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Tropers / The Tragic Prince

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"I wake up, I Facebook, I pretend to be a lesbian witch online, I play Mabinogi, I make spaghetti, I procrastinate on my abridged series, I play my guitar with One Power Chord and the Truth, I fangasm over Umineko no Naku Koro ni, I fap, I go to bed."
The average day in the life of The Tragic Prince

Why, hello there. So you've decided to come over to this page. Yeah.

Aaaaanyways, my name's James. Or Fish. Or really, whatever you want to call me. But don't call me Jim No, seriously, don't.

Oh, I kid about killing people. I'm too nice for that. But I really don't appreciate being called that. Also, throughout this, don't be surprised if I speak in blue. A lot. I'm just trying to practice how to do it, really.

I'm 18 years old, Living in Ameeericaaaaaaa, and am an Anime fan. I don't know if I'd quite be called an Otaku though, especially how extreme this site defines it (of which I was unaware of before. Admittedly, I indeed did not do the research.).

(Then again, I had a dream the other day that I was in Balamb Garden working to be a See D soldier alongside my classically jealous, hillarious Balanced Battle Harem consisting of Konata, Osaka, and Rena, so maybe I'm nearing otaku territory. Osaka was more of a White Mage than anything else, focused on casting protective spells and offensive buffs on the rest of us, I was a Speedy Cannon, being awesome at agility and strength, but I couldn't take a hit worth a damn. Also, my main element was Lightning. Konata was, somehow, a Glacier Waif, or maybe a Cute Bruiser, as she was the slowest of us all, and her punches were insanely powerful, but she was by no means slow. It's just that everyone else in the party was fast as all hell. Finally, Rena seemed to have a Hyperspace Arsenal of melee weapons, pulling them out of literally nowhere, but of course her weapon of choice was her usual Nata or Billhook or whatever it's called. Yeah. We were badass.)

I'd describe myself as a bit of a Cloudcuckoolander, especially compared to the rest of my circle of friends. I've recently created my own abridged series of Zero no Tsukaima. Like four-days-ago recently. Like I-have-no-idea-what-the-bleep-I'm-doing-but-I'm-still-having-fun recently. On a note relating to Zero no Tsukaima, if I ever had a familiar, I'd want it to be this

I am very new to actual troping, and the mechanics of this site and whatnot, despite the fact that I've been topic-hopping on TV Tropes for who knows how long. I'm starting to get the hang of it though. 'Best Of' helped me with finding out how to talk in blue, and I'm grateful for such.

My handle, if anyone cares, is from the soundtrack of Castlevania Symphony of the Night. It's my favorite track in the game, and one of my favorite games of all time.

On a similar note...

    Some of my Favorite Videogames 

    Some of my favorite Anime 
My hobbies include photography, gaming, Anime (as mentioned before), hanging out, and another large helping of Anime. Uhhh...yeah. Hi all!
