the Extra Heroes are undergoing a treatment for their ills. Gokai!Gai apologizes to the group, and he tells them that maybe he shouldn't be in the team anymore. However, they completely understand his situation, and after all, he did lead the team successfully.

And so, this chapter ends with Joe wondering about Basco, and what they have to do. With their Gokai Change? Turns out that the Ranger Keys were gone for good when the "Legend War" ended. Seriously. And Luka actually says that they have more than Gokai Change, they have Gokai pals.

Seriously. "Gokai pals". (Rika facepalms) I honestly feel that this is a wee bit OOC for Luka.

Luka says that they shouldn't think about it too much, and Gokai!Gai simply wishes that the Gokaigers would recover soon.

(Rika sighs shakily)

...I made it. I actually made it without breaking too much. I can't possibly think about what would ruin this chapter so much—

(she looks at the Author's Note at the end)


Fuck me. (tears begin to form)

The note begins with Akizuki saying that it's where Gokai!Gai first appears. Yeah, we already fucking know that! And as for this chapter? It's actually meant to be darker, showing RINO's sadism even more, as well as how heartless he can be towards women he loves so much. And by that...I mean women Akizuki loves.

For, you see, even Maria didn't go off scot-free. Whenever he loves women and finds them too hot, he'll play around with them until he "retires" them. By the way, I did see the blog, and Kimberly will indeed be not the only person who may be targeted. Other potential ladies? Jasmine and Mako, to name a few.

(Rika buries her face with her hands and cries)

...after the mention about how it also demonstrated the Tommy/Kim ship and how the latter forgetting the morpher is a reference to Umeko's problem in Dekaranger, he then has something to say about Shurikenger appearing. By the way, at the risk of repeating myself, about him appearing as a's a reference to how Jetman!Gai appeared as one in Gokaiger. WHICH DOESN'T MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE! He isn't okay with his beloved Jetman!Gai dead in canon, and yet, he decides to make Shurikenger dead like that?!

Finally...the Gokaigers' injuries were supposed to happen with the Shinkengers and Jayden in the twenty-eighth chapter. And...this chapter happens to be one of the longest he's ever written.



...this proves that there's no goodness in the world anymore. And I just feel...empty. I don't think I can liveblog...again.

(Rika sinks to the floor, just caught up in a Heroic BSoD. Sad music plays as she cries heavily without making a sound. Completely broken from everything that happened, she's just...lost whereas Tranza just tries to hug her more)

(in the special Limbo...)

(Aka Red is still in shock over what Sean has said, not even sure if he wants to grant his wishes. Then, unexpectedly, the Sentinel Knight and the Phantom Ranger show up!)

Sean: Who...who are you two?

Sentinel Knight: I am the Sentinel Knight, and this is the Phantom Ranger.

Phantom Ranger: I was wondering what was taking so long...I was afraid that we would have another Red Ranger death.

Sean: I know. Aka Red told me everything...especially about those deceased Red Rangers.

(he then tells the Sentinel Knight and the Phantom Ranger what's going on)

Phantom Ranger: <...I knew it, he lost it.>

(to Aka Red) Aka Red, I think we should honor his wishes.

Aka Red: What? But what about...

Phantom Ranger: Damn it, Aka Red! You do realize that this is one of several places the Tokusatsu Spirits can reside in, yes? And you do realize that there are more than one versions of you? And, to an extent, the Ultimate Red Legendary Ranger?

Aka Red: ...

Sean: Wait, there's more of them?

Phantom Ranger: Yes. Several do exist. You would just happen to overlap with one of the other Ultimate Red Legendary Rangers, that of Catherine Grayson, the ex-Red Lightspeed Ranger.

Sean: <...a female Red Lightspeed Ranger exists?>

(Sean's really puzzled about this)

Sentinel Knight: We'll talk about this later. Right now, it's important for him to be brought back to life.

Phantom Ranger: You're right! (to Aka Red) Aka Red? Are you ready to honor his request?

Aka Red: be it.

(Sean's eyes flash, and he bows to the Sentinel Knight and the Phantom Ranger)

Sean: Thank you.

(as Sean prepares to accept his new role, dramatic music plays as we go back to the All-Stars, finished with their plan)

Ryota (in a very serious voice): So it's settled. We must defeat Radiguet, at all costs, then rescue Rika. Let's get showy, everyone.

(cut back to the other Scouts, and they wait for Sean to respond...)

(in Limbo, Sean prepares himself)

Aka Red: Ready?

Sean: I'm ready.

(with a yell, Sean punches Aka Red's fist. It's interspersed with scenes of his body, laying in the dungeon, as the moonlight shines onto it; and another scene with the All-Stars grimly walking towards their own fate. Back to Limbo...)

(The Phantom Ranger, the Sentinel Knight, and Aka Red watch as Sean's hands begin to become engulfed in a red aura. The young man watches in shock as the aura spreads to his body, just so slowly. He gets visions of his own body doing the same thing, only with surges of power coming right out of the aura...)

(But that's not the only vision he's receiving. He sees visions of the other Scouts, in awe of what's going on; the All-Stars as they prepare to face Radiguet...and a final vision of Rika, so depressed from all the shit that occurred, both with the All-Stars themselves and the latest chapter. Cut to the man himself...)


(At that moment, Sean sees a multitude of visions, that being all the Red Rangers, as Aka Red described before. Realizing his fate, the man smiles as the aura engulfs him and his physical body in the dungeon, even having his eyes glow red.)

(His entire life flashes before his eyes, and in the dungeon, the other Scouts are still in shock, though they back away when the energy intensifies. Back in Limbo for the final time, the power swirls, the wind blows, and Sean yells a Primal Scream...)

(...cut to the dungeon, and there's a Dramatic Eye Open, with Sean's eyes now becoming red instead of blue. On that day, the new Ultimate Red Legendary Ranger was "born.")

(with Rika...the girl is still crying, tears flowing more than ever before. And then, in the cusp of her downfall...)

Rika: ...I'm such an idiot.

(...a tendril breaks the ground open, and a hard cut to black)

Will the All-Stars defeat Radiguet? What will the Legendary Rangers do, now that the Ultimate Evil has awakened? And will Rika gather her senses in time to finish the liveblog?

Emergency Signal; Now, Forward! To the next liveblogging of Super Sentai vs. Power Rangers!!

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Yes, I do realize just how much of a cop-out it was to have the Scouts "dead", only for them to have them all resurrected like that. As for Sean taking up the mantle as the Ultimate Red Legendary Ranger...let's just say that it references certain parts of the fanfic proper, with his ascension being inspired by "To Boldly Flee". Yes, I know how much hypocritical that is, what with everything else that did get ripped off in the fanfic proper as well.

If there was anyone who didn't like the outcome of this chapter, along with the stuff I referenced, allow me to apologize in advance.


Psyga315 Since: Dec, 1969
Jun 30th 2013 at 9:58:04 PM
"The villains are becoming more and more subtle as of this time!"

{cue the next few scenes having the villains state what their plan is going to be}

I lol'd.

Basco tells him that he'll be the new Abare Killer, and cue a Big "NO!" from Gokai!Gai.

Wait, wouldn't that give him a Big Yes or at the very least a Squee? Basco goes up and says "Hey, remember that badass Anti Hero from Abaranger? The one you visited when you had that near death experience? You're gonna become him!" and his response is "OOOOOOH NOOOOOOOOOO! IT'S A FATE WORSE THAN DEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAATH!!!"?

I get that he's probably saying that because he's scared of Basco (and I can't blame him... Poor Gai) and doesn't want to become the enemy of the people he loved so much, though there's an oddity to behold when you give a guy who offers you the chance to become Abare Killer with a cartoonish Big No, especially for a Sentai Otaku like Gai. I think this is gonna be a YMMV thing.

She pretty much gets off scot-free.

Probably for the best, considering the punishment would have probably be the rock piles.

As for the twist in the story... It was a pretty good couple of twists if I do say so myself.
ChrisX Since: Dec, 1969
Jun 30th 2013 at 10:03:11 PM
Zukini can't even get Basco right. He's just yet another diabolical bland villain instead of the playful but horrible Troll bastard he is in the original. But still, yeah. Kei Hosogai is really a cool dude around. The definition of Mean Character Nice Actor.

I got nothing on this chapter. Granted, I haven't seen Agony In Pink. But this chapter is ridden FULL of OOC-ness and even G!Gai is not as geeky in here, Zukini just got him as this 'loudmouthed guy for humor'. In fact, you see how many times he got in his blog about G!Gai screaming WHYYYYYY?? He thinks that's all G!Gai is and here he becomes a... wimp. This is insulting. But I guess since I haven't gotten to read Agony In Pink, I'd say the worst, most offensive things would come... next chapter, I suppose. But I do agree based on what I read... this chapter is seriously disturbing.

Well no need to worry for constant shout outs, I think you did them proper. Hell I could also spot in Puella Magi Madoka Magica shout out here. Of course, Zukini mostly does things WRONGLY to the point of stupidity so...

... Mind if one day I show Zukini about this liveblog once the season ends? Though considering him, he'd be just about going to ignore and goes on with his own airheaded self... but...
ChrisX Since: Dec, 1969
Jun 30th 2013 at 10:04:31 PM
Oh! Forgot to say some things.

The Sean-AkaRed conversation is really really good and has a certain nice jab on it. Good work on that!
arcadiarika Since: Dec, 1969
Jul 1st 2013 at 5:39:48 AM
@ Psyga: To be honest, I got absolutely nothing on the whole "Gokai!Gai is told that he'll become the new Abare Killer, and he reacts that way" thing. It...yeah.

...also, I can't believe I forgot the bits where the villains were told that they're being subtle, and yet, they're not. Agh.

@ ChrisX: At this point, since pretty much everyone is made up to be bland and diabolical (except for RINO, for obvious reasons), it's not much of a surprise. About the only thing I liked was at the beginning, where Basco says that he finds the idea of teaming up boring.

And let's just say that it's for the best that you haven't read Agony in Pink. Because...dear God. It's just horrendous. Also, I've noticed that there are so many pictures, literally, that Akizuki repeats in the blog, not just Gokai!Gai screaming "WHYYYYYYYY?".

The chapter is just the worst, most soul-breaking thing I've ever read. Fittingly, it comes before what I deem to be the worst "tribute" episode(s) thus far.

And yep, you did see a PMMM shout-out at the end. With all the references, they're intentional. (Despite the fact that I haven't really watched much of either PMMM or To Boldly Flee, only watching the ending for the latter, and reading up on the Wiki.)

Finally, as for the Sean/Aka Red conversation and the ascension? It was something I thought of in my head while I was creating this liveblog once more, after a bit of hiatus. It's the ultimate Take That towards the Cole/Aka Red thing.

Also, if you want, you can show the link to my liveblog once done. Glad you guys enjoyed the plot twists, though!