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Mohs / Science in Genre Only

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Science In Genre Only: The work is unambiguously set in the literary genre of Science Fiction, but scientific it is not. Applied Phlebotinum is the rule of the day, often of the Nonsensoleum kind, Green Rocks gain New Powers as the Plot Demands, and both Bellisario's Maxim and the MST3K Mantra apply. The vast majority of science comedy is in this genre, as it's easier to write jokes when you don't have to worry about contradicting yourself. Also sometimes referred to as Future Fantasy; just replace the castles with skyscrapers and magic with limitless technology.

Anime and Manga

Comic Books

  • The DC and Marvel universes, which in some ways resemble sci-fi versions of the Fantasy Kitchen Sink, will occasionally make weak, palsied gestures in the direction of verisimilitude and then follow that with a two-page spread that violates every rule of physics yet discovered, except the most important one.
    • It should be noted that some parts and characters of these universes would fall into other categories, but those are the exceptions and taken as a whole they fall squarely into this category.
  • Asterix and the Falling Sky: In what is usually a mundane/fantasy-ish classical antiquity setting, we have a science fiction-esque plot. There are two alien races shown, one of them has tin-can rats as soldiers, while the other has Superman clones. Both have spaceships (one had a rocket while the other had a flying saucer) and came from places light-years away from Earth, only coming to the Gaulish village to fight over the iconic magical super potion that said village has. It turns out that the magical potion is not compatible with the aliens' physiology.



  • Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is packed full of all kinds of bizarre nonsense. The fastest mode of travel, for example through the universe is by bistro, as in "place you eat in" or "second most overworked word in food marketing after newnote , and the second fastest mode is a drive that runs on the power of improbability — but the stories are fully aware of how absurd it is, and the reader is encouraged to think about it. It Runs on Nonsensoleum was clearly a favorite, if not the favorite, trope of creator Douglas Adams.
  • Lois Lowry's The Giver never gives any scientific justification whatsoever for... well, anything, really. Not the psychic transmission of memories, not the total control kept over every aspect of the Community, right down to its climate and color—or, rather, lack thereof. The focus is more on human nature.
  • John Carter of Mars included some elements that were Speculative Science at the time, such as the canals of Mars, but mostly went with phlebotinum everywhere. Most kinds of phlebotinum were portrayed with consistency once they were introduced, but elements such as John Carter's agelessness (as opposed to Martian immortality, which was a function of advanced medicine) and the transportation between Earth and Barsoom shaded into the purely mystical and didn't obey any kind of rules.
  • The Machineries of Empire has some elements of World of Phlebotinum with the phlebotinum in place being the calendar (which somehow has Reality Warper properties), but this doesn't explain faction abilities, animal-shaped shadows or mirrors showing the person possessing you at the moment.
  • Deconstructed in Redshirts, the fast and loose scientific explanations are one of the first signs that the world they're living in isn't very natural.
  • The Space Trilogy: C. S. Lewis cheerfully admitted that the only scientific explanation for space travel in Out of the Silent Planet is a Hand Wave, and the genre is really closer to a Lost World story, set in space largely because enough of our world had been explored to make the story implausible on Earth. In Perelandra, he dispenses with a pseudoscience explanation altogether and has Ransom simply transported through space by angels. That Hideous Strength meanwhile is set on Earth and explores how the language of scientific philosophy can be used as a cover for the Scale of Scientific Sins.


Tabletop Games


Video Games


  • Homestuck doesn't even obey real world physics in favour of gaming abstractions, and the characters are capable of instant messaging one another through time via unexplained mechanisms. The comic deals with concepts like the way time works between dimensions and the impossibility of FTL travel, but mostly for whimsy and intentional convolution, and characters frequently complain that magic is not real while using it.
  • Ellie on Planet X: The "robot studying aliens" premise could be swapped out for a fantasy one, without changing anything about the cute critters or Seussical landscapes.

Web Original

  • To Boldly Flee has nineteen Internet reviewers turn a house into a working spaceship capable of traveling from Earth to Jupiter in less than a week to investigate a literal Plot Hole. Definitely running on Rule of Cool and Rule of Funny.
  • SCP Foundation: Despite being an entire universe about things that go against scientific rules, everyone treats everything with good scientific hardness and bases the magical things in plausible physics terms. It is best described as what happens when you have Speculative Science themes and descriptions in a Science In Genre Only setting by lampshading all the different unscientific things.
Western Animation


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