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Fanfic / Yu-Gi-Oh! Re-GX

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"Here I come, Duel Academy. You better get your game on!"

Yu-Gi-Oh! Re-GX is an Alternate Universe Fan Fiction for Yu-Gi-Oh! GX that instead follows on from The Dark Side of Dimensions, written by Consaibot1. It is billed as a retelling of the anime with New Cards as well as New Characters.

Part 1 of the Series, adapting Season 1 of the Anime, is dubbed Sacred Shadows. Part 2 of the series, adapting Season 2 of the Anime, is dubbed Lament of Light. Part 3 of the series has been dubbed Dread of Kings.

The series can be read here.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Re-GX provides examples of...

  • Adapted Out: Bonaparate is nowhere to be seen or mentioned in the story.
  • Abduction Is Love: How Tania operates in Re-GX. This time round, she's not just chasing her own husband but husbands for other Amazons too.
  • Absurdly High-Stakes Game: It's a Yu-Gi-Oh! story.
    • Chapter 10: Chazz (unknowingly) wagers his soul against The Armed Dragon Cards.
    • Chapter 13: Losing a Shadow Game to David results in his opponent becoming Brainwashed and Crazy.
    • Chapter 16: Losing a Shadow Game to Alice results in her opponent becoming a doll.
    • Chapter 23: Losing a Shadow Game to Camula results in her taking her opponents soul to make them into a new vampire.
    • Downplayed in Chapter 28 where losing to Tania means she will take her opponent as either her own husband or as a husband for another Amazon.
    • Chapter 31: Losing a Shadow Game to Abidos results in him sealing your soul into an obelisk while your body acts as his servant.
    • Chapter 33: Banner and Nightshroud duel to the death. Nightshroud wins.
    • Chapter 34: Nightshroud turns those he defeats into cards, including the likes of Seika, Bastion, Chazz and Alexis.
      • As for Karyu Nightshroud is happy to just kill him during their duel.
    • Chapter 42: Tragoedia intends to rip out Jaden's soul and feed it to the Sacred Beasts.
    • Part 2 in General: Loss to the Society of Light results in you joining them.
      • Downplayed is Part 2 Chapter 47: Karyu and Alfimi wager Karyu's life, via marriage, on the outcome of their duel.
  • Adaptational Badass: Due to having newer cards in the series, this was inevitable.
    • Jaden is using both the HERO cards from the Manga as well as newer HERO cards like Sunrise, drastically upping his game compared to the original anime.
    • Chazz manages this in his debut duel...while still using Vanilla GX-Era cards; He combines Dark Blade the Dragon Knight with Battle Fusion to get an early lead on Jaden. He also defeats Bastion, mostly, off-screen in Chapter 10 thanks to his earlier character growth.
    • Despite their initial duel being more lopsided, Crowler manages to be this as well, using cards like Ancient Gear Catapult to quickly summon Ancient Gear Golem - Ultimate Pound (which would've won him the Duel had Jaden not used Absolute Zero...
    • Syrus Truesdale manages to be this to his earlier anime counterpart. While he still hesitates to play Power Bond, and it does cost him his first on-screen duel, it's more of a desire to be cautious then tied to his self-worth. He's even able to go toe-to-toe with Karyu.
    • Jasmine of all characters gets this, going from a girl who was depicted as being barely able to duel to using a decent Nephthys deck.
    • Seika goes from being a beauty queen who also happens to also be decent at Duel Monsters to the top-ranked female senior student.
    • Abidos is no longer a Fake Ultimate Hero of the Dueling World and is instead every bit the Powerful Pharaoh he was hyped up to be.
    • Mindy, of all people, is shown to be quite competent when in the Society of Light. Potentially downplayed as she displays this competence during a Tag Duel and was noted to be playing support for Chazz.
  • Adaptational Jerkass:
    • Jagger Princeton wasn't a nice guy in the original anime, but his threat to disown Chazz and his attempt to brainwash Chazz with a Shadow Duel make him this.
    • Zigzagged with Pierre; he legitimately won Alexis's scarf off her in the past...but he did so only because she was wrestling with Atticus disappearing at Duel Academy.
  • Adaptation Expansion:
    • The line-up of available cards is more extensive in this story compared to both the Anime and Manga, with cards being drawn from both TCG/OCG sets that have just been released or have yet to be released.
    • Bastion gets his Fire Dragon.
    • Several Anime Archetypes are expanded as well, notably the White Knight cards.
  • Adaptational Late Appearance: Dimitri makes a guest appearance in Chapter 10 of Part 3, being one of Viper's minion who was instigated by him to duel Jaden.
  • Ain't Too Proud to Beg: Alice, in Chapter 18, asks Alexis to help her after losing their Shadow Game. Alice is then transformed into her Doll Form shortly afterwards...
    • Mindy in Part 2, Chapter 50 provides a downplayed example when she tries to get Karyu to save Chazz from Yugi. Unfortunately for her, Karyu can't help Chazz even if he wanted to.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: Camula and David get this treatment because they genuinely loved each other and David had to watch Camula be devoured by the Shadows in his arms.
  • Almost Kiss: Jaden and Jasmine.
  • Aloof Big Brother: Zane to Syrus. He'll still have Camula devoured by the Shadows to save him, though.
  • Alternate Universe: To both the Anime and Manga, the events following on from The Dark Side of Dimensions.
  • An Ice Person: Alexis uses a Snow Deck, similar to her Manga Counterpart.
  • Ascended Extra: A few cases.
  • Badass Normal: Zane very much lives up to his image as the top student in the school. He's the first student to overcome Jaden's Elemental HERO Sunrise and walks off a Yubel-inflicted heart attack.
    • Bree displays some of this, in spite of her iffy Win-Loss record. She can go toe-to-toe with the likes of Karyu and Alexis even if she falls short on both counts.
  • Battle in the Center of the Mind: Part 2 Chapter 17 is Jaden struggling against Sartorius to avoid joining the Society of Light.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Yubel. Twice. The first was saving Jaden from Tragoedia. The second was Taking the Bullet after Jaden's loss to Aster Phoenix.
  • Big "NO!": Bree in Chapter 16. Alice in Chapter 18.
  • Blood from the Mouth: Zane at the end of Chapter 11. Implied to be the start of his terminal heart problems...
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Par for the course for Yu-Gi-Oh!
    • Chapter 13: David Smith, the first Shadow Rider, defeats and brainwashes both Fonda Fontaine and Miyuki. He also sets his sights on Alexis, Bree and Seika...
    • Chapter 24: Camula hypnotizes Miyuki, Jasmine and Mindy into distracting Alexis, Chazz and Karyu while she duels Syrus.
    • The Stinger in Chapter 45 heavily implies that Aster, Sarina and Reggie are all brainwashed by Sartorius prior to the events of Part 2.
    • Similar to the Anime, Chazz, Alexis and Bastion are brainwashed into the Society of Light. Unlike the Anime, Mindy and Blair are brainwashed too. Bree, Miyuki and Seika are brainwashed as well.
    • Midori Hibiki also gets brainwashed and joins the Society of Light near the end of Part 2
  • Break Them by Talking: Reggie does this to Alexis throughout the early half of Part 2. Culminates in Reggie showing Alexis the Light.
  • The Cameo: Yubel shows up in Jaden's opening hand in Chapter 1 as well as in his first duel with Zane.
  • The Corrupter: The Light does this to Zane after his defeat against Aster in Part 2 which eventually leads his transformation into Hell Kaiser. According to the author he isn't brainwashed but is feeling its influence.
  • Call-Back: A couple in Part 2.
    • Weevil Underwood is the first Pro Duelist defeated in the GENEX Tournament. They're also the first opponent the Protagonist faces in the Tournament. Their last known duel was also against a Dinosaur Duelist.
  • Can't Catch Up: Karyu learns this is what Alexis is afraid of and is what Reggie exploited to brainwash Alexis into the Society of Light.
  • Casting a Shadow: Chazz's first deck appears to be DARK Warrior (or Warrior-themed) Monsters.
  • Cast From Hitpoints: Power Bond, a Fusion Spell for Machine monsters used by Syrus, works this way; the user takes the original attack value of their monster as damage.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Bree having Magical Dimension is shown chapters before she uses it in a very similar situation.
    • Wake Up your Elemental HERO, the card Jaden used to win the first duel of Part 2, is the key to him defeating Sartorius near the end.
  • Convenient Coma: David enters one in Chapter 14 after losing his Shadow Game with Jaden.
  • Cosplay Café: The Blue Girls Dorm runs a Swimsuit Café in Chapter 21, though Alexis gets out of it.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Par for the course.
    • Jaden and Crowlers opening Duel is much more one-sided this time round, mainly due to the Elemental HERO Archetype getting more support in recent years as well as the presence of some of the Manga's HERO cards.
    • Bree vs Alice in Chapter 16. Bree not only loses on her (going second) first turn, but she doesn't even deal any damage to Alice at all. Syrus doesn't fare much better in the following chapter.
    • Crowler vs Camula in Chapter 23 manages to show Crowler as more competent than his original counterpart...but still no match for Camula, who manages to win with more than 3000 life points left.
    • Jaden vs Jasmine in Chapter 26. Despite being able to stop Jaden's signature Finishing Move with Elemental HERO Sunrise, Jasmine still can't do anything against Jaden's recovery game, leading to a One-Hit Kill on Jaden's next turn.
    • Bree vs David in Chapter 27. The Slifer Girl delivers a One-Turn Kill.
    • Tania vs Chazz and Bastion in Chapter 28. She takes no damage at all during the duel, despite facing them both at once.
    • Karyu vs Zane in Chapter 30. Zane even discards Power Bond to show how little threat Karyu posed to him.
    • Karyu vs Reggie in Part 2, Chapter 3. Once he unveils just how strong his Zombie World deck's recovery game is, Reggie doesn't last the turn.
    • Aster vs Zane in Part 2 Chapter 7: Zane doesn't even land a hit on Aster this time round.
    • Bastion vs Wisteria. Bastion doesn't take a single hit or lose a single monster. His opening hand also had not one but TWO Kaijus.
    • Bastion is on the receiving end of one from Sartorius. Downplayed insofar that Bastion let himself lose.
    • Part 2 Chapter 50 features a Battle Royale between Karyu, Chazz and Yugi. Yugi wins with little difficulty.
  • Dare to Be Badass: In Chapter 10, Karyu gives this to be Chazz.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Karyu, who is shown to be a nice guy even to Blue Uniform Chazz, uses DARK Machine monsters. Carries over to his Zombie World deck.
    • Seika and her Predaplants count too.
  • Death by Adaptation: Sartorious dies near the end of part 2 after being defeated by Jaden.
  • Demonic Possession: Luna in Chapter 10, courtesy of Armed Dragon.
  • Demoted to Extra: Hasselberry is a minor character in the fic and only makes cameo appearances and doesn't get much focus and hangout with Jaden and the gang, compared to his canon counterpart. Part 3 averts this and he began to play a more active role akin to his Season 3 canon counterpart.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Bastion's reaction to Aster defeating Zane in an utter Curb-Stomp Battle.
  • Disk-One Final Boss: A couple of examples.
    • Camula has this vibe for early Part 1, being The Starscream to Nightshroud.
    • Tragoedia as the Big Bad of Part 1.
    • Zane, similar to the anime, is Jaden's final opponent in Part 1.
    • Sartorius and The Light in Part 2.
  • The Dragon: Nightshroud to Kagemaru in Part 1.
  • The Dreaded: Nightshroud to both Camula and Tania.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Yubel appears in the very first chapter.
  • Fighting from the Inside: Alexis displays more resistance to the Light's brainwashing, often questioning her thoughts and drives while brainwashed. Culminates in a Heel Realization.
  • Fixing the Game: Karyu's initial deck uses a lot of Coin Tosses...but he also includes lots of ways to ensure he gets something even if he nominally loses.
  • Foreshadowing: A few instances.
    • Yubel cameos in Jaden's opening hand during his first duel with Crowler.
    • Luna's predecessor as History Teacher is a Cammy Mueller.
    • Zane suffers a heart attack after defeating Jaden for the first time.
    • Chumley shows off an early design for what appears to be Masked HERO Koga.
    • David brainwashes the people he defeats in duels.
    • Abidos is named twice by Luna prior to his appearance as a Shadow Rider, hinting at both his return...and his first on-screen opponent.
    • Reggie Mackenzie is confirmed to be coming to the island in the 2nd year...and she's caught the interest of one Sartorius...
    • The Supreme King is mentioned by Abidos during his duel with Jaden. As is his Winged Guardian...
    • Zane's cards turn blank after he loses to Aster.
    • Karyu sees the Nazca Lines of the Earthbound Immortals when he summons Dragonecro Nethersoul Dragon for the first time.
  • The Force Is Strong with This One: Jaden seems to possess an ability to detect a Worthy Opponent.
  • Friendly Enemy: Tania to the Students at Duel Academy.
  • Gatling Good: Karyu has Gatling Dragon in his deck.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: Alice, Nightshroud and Kagemaru all exhibit these.
    • Members of the Society of Light exhibit these as well. The glow intensifies whenever they get serious.
  • He's Back!: Jaden finally works up the nerve to duel again in Part 2 Chapter 17.
  • Heads I Win, Tails You Lose: Karyu's Gun Dragon Deck runs off this, with Karyu either have contingencies for bad tosses or cards that amplify his good ones.
    • Parodied in Chapter 26 with the duel between Jaden and Jasmine. If Jasmine won, she got to spend the night in Jaden's room. If Jaden won, he got to have her spend the night in his room.
  • Heads or Tails?: Karyu's Deck involves a lot of Coin Tossing. And a lot of cards that give him bonuses regardless of the result...
  • Heel Realization: Alexis in Part 2 Chapter 26.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Weaponized by David Smith in his deck, using Scab Scar Knight.
    • The Second Shadow Rider, Alice, uses her opponent's strong monsters own strength to win.
    • Camula's Vampire Vamp also uses this; equipping her opponent's monsters to raise it's attack when summoned.
    • How Zane defeats Karyu in Chapter 30; using Karyu's own Gun Dragons as Materials for Chimeratech Fortress Dragon.
  • Hollywood Heart Attack: Zane suffers one in Chapter 11, courtesy of Yubel.
  • Hot Teacher: Luna Sapphires, the new history teacher, is this...especially according to Syrus.
    • Camula was this under the name of Cammy Mueller.
  • Humiliation Conga: Camula experiences this in her duel with Zane in Chapter 25.
  • Hypnotic Eyes: Camula has them and puts them to use in Chapter 24.
    • Sartorius demonstrates these as well on Alexis at times.
  • Ironic Echo: Crowler does one to Zane's words all in Chapter 1.
  • Kick the Dog: Camula does this to Crowler in Chapter 23 by launching a needless attack in a Shadow Game when she could've finished him off with a single strike.
  • Killed Off for Real:
    • Camula and Banner are utterly consumed by the Shadows after losing Shadow Games.
    • Both Sartorious and Light are killed off, near the end of part 2 after being defeated by Jaden.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Nightshroud is this. He defeats 4 of 7 of the New Key Keepers in quick succession, including Alexis, and nearly defeats (and kills) Karyu.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Discussed by Pierre in Chapter 19 during his duel with Karyu. Ultimately Played Straight moments later...
  • Legacy Character: Karyu Ginsora appears to be this to Karyu Marufuji from Yu-Gi-Oh! Alter Destiny.
  • Loophole Abuse: Male and Female students aren't allowed to share dorm rooms, which is enforced in Part 2. Karyu and Alexis don't sleep in a dorm once they become an Official Couple.
  • Lotus-Eater Machine: The Light displays visions of desirable futures to Alexis and Bastion to get/keep them loyal.
  • Marshmallow Hell: Downplayed in Chapter 26 between Miyuki and Syrus.
  • Mind-Control Eyes: Members of the Society of Light exhibit these. It's described as a faint, white glow.
  • Mrs. Robinson: Camula to David Smith, the First Shadow Rider.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Miyuki wears a more Stripperiffic version of the Blue Girls Uniform.
    • Fonda Fontaine and Wisteria both invoke this in Chapter 21, wearing more revealing swimsuits to the Cosplay Café.
    • Bree dabbles in this in Chapter 27, wearing nothing more than a bra and chaps.
  • My God, What Have I Done?:
    • Alexis after she brainwashes Bree.
    • Unlike in canon Zane as Hell Kaiser felt guilty and horrified after he injured Syrus during their duel, and even took him to Fonda for treatment.
  • No-Sell: A few examples.
    • Chazz to Jaden in Chapter 2: He uses Battle Fusion with Dark Blade the Dragon Knight to stop Jaden's Elemental HERO Nova Master, taking an early lead and even managing to clear Jaden's Graveyard a bit to try and stop Miracle Fusion.
    • Karyu to Syrus during their duel. Twice. The first time he just destroys Steamroid when Syrus wants to defeat Karyu's Jack Wyvern. The second time comes at the end, when Karyu manages to stop Syrus's Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill from wiping him out by doubling the attack of his Gatling Dragon, thus causing Syrus to lose the duel due to Power Bond's cost.
    • Happens again to Syrus in Chapter 17. Alice is able to completely shut down his strategy of bypassing her Trap Monsters...even after Syrus attempted to No-Sell Alice's own strategy with Zoma the Spirit.
    • Zane does this twice in quick succession to Camula in Chapter 25.
  • One-Hit Kill: A few examples.
    • An interesting case of Bree vs Alice due to Bree attacking into Zoma the Spirit with a Quintet Magician.
    • Jaden pulls on off later in his duel against Jasmine in Chapter 26.
    • Zane does this to Karyu in Chapter 30, using Chimeratech Fortress Dragon. Doubles with Hoist by His Own Petard.
    • Downplayed by Jaden in Chapter 45 - He does take out all of Zane's Life Points in one move...but that move results in a Draw.
  • Oh, Crap!: Chazz, and most of the main cast, have this reaction to Adrian running a Turbo Exodia Deck.
  • Original Generation: Several.
    • Slifer Red - Karyu Ginsora, a Legacy Character of the author, and Bree, a Slifer Red Girl. New Hot Teacher Luna Sapphires also wears a Red Jacket.
    • Ra Yellow - Aurora, stated to be the highest ranking girl in the Yellow Dorm.
    • Obelisk Blue - Miyuki, a friend of Alexis. Jin, a Freshman starting in Jaden's 2nd year. Crimson, a student one year senior to Alexis. Karyu later joins Obelisk Blue.
    • Exchange Students - Alfimi Lucreize, the Highest Ranking Girl in North Academy.
    • Shadow Riders - David Smith, a Senior Student who is Camula's Lover...and the first Shadow Rider.
    • In terms of cards, as well, we have:
      • Chthonian Armed Dragon - A Fusion of Chthonian Emperor Dragon and Armed Dragon Level 10.
      • Ultimate Necrofear - Summoned by banished both Dark Necrofear and Curse Necrofear. Used by Tragoedia.
      • White Knightess - A sub-archetype of the anime-exclusive White Knights. These are used by Alexis as of Part 2, Chapter 14.
  • Pervert Revenge Mode: Reggie to Alfimi.
  • Pragmatic Adaptation: Certain elements of the original GX are altered, removed or replaced.
    • Chazz's brothers (and the pressure put upon him) are introduced earlier (along with his first bit of character growth). Jagger also becomes the third Shadow Rider.
    • Syrus's confidence issues are less pronounced when he's dueling (He's overly cautious rather than prone to giving up from a single bad turn).
    • Jaden's roster of Elemental HERO cards is wider initially and carries both cards that originated in the manga and are part of newer support. His initial ace, for example, is Elemental HERO Sunrise. Furthermore, as confirmed in Part 2, Jaden also learned how to duel from Koyo and Midori Hibiki while in Hospital. He also has Yubel.
    • Alexis is using an Ice-themed Deck, like her Manga Counterpart, but also includes Doble Passe...a Signature Move of her Anime Counterpart. Her history with Pierre the Gambler is also altered slightly in that Pierre didn't steal her scarf but instead legitimately won it from her in a duel...though its implied she only lost because she was dealing with Atticus's disappearance at the time.
    • Seika Kohinata is both present and presented as the Senior Year counterpart to Alexis. She also uses Predaplants instead of snakes. She stays on as a Research Student in Part 2, looking to learn how to be a better role model before leaving the island.
    • Chapter 12 reveals that The Spirit Keys were destroyed prior to the series start...meaning that the Shadow Riders can and will duel anyone rather than just the main cast. Kagemaru is also implied to be younger, though still old.
    • Three of the Shadow Riders have been revealed as different characters from the Anime.
      • The Shadow Riders in general are also a lot more threatening/dangerous compared to their Anime counterparts. Particular mention for Abidos who isn't a Fake Ultimate Duelist and instead lives up to the hype.
    • Blair Flannigan doesn't pretend to be a boy to sneak into Duel Academy in this version. Instead she's a prospective student who duels Bastion at the School Expo...and is set to arrive a year earlier than her anime counterpart.
    • Zane defeats Camula in Chapter 25.
    • Synchro Summoning appears for the first time in Chapter 27.
    • Mindy doesn't evade the grip of the Society of Light this time. She's also an Adaptational Badass.
    • Not only does Chazz pull out his White Knight cards earlier in Part 2 as compared to the anime, but Alexis gets her own White Knightess Subarchetype. White Veil also has gotten a bunch more Original Generation support.
    • Adrian Gecko starts off using an Exodia deck, admittedly with a different strategy.
    • Axel Brodie is Viper's Adopted Son in this retelling.
  • Promoted to Love Interest: Jasmine to Jaden.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: Tania is revealed to be this.
  • Redemption Equals Death: Poor Banner...
  • The Rival: A few examples.
    • Chazz is the obvious example to Jaden, even opening their first duel with a Fusion Summon of his own.
    • Bastion is being set up to be one to Jaden as well.
    • Seika to Alexis.
  • Shipper on Deck: Zane is this to Karyu and Alexis. They become an Official Couple.
  • Shout-Out: Karyu, a Slifer Student in room 204, has a Red Cap.
    • Crimson's monsters in Part 3 are named very similarly to characters in a certain other Konami franchise. One of them, named "Lucielle", even gets mind controlled into becoming an enemy. Crimson also calls in a Meteor Strike.
  • Shower Scene: Chapter 24: Miyuki, Mindy and Jasmine are depicted taking a shower together after a swim.
  • So Proud of You: Chazz gets this from Slade in Chapter 22 because he accepted his loss to Jaden in their rematch with respect and dignity.
  • The Starscream: Camula to Nightshroud in Part 1.
  • Stealth Mentor: Crimson to Karyu in Part 2. She talks him down from his Roaring Rampage of Revenge to let Alexis return to him when she's ready to.
  • The Stinger: Each part so far ends with one.
    • Part 1 - Sartorius is planning to make his move on Duel Academy as Sarina, Reggie and Aster kneel to him.
    • Part 2 - Jin finds Yubel and the two ally to get revenge on Jaden.
  • Taking the Bullet: Yubel for Jaden in Part 2, Chapter 8.
  • Taking You with Me: Elemental HERO Absolute Zero does this.
    • Banner attempts this with Nightshroud in Chapter 33. Unfortunately, Nightshroud's set card gave him just enough Life Points to survive...
    • Tragoedia attempts this with Jaden. Yubel stops him.
  • Teacher/Student Romance: A dark spin on this is revealed in Chapter 13: Camula, operating under the name Cammy Mueller, has one with one of the Senior Students, David Smith. This leads him to becoming the first Shadow Rider. Time does not heal this wound as of Part 3.
  • Their First Time: All but stated between Jaden and Jasmine in Part 2. Karyu and Alexis, the other Official Couple, were taking their time with this but are implied to have done the deed between Parts 2 and 3.
  • Tournament Arc: The GENEX Tournament in Part 2, especially it's Finals, which overlaps with the Society of Light Arc in Part 2.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Both Tragoedia and Nightshroud suffer from these.
    • Sartorius and The Light suffer one of these against Jaden.
  • "Well Done, Bro!" Guy: Chazz is this. He gets the approval from Slade in Chapter 22.
  • Worthy Opponent: Bastion thinks Jaden is this. Zane too.
    • Chapter 21 reveals Jaden seems to have a sixth sense regarding whether someone is this or not.
  • Xanatos Gambit: Karyu pulls a subtle one on Chazz in Chapter 4; Chazz has a powerful monster and Karyu fusion summons Gatling Dragon, with Desperado Barrel Dragon waiting in his hand. If the coin toss completely fails (No Heads results), Chazz will destroy the Gatling Dragon and thus let Karyu special summon Desperado Barrel Dragon. If the coin toss goes exactly as intended (One Heads result), Karyu will destroy Chazz's monster and win the duel with Gatling Dragon. If the coin toss backfires (Two or more Heads results), Gatling Dragon clears the field...and lets Karyu special summon Desperado Barrel Dragon.
    • Happens again in Chapter 9, this time to Syrus. Syrus is backed into a corner with his only hope being summoning a powerful monster with Power Bond...except Karyu has set Limiter Removal which means there isn't a monster Syrus can summon capable of finishing him off. So if Syrus doesn't take the leap, Karyu wins. If Syrus uses Power Bond, Karyu wins.
    • Syrus is the victim of another one in Chapter 24; Camula has Vampire Vamp in her hand and Vampire Sorcerer in her graveyard and nothing Syrus has in his hand can withstand Vampire Vamp. So he can either make an all-or-nothing attack to try and defeat Camula or resign himself to defeat either immediately or slowly through attrition.
  • Zombie Infectee: Jaden is revealed to have been this at the end of Chapter 16. He gets better.
