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Fan Nickname / One Piece

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  • Zoro's title of "Pirate Hunter" is sometimes changed to "Minority Hunter" in reference to how many of his opponents tended to be non-whites or non-humans.
  • Big Mom is also called Big Mama by some fans, a bit of a corruption of her title.
  • Some fans like to call Zeo, one of the New Fishman Pirates, "Evil Zoidberg", due to the fact that he kinda looks like him.
  • Rayleigh Silvers, since it has a pretty nice ring to it.
  • Jimbei fans often call him Jinbae, a term of romantic endearment.
  • MANSOPP (all caps, no exceptions) for post-Time Skip Usopp. Following the label Doflamingo gives him during the Dressrosa Arc, this got upgraded to GODSOPP.
  • The crew that impersonates the Straw Hats after the Time Skip are referred to collectively as the Flawhats.
    • Some also refer to them as the "Wish Strawhats," in reference to the shoddy online retailer.
  • Sabuto. Sabo the character... plus Naruto's voice actress.
  • The alliance between Luffy and Law and their crews is frequently referred to as the Lawffy Alliance or the StrawHeart alliance, with the Heart and Straw Hat crewmembers collectively called the StrawHearts.
  • Throughout the Dressrosa Arc, a lot of characters with long names are given in-universe nicknames. Most notable are Doffy/Mingo (Doflamingo) and Cabbage (Cavendish). Naturally, the fanbase refers to these characters by their nicknames any chance they can get.
  • Fans have started calling the Vinsmoke children the "Eyebrow Rangers" due to their color-coded titles, high-tech weapons and suits, numbered outfits, and the fact that there would have been five if Sanji hadn't left.
  • After Chapter 903, "Big News" Morgans is now "Fake News" Morgans for his... exaggerated coverage of the event on Whole Cake Island.
  • Before Karasu formally debuted, he was seen in the form of his Devil Fruit powers as a murder of crows. He became colloquially known as the "crowzone" guy. This was the term people went with up until an expanded version of the scene with the crows from the manga hit the anime and his name got revealed as Karasu.
  • Some characters get jokingly referenced as having the Will of D by the fandom. These include Go D. Usopp, "Ma D. Monk" Urouge, and Buggy D. Clown.
  • Eiichiro Oda himself is sometimes called "Goda".
  • Even though In-Universe Ryuo is just Wano's term for Haki, fans often use it to refer to advanced Armament Haki.
  • In the Wano arc, Ulti's Affectionate Nickname for her comrade and "brother" Page One is "Pay-tan", which is translated in the English version as "Pay-Pay". The fandom has largely taken to also referring to Page One as "Pay-Pay" whenever possible, similar to the above Dressrosa examples.
  • The anime-exclusive random townie who asked Gold Roger where he hid his treasure when the latter was about to be executed was nicknamed by the fanbase as Ask D. Question.
  • Fans have referred to the events on top of Onigashima as "Roof Piece" thanks in part to the amount of hype & awesome moments that happened on it (Akazaya Nine vs Kaido, Worst Gen vs Kaido & Big Mom, Luffy vs Kaido)
  • Since "Ryokugyu" is a somewhat difficult name to pronounce for English speakers, Admiral Ryokugyu is consistently called Admiral "Green Bull" by the fansnote .
  • Given that Stussy's name is pronounced similarly to a phrase originating from a certain hit videogame, it's become very common for fans to refer to her as "Sussy," especially after Stussy betrayed her teammates during the Egghead arc.
  • Due to Kid's Memetic Loser status (see below), several members of the fanbase have christened him with the nickname "Useless Captain Mid."
  • Since it took up until Chapter 1086 (over twenty out-of-universe years after their introduction) for the members of the Five Elders to be named, fans tend to address them individually by the Real Life-figure they resemble, most notably "Gorbachev" (for Topman Warcury) and "Samurai Gandhi" (for Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro).
  • Due to the way that Blackbeard's fights almost always take place offscreen, many have started calling him "Offscreenbeard.", with his Dark-Dark Fruit being called "Offscreen Offscreen no mi" On a similar note, it's starting to become common to refer to the Blackbeard Pirates as the "Jumpbeard Pirates," due to their habit of ganging up and overwhelming their opponents with numbers, an act referred to as "jumping."
  • Due to his Anime Hair that makes his head resemble a crescent moon, his Sinister Shades, and his character near immediately being set up as a racist and classist, some fans have jokingly referred to Saint Figarland Garling as Moonman.
