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Taking You With Me / Live-Action TV

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  • Alias: In the series finale, Sloane gains immortality in an underground tomb where he is confronted by a mortally-wounded Jack. Although he offers to heal Jack by making him immortal, too, Jack refuses. Jack makes it clear the only reason he's there is to blow up Sloane. He knows it'll kill him and won't kill the now-immortal Sloane, but that's not the point: his plan is to trap Sloane alone with his dead body under a pile of rubble for all eternity. He succeeds.
    Jack: You could beat death, Arvin. But you couldn't beat me.
  • Ashes to Ashes (2008): Done particularly viciously in the first season finale, when the car bomb that killed Alex's parents turns out to have been planted by her father, who'd suffered a psychotic break after his wife cheated on him; it was originally intended to take out all three of them, and ten-year-old Alex only escaped by accident, having gotten out of the car at the last moment to chase after a lost balloon. And Future!Alex gets there just in time to see it all happen.
  • The Americans: Gregory Thomas. Implicated in the disappearance and death of FBI agent Chris Amador, Gregory is being hunted by D.C. police. The Centre offers to exfiltrate him to Moscow, but Gregory believes he will not fit in there. Instead, he takes a handgun and opens fire on the first cops he sees, killing several before being shot and killed himself.
  • Babylon 5:
    • During one of the first battles of the Earth-Minbari War, the Minbari attacked the Vega colony. At this time, 5 Nova-X prototypes (which would later become the Omega class) were being tested. They were drafted into the defense fleet. All defense ships but one were eliminated by the first Minbari volley. The remaining ship, a Nova-X manages to ram a Minbari Sharlin-class warcruiser, destroying both.
    • Jeffrey Sinclair at the Battle of the Line ("In the Beginning", "And the Sky, Full of Stars"), declaring "I'm taking you bastards with me!" as he prepares to ram a Minbari ship. Instead, his fighter is stopped by a Minbari tractor ray, and he is taken captive.
    • Captain John Sheridan, on the Shadow planet of Z'ha'dum. Unable to escape the Shadows' city after blasting his way out of an attempted brainwashing, he calls down the White Star on his position carrying two half-gigaton thermonuclear warheads (he gets better later).
    • When Babylon 5 is attacked by President Clark's forces in "Severed Dreams", one of the Omega destroyers that has arrived to help defend the station is so heavily damaged that her crew cannot even get to the life pods. Her captain (who, somewhat ironically, happens to be of Japanese descent) decides to take one of the opposing destroyers with her.
    • All of them are easily one-upped by Earth President Clark, who, when facing arrest for his innumerable crimes in "Endgame", overrides the Earth defense grid to obliterate all life on the planet and then shoots himself. He's foiled only by Sheridan's alliance destroying the satellites.
    • Invoked in the Crusade episode "The Rules of the Game". Eilerson uses an alien choke-collar once used to restrain criminals to ensure that if Mueller, a Loan Shark, ever comes anywhere near him or his ex-wife Cynthia, or has them killed, he dies, too.
  • BattleBots: The 2019 iteration of Deep Six is the most extreme Glass Cannon in the entire history of the competition, and as a result, it tends to utterly destroy its opponents on its first hit—but taking so much recoil that it takes itself out in the process.
  • Battlestar Galactica (2003):
    • A particularly nasty version occurs in one early episode, where a model Five Cylon acts as a suicide bomb. Cylons being Cylons, this didn't kill him permanently.
    • BSG loves this trope; most spectacularly, the entire third season comes about as a direct result of a suicidal Cylon nuking herself and the ship she was on, thus causing an anomalous radiation signature which led the Cylons straight to the humans' hiding place.
      • Much of Season 3's beginning was concerned with Colonials suicide bombing their Cylon occupiers.
  • Being Human (UK): Herrick is about to be ripped apart by George. He is reconciled to his fate because he believes that, by killing him, George will lose his last shred of humanity. If Herrick's going to Hell, he's taking George with him.
  • Blake's 7:
    • In the final episode, we are told that Jenna blew her ship up and took a considerable number of Federation ships with her.
    • In addition to this at the series finale: After every single living character has seemingly just been killed off, Avon levels his weapon at the Federation troops holding him at gunpoint. He grins, and the screen turns black. The last thing the audience hears is apparently him opening fire and then being gunned down himself.
  • Boot Camp: This was how eliminations worked in this short-lived reality show. After a recruit was voted out, they would then choose another recruit to eliminate as well.
  • Breaking Bad: Hector Salamanca's final act is to set off a bomb under his wheelchair, killing him and Gustavo Fring (the man who murdered his remaining family members.)
    • Walt, knowing by this point he is surely going to die of cancer, does this in the series finale, by setting up an automatic machine gun in the boot of his car to kill himself and the neo-Nazis who stole his meth business and murdered his brother-in-law.
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer: This is referenced in the Season 1 finale. "Prophecy Girl". When Buffy goes to confront the Master, knowing there is a prophecy she will die, she explicitly states 'maybe he'll kill me, but I'm betting I can take him with me.'
  • Camelot: Ector, who even when he's been speared through the gut by King Lot, pulls himself along the shift to stab him fatally with a dagger before dying himself.
  • Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future: Jennifer "Pilot" Chase, alone and mortally wounded against the army of Biodreads storming the Powerbase, waits for the nigh-unstoppable Blastarr to come right up to her before detonating the base's reactor. "Go to Hell," indeed.
  • Cold Case: In the episode Knuckle Up, a witness to the murder of a teenager decides to reveal the truth, even though it would implicate the witness in another death. The killer warns him that, "If you do this... you're going down," to which the witness replies only, "Then you're coming with me."
  • Criminal Minds: The initial suspect for a series of arson murders turns out to be innocent, but knows who isn't. He lures the guy to a benzene-contaminated warehouse that's going to be converted into an elementary school on the promise they'll burn it down, in the full knowledge the guy intends to kill him. (He's already dying of leukemia.) On being asked how he's planning to get out, he smiles and says "I'm not". The Oh, Crap! look on the arsonist's face before the guy flicks open a lighter is beautiful.
  • CSI: NY: Variation during the third season. Mac had been forced to arrest a Dirty Cop and as a result, several cases, including a serial killer's, were overturned. The killer claims another victim, and Mac chases him up to a rooftop. He does get the guy cuffed, but then the guy jumps over the edge to his death. He wasn't trying to kill Mac, but he wanted to take him with metaphorically- he hoped the suicide would look like Mac had gotten angry and pushed him over, ruining his career and possibly sending him to prison. Naturally, Mac gets his name cleared, although he annoys the heck out of his bosses in the process when he realizes they're railroading him to make themselves look good and he calls them out on it.
    • An earlier variation is when a woman commits suicide and arranges things beforehand to frame a man for her "murder". It is revealed that she held him responsible for her daughter's death and spent months learning his habits and planning the entire thing.
  • The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance: The Mystics and Skeksis are spiritually linked to one another, so what happens to one will be felt by their counterpart of the opposite race. So when all else fails to stop the Hunter and he’s on the verge of killing Rian, his Mystic counterpart the Archer hurls himself off a nearby cliff; the second he hits the ground, the Hunter drops dead with him and crumbles to dust.
  • Dead Set: Kelly decides to try and kill as many zombies as she can before dying with a single hand axe. This obviously ends with her becoming very, very dead.
  • Doctor Who:
    • In "The War Games", the Doctor essentially risked this; although he had forced the Aliens to end the War Games, he didn't have the resources to send all the abducted humans back to their own time periods, so he was forced to contact his people, the Time Lords, for help. This resulted in the Time Lords sentencing him to regeneration and exile, but when he made that decision he had no guarantee that the Time Lords wouldn't condemn him just as harshly as the War Lords.
    • In "The Time Monster", the Third Doctor is willing to destroy himself and the Master by initiating a Time Ram- two TARDISes materialising in exactly the same place and time as each other — to prevent the Master taking control of Kronos, greatest of the Chronovores.
    • Word of God states that "The Ultimate Foe" was originally planned to end in this manner, with the Sixth Doctor and the Valeyard falling into a time corridor as they fought each other, leaving the show's future open-ended.
    • In "The Unquiet Dead", Gwyneth and the Doctor realize that since the Gelth are using Gwyneth to enter our universe, she must sacrifice herself to stop them coming. The Doctor tries to talk her out of it, but she refuses. She closes the rift and destroys the malevolent gaseous beings by igniting the gas-filled (thanks to a previous attempt to stop the Gelth) air with a match, blowing up the house, the creatures and herself.
    • "The Long Game": Either what was left of Eva/Suki's consciousness, or the Mighty Jagrafess controlling her corpse, does this to the Editor to prevent him from pulling a Screw This, I'm Outta Here before the Jagrafess overheated and exploded.
    • A variant occurs in "Bad Wolf". The Controller is teleported aboard a hidden Dalek ship, after bringing the Doctor on board the Gamestation and giving him a clue to reveal their location. Her last words before being exterminated are:
      The Controller: Oh my masters... you can kill me, for I have brought your destruction.
    • Subverted in "The Satan Pit", when the Doctor decides to send the Beast into a black hole. Before the TARDIS can appear and save him, he proclaims that:
      The Doctor: This is your freedom! Free to die! You're going into the black hole and I'm riding with you!
    • "Smith and Jones": When the Plasmavore is busted, with a squad of Judoon troopers facing her, she has her last remaining Slab hold off the Judoon long enough for her to activate the brain stem-frying MRI that was originally meant to enable her escape attempt; choosing to make sure that the Judoon, everyone in the hospital, and half the Earth's populations go down with her.
    • "42": Captain McDonnell takes out her possessed husband Korwin by blowing the both of them out an airlock.
    • Averted in "Last of the Time Lords". After the Doctor and Martha foil his plans, the Master threatens to detonate his fleet of rockets, thus triggering a literal Earth-Shattering Kaboom. However, the Doctor points out that the Master would never take his own life, and convinces him to surrender.
    • "Voyage of the Damned": When Foon decides to kill herself after her husband's death, she takes a robotic Host with her into the nuclear storm drive. Also, Astrid. She raises Max Capricorn off the ground with a forklift, resulting in both her and Max falling into the ship's engine.
    • A variant also appears in "The Poison Sky", where Luke Rattigan uses the Sontaran teleporter to switch places with the Doctor and blow up the Sontaran ship.
    • This almost happens (in both directions) in "The End of Time", when the Doctor sends the Time Lords back to Gallifrey. Rassilon informs the Doctor that he will die with the Time Lords, to which the Doctor says simply "I know". Luckily, the Master has other plans.
    • "The Eleventh Hour": Prisoner Zero nonchalantly observes that if it can't escape re-capture by the Atraxi then it's perfectly fine with letting the Earth be incinerated. The Doctor has other ideas.
    • A third character blows themselves up to save everyone in "The Vampires of Venice", in which Guido, having lost his daughter Isabella to the Signora Calvierri (which he blames himself for) manages to hold off Calvierri's vampire-like girls by blowing them and himself up with gunpowder, in a Moment of Awesome:
      Guido: We... are... VENETIAN!
    • A Dalek tries to do this to the Doctor in "Asylum of the Daleks" using its self-destruct, but only manages to blow up a roomful of other Daleks instead because the Doctor sonicked it so it could only go in reverse.
    • This turns out to be the Great Intelligence's plan in "The Name of the Doctor", to enter the Doctor's timestream so he can torment him throughout his entire life, even at the cost of his own.
      The Doctor: It will destroy you!
      The Great Intelligence: Not at all. It will kill me. It will destroy you.
    • "Oxygen": The Doctor threatens this in order to save the day, by slaving the coolant system of mining station Chasm Forge's nuclear reactor to the life signs of himself, his companions and the two surviving workers. Since the workers were killed by their suits as a cost-saving measure, this makes them more valuable alive than dead.
    • "Resolution": When the Doctor tries to kick it off the TARDIS into a supernova, the Dalek recon scout, which is controlling Aaron, tries to drag him along with it. Fortunately, Ryan saves him before this can happen.
  • In Dracula (2020), the Demeter's mortally wounded captain claws his way into the ship's hold to set off a jury-rigged bomb that sinks the ship before Dracula reaches England. Meanwhile, Agatha Van Helsing keeps the Count distracted long enough for the captain to do his part, dying with a smile on her lips in the ship's destruction.
  • Farscape:
    • In the three-part story occurring just before the series finale, Crichton builds a nuclear bomb, wearing it on his belt (which was the style at the time...) and linking its trigger to about two dozen different signs of life (body temperature, heart rate, etc.), including some even he wasn't aware of, before crashing a conference attended by his two biggest enemies. It goes off, but not while it's attached to him; still, the threat is definitely there.
    • Played completely straight in the third season finale. In order to stop the Peacekeepers' wormhole project, Crais and Talyn initiate starburst while still inside the command carrier. The resulting energy dispersion causes the carrier to implode but tears Talyn to pieces with Crais onboard.
    • In The Peacekeeper Wars, a wounded D'Argo stays behind to show the bad guys "who their daddy is!" to cover his friends' escape.
    • In the climax of Peacekeeper Wars, Crichton is pushed far enough to finally show the Peacekeepers and the Scarrans a working wormhole weapon. Crichton, the only one with the knowledge of how to control wormholes, threatens that if the two sides don't agree to a ceasefire, he'll be the first victim and there will be no one left to stop it from consuming the entire galaxy.
  • The Flash (2014): When Season 4 Big Bad Clifford DeVoe/the Thinker is killed (being reduced to an uploaded mind which is then shut off) his final act of spite is to drop a satellite on Central City with its mass increased to cause an extinction level event. Fortunately, Team Flash aided by Nora destroys it before it can do so.
  • Forever: The pilot's Villain of the Week has incapacitated Jo and fatally shot Henry. Before he can put the poison into the train station's air conditioning system, though, Henry uses the last of his strength to tackle him away from the tanks with enough momentum to carry them both through a railing and off the roof. Naturally, both of them die, but ultimately it sticks a little less for one of them.
  • In one episode of Foyle's War, a bomb-detonating engineer named Hammond and his crew succumb to temptation and steal a load of embezzled cash from a factory. A few days later, one of them is murdered, and they realize that the owners are going to kill them one by one in retaliation. Hammond arranges to return it on his own. When he gets there, the owners have brought their goons. After giving a small speech in which he points out that he doesn't know how he's lasted nine months in his job when the average lifespan of a bomb engineer is seven weeks, Hammond is shot and uses his last words to urge them to count the cash. As soon as they open the briefcase it explodes—he had rigged it up with a UXB he'd kept from one job, knowing that the owners were going to kill him anyway. Foyle and Milner arrive just in time to see the fireball.
  • Friends: Invoked Trope by Chandler and Monica in one episode, Chandler reveals Monica's embarrassing secret, Monica retaliates by revealing his and Chandler throws in Joey's as well, yelling "If I'm going down I'm taking everybody with me!" Referring to comedy rather than killing though.
  • Game of Thrones:
    • During the Battle of Blackwater, Cersei Lannister eventually reveals to Sansa that Ilyn Payne isn't just there to protect them, but also because Cersei does not intend to let Sansa live if Stannis wins.
      • What the Green Trial effectively was. Cersei is surely going down in not a long time, but she managed to destroy the Sparrows and House Tyrell as well.
    • Gregor kills Oberyn before succumbing to poison shortly after. He gets "better", however.
    • Heavily implied with Joffrey Baratheon. Just as he is dying, he reaches his hand towards Tyrion, seemingly pointing him as the suspect. Of course, Tyrion's own blunt treatment of him (which is justified, but still) does not help his case.
    • Aerys Targaryen intended for his pyromancers to burn all of King's Landing to the ground and kill everyone in it to spite Robert.
    • Prince Daemon Targaryen killed himself and Aemond with him.
    • During the Battle of Winterfell a giant picks up Lyanna Mormont and crushes her body. With the last of her strength the Little Bear stabs the giant in the eye ensuring that he'll die alongside her.
    • Sandor, realizing he can't win his duel with the Nigh-Invulnerable undead Gregor any other way, ends it by tackling him out of a wall of the crumbling Red Keep, sending them both falling about a hundred stories into a raging inferno.
  • The Gifted (2017): In the Season 2 finale, Reed realizes that since his Power Incontinence is heading towards a Superpower Meltdown no matter what happens, he might as well make use of it. During the assault on the Inner Circle's headquarters, he goes after Reeva alone and goads her into using her destabilizing scream on him, causing him to lose total control of his powers, exploding and killing them both.
  • Subverted on The Greatest American Hero with "Operation Spoilsport"; in the event of the U.S. losing a nuclear war, ten missiles would be held back, to launch the next day while the Soviets are digging themselves out of the rubble. Naturally, Ralph has to stop a General Ripper who wants to use the system to start a war.
  • Hawaii Five-O: From the episode "Death with Father":
    Cliff Morgan: You're coming with me.
    Tom Morgan: (the final line of the episode) No. You're coming with me. (blows them both up)
  • Heroes: Matt Parkman gets possessed by Sylar, who is going to use Matt's powerful psychic abilities to get his bloody revenge on everybody who tried to erase his memories in the previous season finale. But Matt pulls one last psychic gambit and forces his own Suicide by Cop to try and kill Sylar once and for all. It's a shame he's in a series where Death Is Cheap, or it might have actually worked.
  • Jeremiah : In "Letters from the Other Side Part 2", As General Ripper Waverly dies from the Big Death after Lee Chen and Meghan introduce it to to the Valhalla Sector, he tries to either shoot or infect the imprisoned Jeremiah and Devon before dying. He fails due to being blind from the virus, but makes a darkly impressive effort.
  • Kamen Rider Build: Sento Kiryu comes up with a final plan to stop Evolt before he creates a black hole and destroys the world. Said plan revolves around essentially turning himself into impromptu nuke and blasting them both to oblivion. It doesn't work out only because of some quick thinking on Evolt's part.
  • Knight Rider: In "K.I.T.T. vs K.A.R.R.", after KITT and KARR have both been damaged by a laser, KARR charges directly at KITT, saying, "If I am destroyed, so shall you be!" They collide, but unfortunately for KARR, he was more damaged, so he is destroyed while KITT survives.
  • Law & Order: Criminal Intent: In "Stress Position", Goren, Logan, and their witness are trapped in a prison lockdown and cornered by the very guards they're trying to build a case against. When the leader of the group threatens them, Logan replies that if the guards carry out their threat, "we're gonna take one of you with us". Ends up being only an Invoked Trope, as Goren manages to get them out of the situation without violent confrontation.
  • Lost: In the third season finale, Mikhail is impaled on a spear, but turns out to be Not Quite Dead and blows himself up, indirectly taking Charlie with him.
  • Money Heist:
    • After the government's illegal torture of Rio while he was extrajudicially detained is exposed, Sierra is made to take sole responsibility for the whole situation. However, bitter at being hung out to dry, she instead uses the press statement she's forced to attend to make it clear that all her superiors were aware and fully supportive of her actions, tarnishing all of them as well.
    • During the midpoint climax of Season 5, Tokyo is seriously injured by Gandia and the special forces soldiers. Unable to escape due to her wounds, she instead waits for them to get close to finish her off, then pulls the pins of every grenade on her bandolier, wiping out most of the squad.
  • Murder, She Wrote: in the episode "To The Last Will I Grapple With Thee", a friend of Jessica's, a retired police detective from Ireland, was charged with the murder of an old foe of his, who left a video implicating the former cop if he was found dead. Jessica discovered that the Victim of the Week had been diagnosed with a tumor, and by the end of the episode proved that he committed suicide but staged his death to implicate her friend. Tellingly, the title of the episode is taken from Captain Ahab's last words.
  • Played for Laughs in the episode "Birth 101" of Murphy Brown; while Murphy is in labor, the pain is so great that she starts throttling Miles (who is not the father of her child), screaming, "You man! You did this to me! You and every other man! I'm taking you with me!"
  • In "Battleground", the first episode of the miniseries Nightmares & Dreamscapes, based on Stephen King short stories, a hitman's apartment becomes the scene of a bloody battle between himself and a set of living toy soldiers. After killing all the regular soldiers, he battles a previously unseen commando in the elevator and eventually crushes him between the doors. However, moments later something falls out of the commando's hand and an explosion follows. It then cuts to the box the soldiers came in and we see that it contains two bonus items: "1 Commando, 1 Tactical Nuclear Explosive".
  • The Outpost: It turns out that the only way to stop Yavalla, who's been granted Complete Immortality as a side effect of being host to the White Kinj, is to use the Black Kinj, but doing so would overcharge it and kill them both. Knowing this and seeing no other options, Gwynn voluntarily becomes host to the Black and uses it on Yavalla, obliterating them both.
    Gwynn: You lose, Yavalla. Die, you witch!
  • Person of Interest: Agent Snow is locked into a bomb vest by Kara, who uses the threat of detonating it to make him work for her. Ultimately she starts the timer anyway, thinking he'll try to have it deactivated. Instead, Snow hides in her car so that he can take her down with him.
    Snow: You were right, Kara, about me being dead. I'm gonna be great at it. [explodes]
  • Power Rangers in Space: In the finale, Darkonda stabs Dark Specter in the figurative back with a planet-destroying missile, twice, since Dark Specter is just that powerful, although the second blast was meant for Astronema and Ecliptor. Dark Specter pulls this on Darkonda by intercepting the second blast and swallowing him just as he's exploding. An odd case where both killed were irredeemably evil villains.
    • The final Megazord battle in the show also has this, as the Mega Voyager flies into the sky to take the malfunctioning Tankenstein out; it ends up destroying the Mega Voyager too.
  • Red Dwarf: With typical inhumanity, the immediate response of a Rogue Simulant commander on hearing that the Dwarfers have managed to cripple his ship with a fluke hit, and weapons are down, is "Take them with us!"
  • Revolution:
    • Happens in episode 11 of the first season: Danny decides he doesn't want to be The Load anymore and blows up the Monroe Republic chopper that was carrying the amplifier, which due to the nature of the setting meant that their other chopper instantly lost power and began to fall out of the sky. Before it crashes, however, its crew discharge multiple rounds of high-powered artillery into Danny, killing him. Goes against the usual nature of the trope—not only did the heroic character die, but the villain that took him with them was a nameless mook.
    • Attempted and subverted in the penultimate episode of the season, as Rachel — wanting revenge for Danny's death — sneaks into Monroe's camp, enters his tent, and pulls the pin out of a grenade she's holding. Unfortunately, as the first season finale shows, Monroe's bodyguards manage to tackle her and toss the grenade outside, where it goes off without killing anyone.
  • Rizzoli & Isles: In the episode "Remember Me" Hoyt attempts to kill both Jane and Maura saying that he'll be lonely if he goes to hell alone so he's taking them with him. Jane kills him in response and says "You're going to hell alone!"
  • Sherlock:
  • In Squid Game, the fifth game gives the players 16 minutes to cross a bridge made up of panels of either tempered glass, or normal glass which can't support their weight. Deok-su refuses to cross after a certain point, choosing to instead wait for others to do it, so he'll know which panels are tempered. However, Mi-nyeo, having already sworn to get revenge on him for betraying her, grabs him and pulls him onto a regular glass panel with her, and they fall to their deaths together.
  • Stargate SG-1:
    • The alternate Sam Carter, from the episode "There But for the Grace of God." This move (luring her attackers in with an offer of valuable information, then revealing the live grenade in her hand) was a Moment of Awesome.
    • Apparently, this is the preferred way for alternate Carters to go. Another version, in Stargate Atlantis's "The Last Man", manages to take three whole hive ships with her.
    • Also attempted by General Hammond in the Prometheus during Anubis' attack on Earth. After exhausting all missiles and with shields nearly exhausted, Hammond orders the pilot to set a collision course for Anubis's mothership. While the collision is averted by said mothership being destroyed by other means, Hammond's line describes this trope perfectly.
      George Hammond: If we go, they go.
    • In the Stargate Atlantis episode "The Last Man," John ends up in the distant future of an alternate timeline where a hologram of Rodney tells him about how, even after the Atlantis Expedition pulled out of Pegasus, Samantha Carter (now commander of the Daedalus-class ship the Phoenix) kept hitting the dominant Wraith with hit-and-run tactics, until they lured her into a trap. With no other option left, she beamed her crew down to a nearby planet and rammed the Phoenix into one of the hive ships.
  • Star Trek:
    • In the Star Trek: The Original Series episode "The Doomsday Machine", the captain of a ship previously destroyed by the Monster of the Week figures out that its innards aren't as impenetrable as its hull. He drives a shuttlecraft right down the critter's maw! Which doesn't work. However, they realized it had some effect, and if they used something bigger... say, the remains of his ship, remote-piloted, with its engines rigged to blow once it was in the center... it would do the job just fine.
    • Star Trek: The Next Generation:
      • In "The Best of Both Worlds", one of Riker's plans to defeat the Borg after Picard's assimilation is to crash the Enterprise into the cube.
      • In "Reunion", Riker notes that Klingons consider it an honorable way to die to commit suicide in a manner that takes an enemy with them.
      • In "Power Play", to stop three criminals who have pulled a Grand Theft Me on Data, Miles O'Brien and Troi from escaping with the rest of their (disembodied) gang, Picard threatens to launch them and their hostages (himself, Worf and Keiko O'Brien) out of the shuttlebay. The criminal possessing Troi is incredulous they would go along with such a thing, but Keiko says she would do so to protect her newborn child while Worf tells her that dying to protect his friends and crew is a dream of all Klingons. Picard even points out that the crewmen they took over would be more than willing to go along with it.
    • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine:
      • This is a common tactic of Jem'Hadar — their ships crash into their enemies' ships and self-destruct, taking both.
      • When in one episode Defiant is captured, Sisko rigs it so when the occupants enter warp, the ship will blow, killing everyone on board. Sisko later kills Dukat in this manner in "What You Leave Behind", though he ascends as an apparent reward for his vigilance.
      • This one not involving ships: in "Extreme Measures", Agent Sloan of Section 31 is captured and subjected to mind probes to find a cure for The Plague sicced by said agency on Odo so as to wipe out the Changelings. First, Sloan takes a Cyanide Pill, but Bashir buys some time allowing them to still probe him, so Sloan tries for the trope, hoping his brain dies with them in it. He almost succeeds by presenting secrets of The Conspiracy to Bashir, but O'Brien manages to convince him to cut loose in time.
    • Star Trek: Voyager:
      • In "Deadlock", Voyager self-destructs, taking a Vidian ship with it — the episode had created a "copy" of the ship.
      • At the end of "Year of Hell", Janeway takes Voyager and rams a Timeship, destroying both — and activating a Reset Button.
      • In "Waking Moments", Chakotay beams down to a planet after having ordered the Doctor to destroy the cavern with a photon torpedo if he doesn't call back in five minutes, killing him... and all the aliens who have been plaguing the ship with narcolepsy (they can trap you in a shared dream they generate, forever) unless he's awake to call back.
      • In "Endgame", Admiral Janeway (from an alternate future) sacrifices herself to infect the Borg with a virus that destroys the Transwarp Hub.
      • In one novel, Admiral Janeway is assimilated by another Borg group and sabotages their firewall, allowing another virus to work.
    • In fact, let's just say that ramming a ship into another seems to be the primary method in Star Trek in general to give Mutually Assured Destruction. Far too often, this seems like it's also the only weapon the Federation has that's actually effective. And it's always effective.
      Worf: Perhaps today is a good day to die. PREPARE FOR RAMMING SPEED!
    • Star Trek: Picard has one of the Romulan assassins do this, realizing he can't escape alive, killing both himself and Dahj using an acid which rapidly dissolves the pair.
  • Supernatural:
    • Midway through the fifth season, Jo is mortally injured by Hellhounds and offers to stay behind to blow them up with improvised explosives, in order to buy the others time to go after Lucifer. Her mother, Ellen, stays behind with her and is the one who ends up setting the explosives off.
    • In the climax of the fifth season, Sam manages to take himself, Lucifer, Michael, and Adam all into a cage of Hell to avert the apocalypse.
    • In the eighth season, Prometheus, having just been shot with a permanently fatal arrow from Artemis, manages to push the arrow further through his chest, thus killing Zeus, who was using him as a human shield.
  • Titus: Subverted. In a flashback, one of Ken's past wives says that she's breaking up with him and is "taking everything with me" when she shows up with a bomb strapped to her waist. Ken asks her if she can at least get him a beer. She obliges and promptly blows up in the kitchen.
