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Tropers / The Atroxious

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Thorn, displaying her preferred form of headgear.

Thorn is the sort of person your parents warned you about, the sort you'd not be wise to gift with sharp objects. Yet, oddly, people like her. She suspects it's the sociopathic charm workin' for her.

Check out her would-be Magnum Opus, called ROTS as a working title. The protagonists start off as the Smug Snake, and the Enigmatic Minion respectively, the antagonist is a Knight Templar, and the only "normal" character is the love interest, and he's not returning the interest. It's a mashup of speculative fiction genres (and the sci-fi elements aren't very hardcore) which loves to pendulum across the Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism. Comment on the thing if you like, and leave suggestions, opinions, et cetera. It's still very loosely plotted out compared to what the final product should look like, so input is awesome.

Oh, yeah, the name is pronounced just like "atrocious". The "xi" make a "sh" sound, as in Nahuatl or Chinese.

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Vandalise Here Bitch!

You, sir...are...are...a...words escape me. - CalaverX11

Is that a headcrab??? - Hadri

"I don't suck vampire cock" - The Atroxious at a meetup on March 19, 2022

...Covert? Really? -Lockon Lockon

Ask and ye shall receive. - Hadri
