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Fandom Specific Plot / One Piece

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Fandom-Specific Plot examples for the fanfiction written about One Piece, much of which seems to have the same few plots over and over again.

A No Recent Examples rule applies to this trope. Examples shouldn't be added until one month after release, to avoid any knee-jerk reactions and allow time for fanfic to be written.

  • A retelling of the canon story, but with a new OC added. Typically will follow The Stations of the Canon almost to a T and peter out sometime before the Alabasta arc.
  • As This Bites! began picking up steam, there's been a small surge of stories that get a bit more specific (and smarter). An Author Avatar is dropped into One Piece by a (possibly bored) higher power. They'll join the crew and work as either a full or part-time strategist using their knowledge of the story to shake up the plot at key points. This character will frequently be one of the more insane members of the crew and will be fond of giving either one type of speech or another. These authors are typically more dedicated to their work than most, with a few having already reached/finished Alabasta since the first of these started in late 2015.
  • A new generation of pirates story set X years after the death of Luffy, the 2nd Pirate King. Typically will solicit readers to submit their OCs to fill up positions on the crew and as rivals/enemies.
  • An OC from the real world gets pulled into the One Piece world and makes friends with the Straw Hats, Whitebeard or the Heart Pirates. Typically later falls in love with Luffy/Zoro, Ace, or Trafalgar Law. Marie D. Suesse and the Mystery New Pirate Age! is a Deconstruction Fic of what would actually happen if such a heroine got sent there.
  • Sanji/Luffy/Nami getting sick and Zoro taking care of him/her. Instead of, you know, the actual doctor, Chopper. And yes, it always seems to be Zoro. It probably has a lot to do with Zoro's position as the "eldest brother" amongst the True Companions.
  • Any member of the crew, or even the whole crew, find out the secret behind why Sanji keeps his left eye covered. Or sometimes, just Sanji reflecting on it and no one finds out. Obviously, more common before the Time Skip, as afterward, Sanji covers his right eye and leaves his left visible, thereby proving pretty much all previous guesses wrong.
  • Luffy, sometimes Ace and Sabo too, is taken in and raised by Whitebeard's crew.
  • Fem!Luffy out to prove that women can become pirate king/queen too. Expect over-the-top stunned reactions from her opponents when they're easily defeated. She will almost always be paired with either Zoro or Law, though Ace and even Shanks! have also been seen. They will initially find her annoying, but the tough males will soon be won over by her show of physical strength and childish (though they interpret it as innocent) behavior. She is, of course, smarter than her canon counterpart, and dazzles her designated love interest when she shows that she's not as dumb as she acts.
  • invoked Peggy Sue fics are becoming increasingly common in the fandom the longer the series goes on, now that the Straw Hats are on a strength level that could have severe consequences if they were to appear that strong in earlier arcs.
  • Super!Luffy who knows Haki and has multiple Devil Fruit powers (despite there being only one documented case of that in the entire series and stated to be impossible for anyone else). Typically a Harem fic where Luffy is paired with numerous women, usually including Nami, Robin, Vivi, and Hancock. Occasionally also a Peggy Sue.
  • Luffy eating a different Devil Fruit than canon or (more rarely) losing the Gomu Gomu no Mi and getting a different fruit later. Logias, particularly the Goro Goro no Mi, are especially popular choices. These plots are Hilarious in Hindsight as of chapter 1044, where it turns out the Gum-Gum Fruit isn't the Gum-Gum Fruit — that's just a name the World Government gave it to hide its true identity as a Mythical Zoan model of the Human-Human Fruit, which basically turns the user into a Reality Warper who runs on Toon Physics.
  • Long before Brook joined the crew, it was widely speculated that the musician that the Straw Hat Pirates would eventually recruit would be a young, beautiful woman. After the Thriller Bark saga came and went, there were still fan storylines where a young, beautiful woman joined the Straw Hats either as part of an Alternate Universe or as a precursor to Brook. Turns out, Shanks did have a young female musician on his crew - his adopted daughter Uta, whose existence was made canon in the manga from a brief cameo.
  • There's a veritable cottage industry of fics dedicated to saving Ace. For other fics, it may not be the main point, but it's still a very popular change to make.
  • There is a small portion within the series fanbase dedicated to make fics about Coby and Alvida seeing to each other post Time Skip.
  • "Marine Piece" fanfics in which Luffy (often but not always with Sabo and Ace by his side) become Marines instead of going down the path of piracy. Fanfics with this premise often deal with the conflict caused Luffy's freedom loving ideals clashing with the corruption and oppression found in the Marines. Other common elements include: Luffy not having a Devil Fruit, instead being trained in Haki by Garp from a young age, Aokiji being the Shanks equivalent for Marine Luffy, and Koby, Helmeppo and other Marines (canon or OCs) taking the place of the Straw Hats.
  • Following the popular crack theory that Crocodile is Luffy's mom, there are AUs where Crocodile is actually Luffy's other parent. One version of this fandom plot can lead to a canon divergence where Luffy, and sometimes even Crocodile himself, finding out their relations during the Baroque Works saga. Usually in these kinds of stories Crocodile will either know he has a child out in the world and nothing else but realizes Luffy is his through a plot contrivance, or he always knew and hoped to never come across him. Sometimes this can lead to Crocodile pulling a Heel–Face Turn but not always. Another version of the "Crocomom" fanfic is Crocodile raising Luffy himself instead of Garp but whether he still follows through on the Alabasta plan varies from author to author. Sometimes Ace and Sabo are added to the mix.
  • Time Travel Fix Fic, often with a jumping off point of Luffy reaching Laugh Tale but suffering great losses along the way (usually the entire rest of the crew), and the island's power somehow offering him the chance to Set Right What Once Went Wrong. This almost always involves saving Sabo and Ace as a matter of course, and are usually Peggy Sue stories.
  • Fanfics where Luffy's time in the time skip is partially spent in a relationship upgrade with multiple members of the Kuja Tribe, not just Boa Hancock, is a small genre of stories that nearly always involves the jokes of him having multiple daughters and the revelation of the fact driving Sanji into an apoplectic rage at best, actual catatonia or complete mental collapse at worst.
