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Noodle Incident / Doctor Who

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River Song

Doctor Who is full of Noodle Incidents, what with the main character being an Inexplicably Awesome alien that even their closest friends only know by a title. You will be here for a while — you have been warned.

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    General Examples 
  • We don't know how the Doctor and the Master went from school chums to frenemies.
  • What led the Doctor to steal the TARDIS (other than general wanderlust)? There were "pressing reasons at the time", apparently, but good luck getting them to admit what they were. Series 9 established that they ran away out of fear, but what that fear was — whether it was due to the prophecy of the Hybrid or something else — is still a mystery.
  • The Doctor's original family. Susan's the only (confirmed) one we've seen; what about the others? Does it have anything to do with why they left Gallifrey in the first place? Additionally, if he had a granddaughter, then presumably he also had a spouse and at least one child. He mentions an uncle in "Time and the Rani."
  • The Doctor frequently references various events in Earth's timeline, such as the "Twelfth British Empire", "The Nineteenth Reich", and several future World Wars.
  • We also never got to see other incarnations of the Master before the 13th Incarnation (except for his first incarnation in a flashback). Several of them have now been shown in Expanded Universe materials.

Classic Series:

    First Doctor 
  • "The Edge of Destruction" has an early example. Susan recognises a photograph on the screen as Quinnis, a planet in the fourth universe where they nearly lost the TARDIS. As revealed in the Big Finish story "Quinnis", it was almost carried away by a flood when the Doctor was posing as a rainmaker.
  • "The Romans":
    • The Doctor mentions that this isn't his first visit to Rome.
    • He also boasts of having once trained "the Mountain Mauler of Montana".

    Second Doctor 

    Third Doctor 
  • "The Day of the Daleks": The Doctor told Napoleon that an army marches on its stomachs.
  • "The Time Monster": The "daisiest daisy" monologue is an extremely rare glimpse into the Doctor's childhood on Gallifrey (a house halfway up a mountain, near where an old hermit lived under the tree). The events he describes took place on "the blackest day of my life" — but he never actually mentions why he felt so depressed. As of "Listen", however, we may have been given a clue — fear of being forced to join the army, since no one thought he'd make a Time Lord.
  • "The Green Death": Similar to Zodin, there been several explanations outside the TV series about what the Perigosto Stick the Doctor mentions is. You can't trust a Venusian Shanghorn with one, you see.
  • "Planet of the Spiders": It's mentioned that the Brigadier once somehow earned the gratitude of a woman named Doris. In "Battlefield", it's revealed "she finally caught him" and they are now married. (A comic explains this.)
    • The same story has the Doctor show off an escapology trick he learned from Harry Houdini.

    Fourth Doctor 
  • "The Face of Evil": At some point prior to the story the Doctor tried to repair a damaged supercomputer using a neural link to his own brain, and now the computer has achieved sentience with a corrupted version of the Doctor's own personality. We never see this prequel adventure or really know where it occurred during the Doctor's life, apart from it must have been the Fourth Doctor, since the computer uses his face. Based on this, expanded universe sources have suggested that it happened in a side trip during "Robot", just after his regeneration and when he wasn't at his most stable mentally, but we don't know for sure.
  • "The Sun Makers": The PA announces that the Gatherer has offered 5,000 telmars for the Doctor's capture. A couple of workers marvel at this, until the Doctor (who's been standing behind them) scoffs, "Peanuts! The Droge of the Gabriellides once offered an entire star system for my head!"
  • "City of Death": The Doctor's already quite familiar with Leonardo da Vinci when he goes back in time to meet him, and the Doctor had also spent enough time with William Shakespeare that he trusted the Doctor enough to scribe Hamlet for him after he'd sprained his wrist writing sonnets.

    Fifth Doctor 
  • For the entirety of his tenure, the Doctor wears a stalk of celery on his left lapel, pinning it on in "Castrovalva". In his final serial, "The Caves of Androzani", we learn this incarnation suffers allergies from Praxis gasses in star systems. If he comes in range of these gases, the celery turns purple and he eats its to (presumably) act as an immunity booster to the allergens. However, we never see this happen on screen, because this was a last minute explanation written in to justify his habit of pinning the celery to his clothing.

    Sixth Doctor 
  • "Vengeance on Varos" has a humorous example:
    Peri: You even managed to burn dinner last night!
    The Doctor: I never said I was perfect!
    Peri: If you recall, I was going to have a cold dinner last night.
  • "Timelash" references an unbroadcast adventure the Third Doctor and Jo Grant had on the same planet. It's heavily implied that there was someone else travelling in the TARDIS at the time as well, as a character sees the Doctor with just one companion and queries him about this.

    Seventh Doctor 
  • "Remembrance of the Daleks": The Doctor's worryingly-throwaway line about the Hand of Omega — "...and didn't we have trouble with the prototype..."
    • Also, the implication is that the Doctor ran away from Gallifrey with the prototype before leaving it in London 1963. How did he acquire it?

    Eighth Doctor 
  • He and the Master indicate a half-human side with this new incarnation. Writing-wise, this bold move is so much of a Continuity Snarl people try to Hand Wave it or ignore it altogether. The Doctor has been portrayed as pure Time Lord ever since their introduction in "The War Games". Word of God says if the movie had got a series, it would be explained... somehow.
  • The Doctor knew Madame Curie... intimately.
  • Invoked by the Master, who makes up a terrible implied backstory for the Doctor to convince Chang Lee to work with him.
    The Master: Genghis Khan?
    Chang: What about him?
    The Master: That was him!
    Chang: No way!
    The Master: Yes way.
    • Nine does mention that Genghis Khan and his assembled forces tried to break into the TARDIS. Is the Master lying or did the Doctor once pose at him and get found out which angered Genghis?
  • The Eighth Doctor was also fond of using Retroactive Precognition to create these, alluding to other characters' future deeds.
  • In "The Chimes of Midnight", the Eighth Doctor says that he and Charley found an original copy of Oliver Twist.
  • In "The Sontaran Ordeal", the Doctor mentions having trained with the legendary swordsman Miyamoto Musashi.

New Series:

  • The Steven Moffat era made Noodle Incidents a Running Gag.
  • The Time War that destroyed Gallifrey and (supposedly) the Daleks was treated in this fashion for eight years; we were given lots of intriguing hints and abstract reveals as to what happened and who did what (with mentions of the Fall of Arcadia and the burning of the Cruciform — neither of which were seen in the series — and it being stated in "Dalek" that the Doctor had no choice but to do the deed himself), but we didn't see what actually occurred, though "The End of Time" explains some of it. The Fiftieth Anniversary special, "The Day of the Doctor", finally revealed more of the backstory, including the Fall of Arcadia, but other parts such as the burning of the Cruciform remain unexplained.

    Series 1 
  • The in-universe tie-in website Who is Doctor Who? invited readers to post "sightings" of the Doctor. Hundreds of reports were hosted on the website, ranging from a sentence to a paragraph in length, and typically took the form of the reader having bumped into the Doctor and/or Rose whilst they were in the midst of an adventure, or seeing them in historical records as in "Rose".
  • "Rose":
    • Clive's various pictures show the Doctor visiting JFK's assassination and the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa. He also prevented a family from taking the Titanic. A line in the next episode makes it clear he also went on the ship himself, and ended up "clinging to an iceberg".
      • The Big Finish story "Battle Scars" expands on the Doctor saving the family from the Titanic.
    • The story about the Doctor and Genghis Khan the Master told above is implied to be a lie as the Doctor tells Rose that the "assembled hordes of Genghis Khan couldn't get through that door. And believe me, they've tried."
    • The 2018 novelization expands the scene where Rose talks to Conspiracy Theorist Clive, who shows her pictures of the Doctor from across history. Here, Clive has a photo of the Thirteenth Doctor being chased by a giant frog in front of Buckingham Palace. He also has a photo of Nine fighting a pterodactyl in around the year 2000, which, by a scratch on the Doctor's face, took place for him between his visit to the Tylers' flat and when Rose encountered him again at the restaurant that evening.
  • "The Unquiet Dead": Apparently, the Doctor pushed boxes at the Boston Tea Party and fought in World War V.
  • "The Empty Child"/"The Doctor Dances":
    • When the Doctor asks Nancy's kids why they're still in London, one of the boys says that he ran away from where he was evacuated because "There was a man there." The implications are fairly obvious.
    • The Doctor apparently blew up the weapon factories at Villengard that made Jack's squareness gun. And, somehow, contrived to get them replaced with a banana grove.
      • Titan Comics' "The Whole Thing's Bananas" establishes that the War Doctor was responsible, with the assistance of Dorium Maldovar. He had done so to prevent the Daleks from using the weapons factories during the Time War.
    • The Doctor makes a cryptic joke about a red bicycle that Rose received for Christmas when she was 12, implying that he went back in time and gave it to her.
      Rose: Look at you, grinning away like you're Father Christmas!
      The Doctor: Who says I'm not? (Red bicycle when you were 12.)
    • The last time Jack was sentenced to death, he ordered four Hyper Vodkas and woke up in bed with both of his executioners, who stayed in touch.
    • Jack also has his own personal Noodle Incident: the two years of memories the Time Agency erased.
  • "Boom Town":
    • We see Jack telling a story about fifteen naked people running from something with tusks, ending with the punchline "I told you we should have turned left!"note 
    • Rose tells Mickey about a trip she and the Doctor took to the planet Woman Wept.
  • "Bad Wolf": The Doctor, while telling Lynda what happened before he, Rose and Jack were transmatted to the Gamestation, mentions that they had just "escaped" from 1336 Kyoto, where they'd gone after dropping off Egg Margaret at Raxacoricofallapatorius.
    • The visit to Kyoto is depicted in Titan Comics' "Return of the Volsci".

    Series 2 
  • Children in Need Special: While trying to convince Rose of his identity, the Tenth Doctor mentions a time where she and the Ninth Doctor were "hopping for [their] lives".
  • "Tooth and Claw": The Doctor helped Skylab fall to Earth, nearly losing his thumb in the process.
  • "The Girl in the Fireplace": The Doctor mentioned an encounter with Cleopatra to Mickey and Rose, calling her Cleo.
  • "Rise of the Cybermen": At the beginning of the episode, the Doctor and Rose are reminiscing about some incident on an asteroid bazaar involving a fire-breathing alien woman.
  • "The Impossible Planet"/"The Satan Pit": It's Played for Drama — the Beast, claiming to be the Devil, taunts the base crew with snippets of their pasts. Mr. Jefferson, the security officer, apparently did something his wife never forgave him for. Danny Bartok, the Ood handler, is called "the little boy who lied". Finally, Ida Scott, chief science officer, is "running from daddy". (The secrets the other characters are taunted with are not noodle incidents.)
  • "Love & Monsters":
    • The Doctor and Rose are seen chasing a Hoix in a disused factory, and there's two buckets containing mysterious liquids.
    • Ursula's blog has a picture of the Doctor taken at Trafalgar Square after the events of "The Christmas Invasion". We don't know exactly what he was doing there.
    • When Elton was a child, the Doctor tracked an Elemental Shade to his house and killed it, but not before it killed Elton's mother.
  • "Army of Ghosts": During the opening montage, the Doctor and Rose are seen standing on a rocky beach watching pterodactyl-esque creatures flying around.
  • "Doomsday" reveals a Time War noodle incident.
    The Doctor: I was at the fall of Arcadia. Some day I might even come to terms with that.

    Series 3 
  • "Smith and Jones": Apparently Emmeline Pankhurst stole the Doctor's laser spanner, cheeky woman!
  • "The Shakespeare Code": At the end, Queen Elizabeth I shows up, recognizes the Doctor, declares that he's her "sworn enemy", and sends the guards after him, forcing him and Martha to leg it back to the TARDIS. The Doctor says he can't wait to find out what he did. Eventually, "The End of Time" and "The Day of the Doctor" cleared it up: he married her, but then ditched her, as he only 'married' her as a ploy to expose her as a Zygon. Turned out he married the genuine article.
  • "Gridlock": The Doctor got his Badass Longcoat from Janis Joplin.
  • "The Lazarus Experiment":
    • The Doctor comments that whenever he wears his tuxedo, something bad always happens. The only previous time the Tenth Doctor had ever been seen wearing a tux onscreen was in "Rise of the Cybermen"/"The Age of Steel" — and although something bad did happen then, one incident doesn't seem like enough to develop an opinion like that.
    • The Doctor says that he's seen something like Lazarus' tech before. His wording strongly implies that what Lazarus did isn't that far off from regeneration.
  • "Human Nature": We don't know what the Doctor and Martha were doing when they were attacked by the Family of Blood. According to Martha's Character Blog, they were visiting the 2007 Eurovision (as in the one that got the actual episode delayed).
  • "Blink":
    • The ending includes some intriguing reasoning for why the Doctor can't stay long.
      The Doctor: Got to go, got a sort of ... thing ... happening. Well, four things. Well, four things ... and a lizard.
      • Martha also mentions a "hatching" taking place in 20 minutes. And she's carrying a quiver of arrows, while the Doctor has a bow.
    • Relatedly, the Doctor saying he's "rubbish at weddings", especially his own. And this is before the Queen Elizabeth I incident!
    • We don't know how the Doctor and Martha got sent back in time by the Angels.
    • The exact circumstances which led to the Doctor discovering that his "timey-wimey detector" can boil an egg at 30 paces, leading to some presumably very unpleasant fates for some chickens, are not explained, perhaps mercifully.
  • "The Sound of Drums": The Master says he ran from the Time War after "that Dalek Emperor took control of the Cruciform". The only thing we know is that it isn't the Crucible from the Series 4 finale, and that given that the Master practically never shows fear to begin with, it must have been bad.
  • "Last of the Time Lords": Martha's exploits during the Year That Never Was include crossing the "radiation pits of Europe", walking across North America on foot, seeing the "ruins of New York", and being the only person to escape from the islands of Japan when they burned. The short story collection The Song of Martha expands on this.

    Series 4 
  • "Voyage of the Damned": The Doctor claims that on the very first Christmas, he got the last room at the inn.
  • "The Fires of Pompeii": The Doctor informs the Sybilline priestesses that he met the Sybil, and she was an excellent dancer.
  • "The Sontaran Stratagem": While supervising Donna flying the TARDIS at the beginning, the Doctor warns her not to get too close to the 1980s, because apparently someone put a dent in them.
  • "The Unicorn and the Wasp": The Doctor mentions an incident where he was "in the Ardennes, looking for Charlemagne. He'd been kidnapped by an insane computer." This is accompanied by a flashback of the Doctor carrying a bow and arrows while using a machete to hack his way through underbrush (suggesting that this may the same noodle incident as the one that appeared at the end of Blink). There's a short story, formerly on the Doctor Who website but since removed, which covers this, and it is a different incident from the one in Blink.
  • "Silence in the Library"/"Forest of the Dead":
    • Donna's explanation for her skills at kicking in doors:
      The Doctor: Nice door skills, Donna.
      Donna: Yeah, well, you know. Boyfriends. Sometimes you need the element of surprise.
    • River Song mentions several, since she knows the Doctor in his future. Several of them would be resolved in future episodes.
      • "Ooh, picnic at Asgard. Have we done Asgard yet?"note 
      • "Crash of the Byzantium, have we done that yet?"
      • She mentions that the Doctor gave her her screwdriver.
      • "I'll trust that man to the end of the universe. And actually, we've been!"
      • She mentions she's seen armies run away at the sight of the Doctor.note 
  • "The Stolen Earth": During the Time War, Davros "died" when his command ship "flew into the jaws of the Nightmare Child".
  • "Planet of the Dead": The Doctor knows what really happened at the first Easter.
  • "The Waters of Mars": Ed Gold did something for which Adelaide Brooke "never could forgive" him. Russell T Davies says in the background interviews that he likes hinting at this mystery that will never be solved.
  • "The End of Time":
    • Why is the TARDIS depicted in one of the stained glass windows of the church at the beginning? The Woman in White tells Wilf that the Doctor defeated an alien of some kind that attacked the convent at that location in the Middle Ages.
    • Upon arriving on the Oodsphere, the Doctor tells Ood Sigma what he's been up to recently: He saw the Phosphorus Carousel of the Great Magellan Gestadt, saved a planet from the Red Carnivorous Maw, named a galaxy Allison and got married to Queen Elizabeth I.
    • The Doctor references a number of monsters/weapons that fought in the Time War. The names he drops are the Nightmare Child, the Skaro Degradations, the Horde of Travesties, and the Could've Been King and his army of Meanwhiles and Never Weres. The implication is that each is some kind of Eldritch Abomination but we're never given any indication what they were or what side (if any) they each fought on. Even when the Time War is shown in "The Day of the Doctor", none of them appear. The only other thing we know is that since Davros' command ship flew into its jaws, the Nightmare Child must've been massive. (Or possibly, given that Time Lords were involved, it was Bigger on the Inside?)
      • Engines of War, which centres on the War Doctor, gave information on the Skaro Degradations. They were Dalek forces with abnormal and malformed appearances created by the Daleks during experiments to retro-evolve the Dalek genome.

    Series 5 
  • "The Eleventh Hour": You really have to wonder what Prisoner Zero did to get put in jail, since the Atraxi feel that burning an entire planet is a justified response if they can't capture it again.
    • For that matter, since he's Prisoner Zero, are there other prisoners? Or is he the only one?
  • "The Beast Below": Liz 10 mentions a few of the Doctor's relationships with past British monarchs, namely that he's an old drinking buddy of Henry XII, and, of course: "And so much for the Virgin Queen, you bad, bad boy!"
  • "Victory of the Daleks": The Doctor knows Winston Churchill quite well. It's implied that Churchill's met at least two incarnations before Eleven, if his line about having "changed [his] face again" is any indication. Indeed, numerous encounters between Churchill and the Doctor have been depicted in the expanded universe, both in prose and on audio.
  • "The Time of Angels":
    • The Doctor's demeanour for the first part of the episode strongly suggests that he's had several offscreen run-ins with Doctor/Professor River Song since her previous appearance, and that the most recent one from his perspective may have ended somewhat disastrously.
    • River, checking her diary: "Have we done the Bone Meadows?"
  • "The Vampires of Venice":
    • When the Doctor bursts out of the cake at Rory's stag party and spots him:
      The Doctor: That's a relief, I thought I burst out of the wrong cake. [Beat] Again.
    • There is an appropriately brief mention of one, which gets even funnier if you know David Tennant (the 10th Doctor) has played Casanova.
      The Doctor: That's okay, 1580. Casanova doesn't get born for 145 years. Don't want to run into him. I owe him a chicken.
      Rory: You owe Casanova a chicken?
      The Doctor: [briskly] Long story, we had a bet.
  • "Vincent and the Doctor": The Doctor has recently taken Amy to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the Trojan gardens.
  • "The Big Bang":
    • What the CRAP did Auton-Rory DO during those 2000 years?! We just know from Rory that he kept out of trouble. Unsuccessfully.
    • Eleven has to unlive his whole life as the universe prepares to restart itself, thereby erasing him from existence. He sees Amy and his earlier self in the TARDIS, Amy agape about "Space Florida" and its "automatic sand".
    • At the end of the episode, the Doctor gets a phone call on the TARDIS.
      The Doctor: An Egyptian goddess? Loose on the Orient Express... in space? Don't worry about a thing, Your Majesty. We're on our way!
      • And, regarding that Egyptian goddess, the Doctor says that she was "sealed into the seventh obelisk", and he should know because he was at the "prayer meeting". Even regarding what "Mummy on the Orient Express" retcons about the nature of that phone call, it's indicated that the imprisonment of the unidentified goddess did happen.

    Series 6 
  • "A Christmas Carol":
    • Apparently the Doctor partied with Santa Claus (AKA "Jeff") and Albert Einstein at Frank Sinatra's hunting lodge in the 1950s, and he has a photo to prove it.
    • The Doctor accidentally got engaged to Marilyn Monroe in 1952.
    • Also, there is apparently a moon made of honey. Except it's not actual honey, nor is it a moon. It's also technically alive and a bit carnivorous.
  • "The Impossible Astronaut":
    • The episode begins with a montage of some adventures the Doctor's had recently, including getting involved with the wife of a 17th-century cavalier, leading a jailbreak in World War II and invading a Laurel and Hardy movie.
    • The Stormcage guards' reactions make it clear River's broken out before, after "packing".
    • River and the Doctor check their journals to see where they are in their timelines. Mention is made of a visit to Easter Island and "Jim the Fish", who is apparently "still building his dam". The second one becomes something of a Chekhov's Gun when the Doctor reappears later, and River uses his ignorance of the incident to deduce that he's younger than the Doctor from earlier.
    • The Doctor says that Napoleon gave him the bottle of wine he and his companions are drinking. Well, he says gave... threw is a better description. One wonders if this took place during the same incident mentioned in "The Day of the Daleks".
  • "Day of the Moon": It's been three months since the previous episode, and our heroes have scouted the entire United States. So, how'd the Doctor get imprisoned in Area 51 and sneak the TARDIS there — and why was Rory at a dam? And why was River wearing an evening gown?
  • "The Doctor's Wife": The first scene on the TARDIS involves the Doctor finishing recounting a previous adventure: "And then it turned out it wasn't the robot king after all. Fortunately I was able to reattach the head." The only thing we know about this one is that Rory wasn't travelling with them at the time.
  • "The Rebel Flesh":
    The Doctor: I've got to get to that cockerel before all hell breaks loose! Ooh, never thought I'd get to say that again!
  • "The Almost People": The Doctor once plugged his brain into an entire planet to halt it in its orbit to win a bet.
  • "A Good Man Goes to War":
    • We don't know exactly how or when Amy was replaced with a Flesh avatar.
    • Madame Vastra makes her entrance having just killed and eaten Jack the Ripper.
    • Whatever incident caused Strax to be made a Combat Medic to restore the honour of his clone batch. Supplementary materials suggest that the Tenth Doctor was involved, as it's mentioned that Strax has a particular dislike for him.
    • Whatever the Doctor did/will do at the Gamma Forest was so awesome that it caused the people there to see his name as meaning "Great Warrior". Presumably, it took place later in the Doctor's timeline, since he doesn't recognize Lorna.
    • When Rory arrives at Stormcage to fetch River, she tells him that she's just returned from a birthday outing with the Doctor, which involved Stevie Wonder playing at a frost fair in 1814, London, "But you must never tell him."
    • Less than a minute later, we get this gem:
      Rory: I've come from the Doctor too.
      River: Yes, but at a different point in time.
      Rory: Unless there's two of them.
      River: Now, that's a whole different birthday.
      This could be Leaning on the Fourth Wall, since Doctor Who anniversaries are frequently celebrated with multi-Doctor stories.
    • Vastra says that she met the Doctor because she'd been trying to avenge the deaths of her sisters on innocent tunnel-diggers in the London Underground, and he persuaded her to stop.
  • "Let's Kill Hitler":
  • "The Girl Who Waited": The numerous unseen adventures of Older Amy, including building a sonic probe, acquiring a katana, disarming the Rory-bot, and reprogramming Interface.
  • "The God Complex": This episode isn't the first time the Doctor's been threatened with a chair leg.
  • "The Wedding of River Song":
    • The Doctor, to Dorium: "Liz I is still waiting in a glade to elope with me!"
    • Just how many stag parties did Jack Harkness have?
    • Just what did River do to Kennedy?
    • Cleopatra's met River, mentioned the Doctor, and told her to "put down that gun". River did... "eventually".
  • "Night and the Doctor":
    • "Bad Night": Something happened involving the Doctor and River at a party, a cricket bat, the Queen of England being turned into a goldfish, a pet shop, a rioting commonwealth, and an alien warlord being turned into a fly as a hostage.
    • "Good Night": The Doctor rescued a possessed orchestra on the moon with River's help, which apparently involved Marilyn Monroe and a biplane.

    Series 7 
  • "Pond Life":
    • "April": The Doctor leaves a message on Amy and Rory's answering machine about escaping from Sontarans by surfing on lava, meeting Mata Hari and recording a rap album.
    • "May": The Doctor bursts in on Amy and Rory in the middle of the night, and tells them that the planet's in danger, but he apparently got them at the wrong time. He then claims that the planet is perfectly safe.
    • "June": The Doctor somehow accidentally left an Ood at Amy and Rory's house.
  • "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship":
    • The episode begins just after the Doctor saved Queen Nefertiti's people from an invasion of giant alien locusts.
    • The last time the Doctor saw John Riddell, he left him with two very disappointed dancers after saying he was popping out for liquorice. Riddell also says that the Doctor isn't talking him into something "again".
    • On a more mundane note, the "Loft Incident" that left Brian wary of letting Rory hold a ladder on his own.
  • "A Town Called Mercy":
    • Rory apparently left his phone charger in Henry VIII's ensuite.
    • At the end:
      The Doctor: Ooh! You know all the monkeys and dogs they sent into space in the '50s and '60s? You will never guess what happened to them.
  • "The Power of Three":
    • The Doctor at one point takes Amy and Rory on a seven-week trip as an anniversary present. Some highlights:
      • The trip kicked off with a night at the Savoy Hotel in 1890 — except that there was a Zygon ship buried under the hotel, and half the staff were impostors.
      • The visit to Henry VIII mentioned in the previous episode is elaborated upon — apparently Amy accidentally married him.
    • The Doctor once ran a restaurant, and claims to have invented the Yorkshire pudding.
    • One of Rory's patients at the hospital is a man with his foot stuck in a toilet. It's not the first time.
    • The Doctor, while playing Wii Tennis (Fred Perry was a famous tennis player from the 1930s):
      "If only Fred Perry could see me now!... He'd probably ask for his shorts back."
  • "The Bells of Saint John":
    • The people at the Shard, while looking for the TARDIS, had an "embarrassment" involving the police box outside the Earl's Court Tube station.
    • The bad guys had to stage the London riots, for an unknown reason.
  • "The Rings of Akhaten": Apparently the Doctor previously visited Akhaten with his granddaughter.
  • "Hide": Professor Palmer's World War II exploits include something involving carrier pigeons.
  • "Nightmare in Silver": How Clara convinced the Doctor to take Angie and Artie on a trip in the TARDIS.
  • "The Name of the Doctor":
    • Apparently the Doctor saved Jenny's life when he and Vastra first met her.
    • When Clara is splintered throughout the Doctor's timeline we see several:
      • An unseen adventure the Sixth Doctor had aboard a spaceship.
      • The Eighth and Second Doctors appear to have been in the same place at the same time once (a beach on Earth), although it's unknown whether it was the same adventure or not.
      • The Doctor appears to have first visited the Library before it was sealed due to the Vashta Nerada.

    50th Anniversary Specials 
  • "The Day of the Doctor":
    • The Black Archive has boards covered in pictures depicting unseen adventures involving the Doctor's companions, including ones who never met onscreen.
    • Clara's apparently been to the Black Archive before, but had her memory wiped.
    • UNIT has apparently developed quite a pattern of using Derren Brown to explain away awkward incidents, of which only the latest involves flying a police box over London using a helicopter.
      Kate Stewart: Again?
      Osgood: We've sent him flowers.
  • "The Time of the Doctor":
    • If the Doctor is to be believed, he once invented a robot boyfriend. It was awkward.
    • We don't know when, exactly, the Doctor acquired Handles.
    • The Doctor's past with Tasha Lem is a complete mystery. The only thing we know is that the last time he saw her was sometime before "The End of Time", because she makes it clear she's never met Eleven before.
    • Most of the Siege of Trenzalore is mysterious, including why the Doctor started using a cane. And yes, there's an Expanded Universe short story collection, Tales of Trenzalore, to help with that.

    Series 8 
  • "Deep Breath"
    • Vastra's reaction upon seeing the Twelfth Doctor for the first time implies that Eleven wasn't the first incarnation of the Doctor she met.
    • Vastra tells Clara that the Doctor "really knows how to put a band together." Said band apparently included Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius on the bass guitar.
  • "Robot of Sherwood": The Doctor's met Erroll Flynn and Cyrano de Bergerac, and taken fencing lessons from them. The former had the "most enormous... ego." He's also taken fencing lessons from Richard the Lionheart, hinting at either a missing scene from "The Crusade" and/or a later, unseen adventure where he met Richard again.
  • "The Caretaker":
    • The audience sees snippets of three adventures: the Doctor and Clara chained to stakes on a desert planet, something about "fish people" and then running away from people with lasers.
    • The Doctor said that he once spent a month living/sulking with otters because of a fight with River. The nature of the fight and where it takes place during the Doctor's timeline is a mystery, other than the fact that it was when he was Eleven.
    • According to Danny, Clara once turned up on a date wearing a space helmet.
  • "Kill the Moon": The Doctor mentions he once took Clara out for dinner in 1938 Berlin.
  • "Death in Heaven": We don't know how the Master regenerated from Saxon into Missy, though we later find out.
  • "Last Christmas": The Doctor wakes up by a volcano. We don't know what he was doing there, or why it looks like the dream volcano from "Dark Water".

    Series 9 
  • "The Magician's Apprentice":
    • We don't know how the Doctor managed to wind up on Skaro, when Davros was young. Or why he was looking for a bookshop.
    • The Shadow Architect's cameo starts with her giving some interesting orders:
      "Deploy the under-regiment across both sectors. That number of suicide moons cannot be a coincidence."
    • Clara's met Jane Austen, and apparently she's a "phenomenal kisser".
    • Clara has now worked with UNIT enough that they not only accept her as a surrogate for the Doctor but will give her the authority to command their personnel.
    • The Doctor, on his previous "duel" with Bors: "And a daffodil is not a broadsword, but I still won the last round!"
    • Missy mentions two noodle incidents: the Cloister Wars, and the time the Doctor stole the moon and the President's wife.
  • "The Witch's Familiar":
    • Missy's escape method is based on one of the Doctor's.
      "He's travelling by teleporter. Unfortunately the teleporter's out of power. Also unfortunate, he's being stalked by, oh, say about 50 android assassins? I may be rounding up!"
      • And then, at the end of her story, there's another one:
        Clara: So the androids think he's dead, and the Doctor escapes?
        Missy: No, he's the Doctor. He fell into a nest of vampire monkeys. But that's another story!
    • Missy implies she's met the Supreme Dalek before, or at least one of its predecessors.
      "Is it the same Supreme Dalek as before? I fought him on the slopes of the Nether Vault."
    • Missy gets another one at the end of the episode. She's surrounded by Daleks, no Vortex Manipulator and the entire city is collapsing around her. And then, she says "I've just had a very clever idea..." with a fiendish smile... And throughout her appearances in Series 10, we never find out what that idea was! Nor how she escaped the Daleks and ended up on the executioners' planet in "Extremis"!
  • "Under the Lake":
    • Clara lost her sunglasses and most of her dignity on a planet where it's perpetually New Year's Eve.
    • Clara once got into an argument with Gandhi.
    • The Doctor once met Shirley Bassey, which got him overexcited.
    • The Doctor once stayed in one place long enough to be driven nuts by Peter Andre's "Mysterious Girl" playing on the TARDIS radio for two weeks, driving him to dismantle the radio and build a clockwork squirrel out of it.
  • "Before the Flood": In-Universe Doctor fangirl O'Donnell mentions, between Mr. Saxon and the Moon exploding and a big bat thing flying out, "the Minister of War". The Doctor nearly asks her about it, but decides not to on the grounds he'll eventually find out anyway (one of the only recorded instances of the Doctor learning about a future event in such a fashion).
  • "The Girl Who Died":
    • The episode kicks off with Clara stuck in deep space with a love sprite in her spacesuit, while the Doctor lures an enemy fleet of some kind halfway across the universe. This stems from an incident in a place called the "spider mines".
    • It's implied that the Doctor has previously succeeded in using a yo-yo to convince people that he's a god.
    • Apparently Clara once wielded a sword in battle. Even the Doctor was surprised to learn this.
  • "The Woman Who Lived":
    • Ashildr's been up to a lot over the past 800 years, including being a medieval queen and saving a village from scarlet fever. She was also apparently at a leper colony.
      • There's an Expanded Universe short story collection, The Legends of Ashildr, that fills in some of the gaps.
    • The Doctor helped one of Clara's students with a history assignment by taking her to meet Winston Churchill. (The assignment: the students had to write an imaginary interview with Churchill. You can guess the rest.)
  • "The Zygon Inversion":
    • It is entirely possible that Kate Lethbridge-Stewart has learned, and subsequently been memory-wiped of, the secret of the Osgood Boxes on 15 previous occasions.
    • In addition to what is indicated above, Clara has become so important that she is one of only a few people on the planet who can access the Black Archive.
  • "Face the Raven":
    • The episode begins with the Doctor and Clara entering the TARDIS, after she did something that resulted in the pair of them being banished from the second-most-beautiful garden planet in the universe. It also involved the Doctor nearly marrying a sentient plant, and Clara doing something physical that really impressed the Doctor.
    • More Jane Austen — apparently she and Clara have been playing pranks on each other. Clara later says she loves Austen — "Take that how you like".
    • The Doctor's been keeping tabs on Ashildr, although he lost track of her in the 1800s.
    • In a deleted scene, the Doctor and Clara had a run-in with Derren Brown — who may or may not be an alien — that led to him being declared Persona Non Grata with the Doctor.
  • "Hell Bent":
    • In another Time War incident, one of the Time Lord soldiers gives this reason for siding with the Doctor:
      "I was at Skull Moon, sir."
    • It's revealed that the Doctor didn't steal the moon and the President's wife. He lost the moon and stole the President's daughter. Apparently the former version was a lie put out by the Shobogans.
  • "The Husbands of River Song":
    • River married Ramone and then wiped his memory of it because he was being "annoying".
    • River has apparently borrowed the TARDIS without the Doctor's knowledge on many previous occasions.
    • River, on why she wants Flemming to deadlock the door to the baggage hold: "Remember that time I was transporting dragon eggs?"
    • Jim the Fish gets another mention, as does the picnic at Asgard.
    • Among the people who have previously been married to either the Doctor or River include Cleopatra and Stephen Fry.

    Series 10 
  • "The Return of Doctor Mysterio":
    • All of the Ghost's other adventures. All we know is that he's Famed In-Story, but Lucy Fletcher didn't think he was real. How did he react to other alien invasions? How did he get that nifty suit?
    • We don't know what happened during the Doctor and River's 24 years on Darillium, in particular why and how the Doctor put Nardole back together. All we get is Nardole needling the Doctor for needing someone's company.
    • At one point, Nardole materializes the TARDIS around the Doctor. Thing is, it took him a few tries, and on one of those tries he wound up emperor of Constantinople in the twelfth century, where he "ruled firmly, but wisely".
  • "The Pilot": Why the Doctor made a promise to guard a vault hidden underneath the University of Bristol (this is later explained).
  • "Smile": The Doctor once met an emperor made of algae, who fancied him.
  • "Thin Ice": This episode is the third time the Doctor's taken a companion to the last of the great frost fairs, one of the previous occasions being the time he brought River Song and Stevie Wonder mentioned in "A Good Man Goes to War". note 
  • "Oxygen": Nardole apparently once had to go on the run and get a new face, the new face being the one he now has.
  • "Extremis": The Doctor spent a night with Pope Benedict IX (who was apparently female and could do naughty things with castanets) in 1045.
  • "The Lie of the Land": Several.
    • What Bill did for the past six months.
    • Missy's past encounters with the Monks, which included pushing a little girl into a volcano.
    • Missy once made a gun out of leaves.
    • When Nardole learned Tarovian martial arts.
  • "The Eaters of Light": The Doctor has previously spent time in Roman Britain as a governor, farmer, juggler and vestal virgin (second class). For some reason it's the "second class" bit that Nardole has a problem with, but all the Doctor says is "It's a long story."
  • "Twice Upon a Time": Among the various titles of the Doctor the Testimony has on file are "The Butcher of Skull Moon" and "The Last Tree of Garsennon". (The other titles are all either previously-heard ones or related to events seen onscreen.)

    Series 11 
  • "The Woman Who Fell to Earth": The Doctor, after being told she should get some new clothes, remarks that it's been a long time since she's needed to buy women's clothing.
    • Although that could be explained by any of the Doctor's close companions or relatives: grandaughter Susan, wife River Song, or the various female companions he's traveled with.
  • "The Ghost Monument":
    • The Doctor loans Graham a pair of sunglasses that she "borrowed" from either Audrey Hepburn or Pythagoras.
      Graham: Eh? Pythagoras didn't wear sunglasses.
      The Doctor: You obviously never saw him with a hangover.
    • The Doctor was once a hologram for three weeks. "The gossip I picked up..."
  • "Rosa":
    • When the TARDIS lands in 1955 at the beginning, it's mentioned to be either the ninth or fourteenth arrival in the wrong place since the Doctor has been trying to return her companions home to 21st-century Sheffield. Furthermore, Graham's later complaining about how they never seem to stop to eat after getting kicked out of a restaurant suggests there may have been a few adventures at some of those places.
    • The Doctor once loaned a cell phone to Elvis Presley. Furthermore, the fact that Elvis has, contrary to the Doctor's instructions, loaned the phone to Frank Sinatra is a minor plot point.
    • The antagonist, Krasko, was sent to the Stormcage Containment Facility after committing a crime that led to at least 2,000 deaths.
  • "Arachnids in the UK":
    • The Doctor used to be a sister in an alien hospital that turned out to be a training ground for assassins. And this almost certainly happened when the Doctor was male, since this is only Thirteen's fourth episode and she's been hanging with the same human companions since almost immediately after she regenerated.
    • The Doctor and Amelia Earhart had to stop a plane using a rope made out of spider silk.
  • "The Tsuranga Conundrum":
    • Team TARDIS' trip rain-bathing in the upper tropics of Costano.
    • The Doctor did something to earn an entire volume in the Book of Celebrants.
    • Upon learning that she's in the 67th century, the Doctor remarks that it's a rather tumultuous period of history in the middle, but works out in the end.
  • "Demons of the Punjab":
    • The Death Eye Turtle Army, for which the Doctor has already apologized profusely.
    • The Doctor apparently officiated at Einstein's wedding. He was married twice, but the Doctor doesn't specify which one.
    • The Doctor has met Lord Mountbatten once before.
  • "Kerblam!": Ryan initially dismisses the message for help in the Doctor's package as being a prank because, as he mentions, at his warehouse job in Sheffield, "You should have seen what we used to hide inside the trainers."
  • "The Witchfinders":
    • The Doctor attributes her ability to escape from chains underwater to a "wet weekend with Houdini," possibly but not necessarily the same one mentioned in "Planet of the Spiders".
    • Shortly after, she says she has never felt so hungover since a mysterious Milk War.
  • "It Takes You Away": After seeing and scanning a sheep wandering in the woods, the Doctor mentions that in 2211, there's a Woolly Rebellion, which is a bloodbath that leads to a renegotiation of the relationship between humans and sheep.
  • "The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos": The Doctor isn't sure, but she might have half-invented wellies.
  • "Resolution": The Doctor gives Lin medicine to help her recover from being controlled by the Dalek, but warns her not to take them with alcohol or she'll grow an extra head. The Doctor then adds, "That was an embarrassing party."

    Series 12 
  • "Spyfall":
    • The Doctor has the TARDIS in a car mechanic's garage at the start of the episode, allegedly draining water out of slides, lakes and a rainforest that are apparently somewhere inside.
    • The Doctor apparently spent 123 years living in the Australian Outback, where she saw some "great rocks".
    • The Doctor and her companions know how to ride motorbikes because of a visit to the "Great Calespan Bike-Off".
    • While theorizing that the realm of the Kasaavin might be inside a larger creature, the Doctor hopes she isn't inside a liver, having apparently been inside the same one multiple times.
      "People always get so offended. 'What are you doing in my liver again?'"
    • The Master has a very frustrating 77 years marooned on Earth. The places he's escaped from...
  • "Orphan 55" begins with the Doctor and her "fam" mopping up the console room and a giant octopus-like tentacle lying on the floor as the Doctor apologizes for not realizing it was "their mating season".
    • She's also familiar with the symptoms of the hopper virus and how to cure it.
  • "Praxeus": The Doctor twice mentions a talking cat in Ontario that she's ruled out as being connected to the events of the episode.
  • "Fugitive of the Judoon": Pretty much everything about Ruth—where does she fall in the Doctor's timeline? How did she meet Lee? What happened to her after this story?

    60th Anniversary Specials 
  • “The Star Beast”
  • “Wild Blue Yonder”
    • The Doctor mentions being stuck in orbit for three years because “he couldn’t land anywhere” before turning off the HADS.
  • “The Giggle”
    • Donna’s daughter Rose came out as transgender after Donna began putting her through recorder lessons and the former deciding “this is not who I am” six months into it.
    • Mel mentions that she returned to Earth after her travels on a Zingo. She refuses to elaborate on what that is.
