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Fanfic / Break Past That Limit

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Break Past That Limit is a Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Forum Quest, written by Miraithe DM. It follows the story of Mirai, as she tries to make what changes she can to fix Satellite's situation while protecting her friends and family.


Set in the future, we follow the misadventures of one Mirai(which is coincidentally the name of QM) no last name known at this time. Who at the time is a doctor of the satellite, sadly no good deed goes unpunished and she is forced into actually being involved with the larger plot of 5D's by Tetsu Trudge informing her that Director Goodwin has decreed that no longer shall the satellite have medical care.

Naturally, shenanigans ensue.

Mysterious backstories! Spirit world shenanigans! Weird RPG-like storylines! The curse of Yugioh players! Giant dragons and more.

Break Past That Limit contains examples of

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  • Absurdly High-Stakes Game: Naturally, due to the setting. Though Mirai has already had several duels with her life at stake.

  • Adventure-Friendly World: Both Domino city and The Spirit Worlds Mirai goes to

  • Anime Hair: Subverted for the main character, Mirai has normal short black blueish hair.

  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Sayer/Divine commits kidnapping, brainwashing, and emotional manipulation. We also think he sends cards to Luna.

  • Artificial Human: Galatea was created by Girsu just to be a vessel for Ib, but gained a soul over time and became her own person.

  • Abandoned Area: Mirai has been to multiple locations in the spirit world that have simply been abandoned.

  • Awsome,butImpractical: Stark is this, as while he's incredibly powerful and capable of toppling any other Synchro Monster just by hitting the board, summoning him tends to be inefficient when compared to other plays..

  • Bad Future: Twice, strangely enough. First was the Scrap Factory, an endless world of automated machinery with no one running it. There's evidence of many abandoned machines from the past just lying around. There's also the world of "Fallen Babel", an altered timeline where the only thing left alive after the story of the World Legacies is some plantlife and the robotic Galatea, who had gained a soul after everyone was already dead.

  • Berserk Button: Mirai has quite a few, though hurting innocent people (especially children) is always going to get a rise out of her.

  • Calling Your Attacks: Mirai does do this on occasion, notably when attacking with Stark or Scrap Dragon. Though Stark does call his own attacks whenever he can.

  • Cut Short: The Mekk-Knight Duel was this—to date, it is the only known time where the QM has thrown out a plot point in the story that was foreshadowed.

  • Duels Decide Everything: Naturally, due to the setting.

  • Hero of Another Story: Yusei. While still important to the plot, he's currently undergoing his own adventures in the Spirit World due to Mirai's awakening.
  • Family-Unfriendly Death: Kalin's loss in the graveyard.

  • Future Foil: Mekk-Knight Black Dawn is this to canon Avram, as in the "Fallen Babel" timeline Avram for some reason was not The Paragon, and thus rather than create the Ragtag Bunch of Misfits that were Crusadia, Avram decided to go in alone.

  • Giant Scrap Robot: All of the Scrap monsters are these, though Scrap Dragon and Arachne are noticeably the largest.

  • It's Personal: Mirai, and pretty frequently. Messing with people she knows or cares about is a good way to make an enemy.
  • Magical Land: Duel Spirits are running around, and not a lot of people can see them. Though it does seem more people are awakening to their presence.
  • Out of Focus: Mostly subverted, but many characters more important to canon are swept out of the spotlight since the Quest decides who Mirai talks to on a day to day basis. Additionally, some important events have happened off-screen.
  • Plot Armor: Noticeably averted, the basic vote option from the gm gives the player for duels are often useless, or actively detrimental and should be ignored whenever possible as most plans the voters come up with easily beat any plan the QM gives us on a silver platter.
  • Power Nullifier: Stark's powers resolve around using opponent's Synchro Monsters as a power source to beat down the opponent.

  • Robot Soldier:The Orcust's original purpose, though Longirsu has since been using them as a construction force. He's still handed off quite a few to Mirai for dueling.


  • Super-Stoic Shopkeeper: Mekk-Knight Shattered Sky is given the role of one, after coming to Fallen Babel. He's given the role of shopkeep by Longirsu to keep him busy, though he has a tendency to be philosophical.

  • Took a Level in Badass: Mirai, beyond being a Quest protagonist, has actually admitted she's not great at dueling compared to Jack Atlas or the other members of the Enforcers. Though she's since become much better, and her deck's growth makes it look like she's obtained New Powers as the Plot Demands.

  • The End of the World as We Know It: Fallen Babel exists as an alternate timeline to the original World Legacy storyline. The world is dead, leaving behind no living things except for some sparse plant life.
  • We Have Reserves: The whole playstyle of the scraps is that they bring out others upon destruction, so this trope is necessary for Mirai's deck to function.
