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Web Original / Aozora's Adventure

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The sky knows no limits.

In the near future, the planet Earth has become a world of adventure ripe for new discoveries, with the seven continents being filled with many different, usually utopian, landmarks and biome types. The powers of biology and technology have risen to new levels, and magic and sorcery have become popular subjects, with a great number of the world's population now having their own assortment of supernatural abilities.

Originally launched in 2009, Aozora's Adventure is a web series designed by Superjustinbros featuring a heavy emphasis on Urban Fantasy, Science Fantasy, and many references to Anime, Manga, and Video Games.

Also has a Wiki in the works.

Aozora's Adventure provides examples of:

  • Americasia: The general status of Japan in the universe of Aozora's Adventure.
  • Animesque: A series made outside Japan with an anime-esque art style.
  • Anime Hair: With a cast dominated by characters with wild, spiky, and abnormal-colored hair, this is a given.
  • Arc Villain: Depending on the story, this tope is shared and exchanged between Joker, Kurayami, Erebos, Chronos, Leonore, and Tsaressa.
  • Astral Finale: In all three of the planned Aozora's Adventure sidescrollers, since all of Joker's fortresses are located in outer space, with the permeative worlds taking place in the space between Earth and the castle.
  • Butt-Monkey:
    • Satoru, in specific scenarios, but it doesn't happen with him as much as one would expect due to the extreme levels of friendship he has for Aozora and co.
    • Masayoshi, on the other hand, takes the cake.
  • Captain Ersatz: Along with numerous Shout Outs, characters developed later on in the series' life cycle would end up being designed around the image of other characters from external sources, usually becoming Composite Characters. As the series progressed, attempts to make these characters further diverse from their inspirations were made with both current and previous characters subject to potential revamps
  • Dark Is Not Evil: A few of the heroic characters like Skye are dressed in dark clothing or have one or several negative character traits, yet they have no villainous objectives whatsoever.
  • Fantasy Kitchen Sink: In part thanks to the Reference Overdosed and "Anything Goes" nature of the series.
  • Gaiden Game: Aozora's Adventure Gaiden, which takes place some time after Aozora's Adventure II.
  • Gameplay Roulette: The planned 3D installments Aozora's Adventure 64 and Aozora's Adventure 64 2, while putting emphasis on platforming and combat between enemies in the campaign and other players in multiplayer, has multiple other activities including a playable variety of sports and numerous forms of racing.
  • Go-Karting with Bowser: In the kart racing spinoffs, the villainous characters and other major bosses from entries in the series take part in the racing tournament. Also extends to other spinoffs.
  • The Goomba: Stalkers, expies of said species with anatomy that more closely resembles a flesh-colored Kirby with large angry eyes.
  • Hailfire Peaks: Some of the worlds in Aozora's Adventure II and III:
  • Hijacked by Ganon:
    • One occurs in Aozora's Adventure II, where longtime villain Joker steals the spotlight after revealed to be blackmailing Fayato.
    • Gaiden does this a little differently. At first, Erebos is the story's main villain, then gets hijacked by Joker after Erebos' defeat, When Joker's main mech is destroyed, Joker releases Kelthilda, Erebos' master, to fight Aozora.
    • Aozora's Adventure III begins with Vasuman as the main villain. After defeating him and battling Jigoku, Aberthol becomes the villain. After his defeat, Joker comes back to take his prized role once again.
  • Humongous Mecha: While there are few that actually reach ridiculous sizes, these are common along the tech-inspired characters.
  • Limited Wardrobe: Each character in the series is rarely depicted outside their signature outfit.
  • Ominous Floating Castle: A running trend in the series, with Joker himself owning several and Robo-Aozora owning one (at least until it's forced to crash into a mountain).
  • Only One Name: The entire cast is only known by their first names.
  • Our Mermaids Are Different: Merpeople in the series do not sport any magical abilities. On land, they slither around and can balance up perfectly with the tips of their tails.
  • Pink Girl, Blue Boy: Keisha and Aozora, respectively.
  • Power Dyes Your Hair: A good number of forms Aozora and co. can change into through the use of Power-Ups commonly alter their hair color.
  • Technicolor Fire: In Aozora the Fighters, if the player plays as a Palette Swap of a fire-elemental, the fires they or their weapons produce are colored appropriately.
  • The Big Race: The Aozora Kart and Aozora Racer series, with very much the entire major roster of characters competing for trophies and recognition.
  • The Magic Versus Technology War: Occurs between Joker and Kurayami in Aozora's Adventure 64 until eventually they truce, only to abandon it in the end.
  • Three Laws-Compliant: Completely nonexistent in this universe as due to rapidly advancing technology, most robots have gained enough sentience to be considered on par with fully organic beings.
  • Time Skip: A two-year gap occurs between the Rock-Aozora and Aozora's Adventure II stories, giving few characters redesigns and altering some of their personalities. A second gap later happens before Aozora's Adventure III.
  • Tournament Arc: Aozora the Fighters, with Aozora Kart and Racer being racing variations.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: The pairs of Keisha and Sakaki, and Shinobu and Fakhriya.
  • Transformation Trinket: The "Power-Ups" that can be absorbed by heroic characters to power themselves up.
  • Victor Gains Loser's Powers: Done literally in the Rock-Aozora series, which has the same format as a game in the Mega Man (Classic) series.
  • Villain: Exit, Stage Left: Just about every time Joker is defeated, he congratulates the heroes for defeating him with Sarcastic Clapping before escaping. Any attempts of the heroes attempting to stop Joker before he does prove futile in one way or another.
  • World of Badass: Every key character in the series is capable of combat in some way.
