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Characters / The Realms Within: Alagost

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Main Character Index
Main Characters: Campaign One
One-Shots: Time Heist | Hunt for the Lament | The Darkened Temple
Setting: Gods and Godlike Beings | Historical Figures
Characters by Location: The Far North | Alagost | Ferin | Kastalav

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Half swampland, half storm-choked plains, the southwestern peninsula kingdom of Alagost represents a fusion of physical might and pious endurance in the face of harsh conditions. The political history of Alagost is, like many places, unstable, starting out as a collection of petty kingdoms before uniting under a tyrannical ruler, then falling into the hands of the Ovad Pontificate, a council of storm priests who worship the god Borrak, Breaker of Cliffs.

    Alagost in General 
Tropes about the nation of Alagost as a whole:
  • Barbarian Tribe: The woods are populated by savage goblin raiders, and the mountains are home to the wyvern-riding Wull, who are judged as this by outsiders.
  • Elemental Nation: Due to their devotion to the Stormlord and longtime association with tempests, thunder and lightning is a recurring motif in Alagost.
  • Extreme Speculative Stratification: Enforced by the Ovad, there is a significant divide between the wealthy and destitute.
  • Fantasy Counterpart Culture: It's not that pronounced, but judging from their naming conventions alone, as well as their enduring piety despite turbulent civil conflict, they're loosely modelled after the Anglo-Saxons.
  • Proud Warrior Race: Part and parcel of being the 'Land of Storms.' Even prior to the Storm Pontiffs' rise to power, their people cultivated a widespread martial tradition. Physical prowess is a major factor in deciding who is respected and followed.
  • The Theocracy: For the last thirty years, it has been ruled by the Ovad, a council of Storm Pontiffs whose devotion to Borrak is absolute.


A wretched backwater in the swamps of the Fenmarrow Forest. Once a major seat of a Swamp King, now a disdained and dangerous hive of poverty and crime.


    Lord Selwyn Larassan 
Race: Half-elf
Appearances: Campaign One

A vainglorious half-elf reluctantly installed as Lord Deacon of Correnwald by the Ovad. For the last thirty years his draconian tariffs and trade laws have crushed the economy of Correnwald and rendered his citizens destitute.

  • Aristocrats Are Evil: He is a vain and greedy slimebag who is perfectly content to hoard his wealth while his people suffer.
  • Bastardly Speech: Gives a speech at Spittlebrick's execution decrying the violence of the goblins against Correnwald, despite the fact that he hired the Needlefangs to harass the town as a pretext to raise defence taxes.
  • Corrupt Politician: As Lord Deacon of Correnwald, he has spent the last thirty years living in luxury in the Stilts district while half the town literally sinks into the swamp. He continues to impose more and more stringent taxes and tariffs upon the impoverished townsfolk, and his trade licenses ensure the lion's share of his people's profits go to him. Worst of all, he has cut a deal with the Needlefang goblins, paying them to harass travellers on the road so that he has a pretext to raise defence taxes.
  • The Dandy: He dresses very well, adorning himself with velvet attire, a feathered hat and a lot of jewellery. Even his eyepatch is gilded.
  • Idle Rich: He does very little in terms of the day-to-day governance of Correnwald. All of his reforms are engineered to funnel more money into his pockets.
  • Pointy Ears: He has these, which give away his half-elf heritage.
  • Reassigned to Antarctica: Implied. For whatever reason, he was installed as Lord Deacon in a fetid, disreputable backwater. Whether this is because he upset the Storm Pontiffs remains unclear.
  • Red Herring: Though he is no doubt a scumbag, he is not actually behind the murder of Father Anselm, nor the alchemist's fire plot. He's actually the target of the latter.
  • Reluctant Ruler: Subverted. Lord Larassan was initially disgruntled about being assigned to rule such a backwater. He turned it to his advantage by taxing the civilians for everything they're worth.
  • Small-Town Tyrant: Correnwald is a wretched backwater with little outside attention upon it, giving Larassan plenty of room to throw his weight around.
  • 0% Approval Rating: Nobody likes Lord Larassan, not even his sheriff.

    Chancellor Luther Maldrud 
Race: Human
Appearances: Campaign One
Chancellor of the Lord's Lodge and Lord Larassan's right hand.
  • Corrupt Politician: He is Chancellor of the Lord's Lodge, and is responsible for balancing the town's coffers. Under his watch, a select few are living in luxury while the rest of the town rapidly plummets into destitution. He has even made a deal with the Needlefang goblins for mutual benefit. The goblins harry travellers on the road, giving Larassan a pretext to hike up defence taxes, while the goblins are paid in their beloved shiny coins.
  • The Dragon: To Lord Larassan, as his Chancellor and coin-counter. He acts as a go-between for the Lord's Lodge and the Needlefang goblins.

    Sheriff Wulfric Dagoban 
Race: Human
Appearances: Campaign One

  • Head-in-the-Sand Management: Can be prone to this, whether out of genuine naivete, lack of manpower or just weariness. He's been sheriff as long as Larassan's been in charge and has done nothing to fix things. Meanwhile, the Swamp Snakes cause chaos in the poorer districts with little reprisal.
  • Police Are Useless: Though he his not personally crooked, crime and corruption alike flourishes under his watch. Partially justified in that Lord Larassan is the worst of the bunch, and the sheriff cannot act outside the will of his liege lord.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Downplayed. Unlike the Lord Deacon and Chancellor, Wulfric is genuinely invested in the betterment of Correnwald, though his natural caution tends towards inaction. After he sees the letter confirming Lord Larassan's corruption, he tacitly assists the party in uprooting him by sending a letter to the Pontiffs for help. He also refuses to prevent the disgruntled townsfolk from meeting in secret to share their grievances (although in fairness, he doesn't know who is doing it).
  • The Sheriff: A rare example for a fantasy setting. He is both the captain of the guard and chief judge of the town, but goes by sheriff.
  • Wake-Up Call: Seeing the letter that implicates Luther Maldrud and the Lord's Lodge in a conspiracy with the Needlefangs makes him realise that he cannot ignore their corruption any longer, and he sends the note to the Storm Pontiffs requesting Larassan's arrest.


    Ario Va'Kel
Librarian and friend

Race: Dragonborn
Appearances: Campaign One
A librarian in the Stilts district and a relative newcomer to Correnwald.

  • Bookworm: Part and parcel of being the town librarian.
  • Draconic Humanoid: He's a dragonborn, which is a rare humanoid species said to be born in ages past of the confluence of dragon and human blood.
  • Fish out of Water: He's new to Correnwald, and hasn't quite got a grip on their customs yet. He spends almost all of his time in his library to avoid embarrassing himself in social situations.
  • Friendly Shopkeeper: He is an affable man with a wealthy collection of books. When Visimar requests a book on a certain topic, Ario goes out of his way to provide them, transcribing passages from crumbling scrolls by hand.

Race: Human
Appearances: Campaign One
Byron's sweet but silent nineteen-year-old daughter.
  • Break the Cutie: She's a perfectly sweet girl, but goes through hell at the hands of the Needlefang goblins, and hasn't spoken once since her liberation, to the worry of her father.
  • Dumb Struck: After her ordeal at the hands of the Needlefang goblins, she never says a word. She finally speaks (briefly) to Vilwyn in Chapter XI, though he had to use magic to calm her emotions.
  • Elective Mute: She proves capable of speech after it's all over, but for the first few weeks of knowing her, the party never hears her say a word, likely due to her immense trauma at the hands of the Needlefangs and the Pallid Men.
  • Innocence Lost: Though her father took steps to prevent his debt and poverty from affecting her, witnessing and experiencing the depravity of the Needlefang goblins shattered her otherwise sheltered life for good.
  • Innocent Bystander: She is captured by the Needlefangs alongside her father, and her screams draw the party to free them.
  • Morality Chain: For Visimar, along with her father. After freeing the pair from the Needlefang's cave, Visimar has made their safety his utmost priority. Despite his descent into more and more solitary and violent behaviour after Baesellor's death, Byron and Alice are among the only people he still cares about.
  • The Woobie: Alice lives in poverty in a sinking backwater, having lost her mother to swamp sickness, and was then captured and tortured by a horde of sadistic goblins. She has not been the same since. Even once the Reforged freed her and her father from Correnwald, the Pallid Men's attack left her even more traumatised.

    Father Anselm 
Race: Human
Appearances: Campaign One
A cleric of Haelion the Dawnfather who has come to Correnwald to convert the townsfolk.
  • Belief Makes You Stupid: Played with. Though he is the only Correnwald resident to uncover the deepest details of Tealeaf's plan, right up to the involvement of an infernal pact, he still believes he can convince Tealeaf to repent, and is murdered for his trouble.
  • Good Shepherd: Though he's a little snobbish about Correnwald's backwater customs, he's nonetheless invested in the community and believes he can do good by them. Even though none of them care enough to convert, he treats them with love.
  • Gutted Like a Fish: He is found disembowelled at his altar with his entrails strewn about his legs. Gross.
  • He Knows Too Much: Is killed by Walter on Osborn Tealeaf's orders for prying into their plot against Lord Larassan.
  • Prayer Is a Last Resort: After pleading Tealeaf to abandon his plan, he returns to the Sun Chapel to pray for salvation. He's then killed at his altar by Tealeaf's dogsbody.
  • Preacher Man: He came to Correnwald to preach the message of the sun god, despite the fact that those who aren't active worshippers of the Stormlord are entirely uninterested in religion.
  • Quest Giver: He enlists Kharmir Stoutbreaker (and, by extension, the rest of the party) to investigate the disappearance of his curate, Symon Vicario.
  • Too Dumb to Live: After learning of Tealeaf and the alchemist's plot, instead of reporting it directly to Lord Larassan, he goes directly to Tealeaf to try and convince him not to do it, and to repent in the light of Haelion. He did this despite his valid suspicions that Tealeaf had made a pact with a devil.

Race: Human
Appearances: Campaign One
Correnwald's blacksmith, struggling to look after his daughter.
  • The Blacksmith: Runs the town forge, and supplies a number of weapons and trinkets to the party. He displays a level of skill above the usual, as he infuses Visimar's scimitar with silver and makes some beautiful darts with the excess.
  • Friendly Shopkeeper: Since being rescued from the Needlefang Goblins, Byron has gone out of his way to accomodate the party's various weapon-based requests. He even engraves Visimar's scimitar, and later infuses it with molten silver.
  • Morality Chain: For Visimar, along with his daughter Alice. After freeing the pair from the Needlefang's cave, Visimar has made their safety his utmost priority. Despite his descent into more and more solitary and violent behaviour after Baesellor's death, Byron and Alice are among the only people he still cares about.
  • Odd Friendship: He's a simple impoverished blacksmith looking to keep his daughter safe, and he gets on very well with Visimar, a dangerous and brutal vampire-kin.

    Ilvayne Rosenstock 

  • Big Bad Duumvirate: With Osborn Tealeaf in the Correnwald arc. She gets away scot-free.
  • The Ghost: She is absolutely central to the Correnwald arc, but never actually meets the party, despite their best efforts. She does, however, leave them a note.
  • Karma Houdini: Despite brewing the alchemist's fire to be used in Tealeaf's plot against Lord Larassan, she has fled Correnwald by the time the characters come looking for her. She is the only alchemist to escape with her life.
  • Mysterious Employer: To the alchemists working in Loch Arkay. She is only ever mentioned by name, and the party never meets her.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: Played seriously. She has no personal investment in Tealeaf's plot against Lord Larassan - in fact, she even has a working relationship with Larassan, paid to ease his migraines with her tinctures and incenses. However, when Tealeaf hires her to brew gallons of alchemist's fire, she agrees, knowing full well it will level a huge portion of the town and take countless innocent lives. As long as she gets her coin.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: After learning of the destruction of the Loch Arkay shack, she packs up and leaves at once, though not before rigging her house to blow when the party comes looking.
  • Self-Destruct Mechanism: She rigs her house with booby traps for when the party inevitably seeks her out, including a cache of alchemist's fire that ignites upon their arrival and burns the house to the ground. Visimar is almost killed in the blaze.
  • Walking Spoiler: She is an outsider to Correnwald, and it's difficult to explain anything about her presence in the town without touching on major plot reveals.

    Osborn Tealeaf

Race: Halfling
Appearances: Campaign One
The charismatic proprietor of the nation-famous Emerald Brew.
  • Arc Villain: Though it initially appears Lord Larassan is behind Correnwald's woes, it is in fact Tealeaf and his infernal pact that is causing the town to sink, the wildlife to become mutated and aggressive, and the alchemist's fire to leak into the river. He seeks to blow up the Stilts district and take the Lord with it, regardless of collateral damage.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: Represents this to the party alongside Lord Larassan and the Swamp Snakes, though he personally hates both factions and seeks their destruction by alchemist's fire.
  • Deal with the Devil: He made some kind of infernal pact that has led to almost every disaster the party faces in Correnwald.
  • Demolitions Expert: Downplayed, but Tealeaf provides the party with highly-explosive alchemist's fire to destroy the Swamp Snakes' illegal distillery.
    • Played straight by the end of the arc. It is later revealed that Tealeaf has been storing vats of alchemist's fire beneath his brewery, and plans to destroy the entire Stilts district with it to get revenge for Larassan's crushing tariffs and taxes.
  • The Dog Bites Back: How he sees his plot against Lord Larassan. The town has been so ravaged by Larassan's greed that he feels totally justified in blowing him to hell.
  • Friendly Shopkeeper: Runs the Emerald Brewery and is very keen to befriend the party, offering them a job immediately after seeing them fend off an attacking swamp ogre.
    • Ultimately subverted by the end of the arc. His overly-amiable demeanour turns out to be a deliberate ruse, as he wished to recruit the party into his secret rebellion against Lord Larassan. In reality, Tealeaf is a cold and calculating schemer in thrall to a higher entity of the Nine Hells.
  • Ironic Name: His name is Tealeaf, but he runs an alcoholic brewery. He lampshades this when he meets the party for the first time.
  • The Man Behind the Man: He is this to Father Anselm's killer, as well as Ilvayne Rosenstock and her alchemists.
  • Quest Giver: He hires the party to blow up the Swamp Snakes' secret distillery in the swamp, as profits are dear under Lord Larassan's tariffs and the Snakes' cheaper, more potent moonshine is running him out of business. It is later revealed that this alchemist's fire is from his personal stores, and he plans to use the rest of it to demolish a huge chunk of the town.
  • Secret Art: Guards the secret recipe of Emerald Brew very closely.
  • The Revolution Will Not Be Civilised: Tealeaf is the leader of a secret group of anti-Larassan rebels, and though his group shares a strong fraternity, they plan to blow up the Lord's Lodge along with half of the town. He also murders Walter in cold blood for betraying the cause.

Race: Human
Appearances: Campaign One
One of Lord Larassan's personal bodyguards and a ringleader of the so-called 'Lord's Men'. He is secretly in league with Osborn Tealeaf in rebellion against Larassan.
  • Artificial Limbs: Replaced his right forearm and hand with an iron replica. Used to identify him after he kills Father Anselm.
  • Co-Dragons: With his fellow Lord's man, Venn. Subverted in that he is secretly working to depose his boss.
  • Cult Defector: Downplayed. He cut his own palm as a sign of commitment to the rebellion, but is convinced to help negotiate with his boss on the party's behalf. That said, he doesn't actually know he's part of a cult, as he has no idea that Tealeaf has made a pact with a devil.
  • Heel Realization: Experiences one of these when the party points out the collateral damage of his plot with Tealeaf. He's been so fuelled by his hatred of Lord Larassan and desire to protect his family that he never properly considered the destruction he would cause.
  • The Mole: For Osborn Tealeaf. Walter is one of Larassan's right hand men, but is secretly plotting in rebellion against him.
  • Redemption Equals Death: Immediately after agreeing to negotiate with Tealeaf, he is shot through the eye as a traitor.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Comes across as this. He seeks to end Lord Larassan's reign of strangulatory taxes, but in doing so plots to blow him up along with half the town.

The Swamp Snakes

A gang of halflings operating out of the Wheezing Beaver, a brothel of ill repute on the Puddle Docks. Their numbers are mainly comprised of the large and unpleasant Bolger family.

    In General 

  • Animal Motifs: Snakes (obviously) for the swamp setting and for their treacherous reputation.
  • Gang of Hats: Each member has a snake tattooed on their upper arms.
  • Generic Ethnic Crime Gang: They're an organised crime gang exclusively made up of halflings, and most of their members come from the same family.
  • Hillbilly Moonshiner: One of their main rackets is the production of illegal moonshine. It's not the alcohol that's illegal, it's the fact they're doing it without a license from the Lord Deacon.
  • Humiliation Conga: Collectively. First their leader is killed over a minor insult by an unknown assassin. Then their moonshine runners are attacked by the Monster in the Hellmire. Then their distillery - the lifeblood of their operations - is blown up with alchemist's fire. Their numbers are dropping like flies and their main source of income has been obliterated.
  • Protection Racket: Enforce this on many individuals and businesses in Correnwald.
  • Siblings in Crime: Finlan Bolger and his siblings, the children of Otis and Welwyse, are the gang's principal enforcers.
  • The Family That Slays Together: Led by Otis, a.k.a. 'Clumpfoot', the Bolger family are a close-knit unit responsible for illegal moonshining, moneylending, shakedowns, burglaries and murders.

    Otis Bolger 
Race: Halfling
Appearances: Campaign One
The grizzled and uncouth leader of the Swamp Snakes, as well as the patriarch of the Bolger family. He also runs the Wheezing Beaver tavern, working as its proprietor and barman.
  • Asshole Victim: Otis is the leader of a very violent and unpleasant gang, so it's hard to feel bad for him when Callidus kills him.
  • Death by Mocking: Callidus kills him when Otis has the temerity to call his employer a 'priggish southern bitch.
  • The Don: The leader of the Swamp Snakes and patriarch of the Bolgers, the family that fills most of its ranks.
  • Offing the Mouth: Otis makes the fatal mistake of insulting Callidus' beloved employer.
  • The Patriarch: Of the Bolger family. All of his relatives defer to him.
  • Slashed Throat: How he dies, courtesy of Callidus.

    Welwyse Bolger 
Race: Halfling
Appearances: Campaign One
Otis Bolger's wife, who serves as the Madame of the Wheezing Beaver. She becomes leader of the Swamp Snakes after her husband's death.
  • Evil Matriarch: She has a huge family, which comprises the bulk of the vicious Swamp Snake gang, in which she is a high-ranking member. After Otis is murdered, she takes his place as leader.
  • Mama Bear: Is fiercely protective of her family.

    Finlan Bolger 
Race: Halfling
Appearances: Campaign One
The eldest of Otis and Welwyse's children and the Swamp Snakes' lead enforcer.
  • Asshole Victim: The party first meets him harassing Byron the honourable blacksmith over unpaid debts, even going so far as to threaten his daughter. Visimar doesn't feel bad for killing him.
  • Attack on the Heart: Visimar kills him by plunging Lancion's glass shard into his chest.
  • Out of the Frying Pan: He escapes the Monster in the Hellmire only to be caught in an explosion and killed by Visimar.
  • Trauma Conga Line: His father is killed, and just a day later Finlan is attacked by the Monster in the Hellmire. He narrowly survives (after watching his brother get ripped to shreds in front of him), only to be caught in the distillery explosion and killed by Visimar.

    Rendel Bolger 
Race: Halfling
Appearances: Campaign One
An enforcer for the Swamp Snakes, who wields a very large crossbow.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: He is burned by a mutant crocodile and then savagely ripped in half. Ouch.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: He is ripped in half at the waist by the Monster in the Hellmire. Lancion finds his body bobbing in the river.
  • Killed Offscreen: Rendel's death isn't witnessed by the party, but given that he was only a few minutes ahead of the rest of the group, his corpse is a sign that danger is imminent.
  • Small Girl, Big Gun: He's a halfling who wields a massive crossbow that's slightly too big for him.

    Rollo Mudpot 
Race: Halfling
Appearances: Campaign One
A young and inexperienced bouncer for the Swamp Snakes. He also works as a runner for their illegal moonshine business.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: He is instantly incinerated by the fire breath of a mutant crocodile.
  • Disposable Pilot: He rows the boat that takes Lancion to the distillery, and is charred to death the moment the Monster in the Hellmire attacks.
  • Red Shirt: Though not a hero, he is working with Lancion when he is killed, and his instant death highlights how dangerous the monster really is.

Out of Town

    Chief Spittlebrick 
Race: Goblin
Appearances: Campaign One

The fat and obsequious chief of the Needlefang tribe.

  • Adipose Rex: He is the fattest goblin in the tribe, as well as its chieftain. He believes his size is a mark of how big and powerful he is.
  • Asshole Victim: Despite his wheezy attempts to befriend the party, Spittlebrick is still responsible for the maiming and murder of countless innocent travellers who just happened to cross his path, so his capture and imprisonment (and continued threats of torture made against him) are well and truly justified.
  • Character Death: For his crimes, he is publicly hanged in town square by Lord Larassan.
  • Dead Guy on Display: Larassan leaves his body in the market square to serve as a reminder of his victory over Correnwald's enemies. Ironically, he hired Spittlebrick to harass the town in the first place.
  • Dirty Coward: He immediately relinquishes his freedom and crown to the party without prompt, and continues to grovel throughout his captivity.
  • Fat Bastard: Is very fat for a goblin, and is a vile scheming creature to boot.
  • Four-Fingered Hands: As a goblin, he has only three digits on his hands and feet.
  • Hanging Around: Is hanged in the town square and left there for the townsfolk to gawk at.
  • Karmic Butt-Monkey: He is repeatedly humiliated after his (very easy) capture, being tied up and strapped to Vilwyn's back like a hunted animal before being unceremoniously tossed into a cell. He's also almost caught in the crossfire of a swamp ogre attack, which caused him to soil himself.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: After seeing his tribe slaughtered around him, Spittlebrick eagerly surrenders.
  • King Mook: The strongest (and fattest) of the Needlefang Goblins, and thereby their leader.
  • Laughably Evil: Spittlebrick and his underlings are responsible for inflicting much suffering and death on travellers in the swamp, but he is so weaselly and pathetic that it's hard to take him seriously.
  • Public Execution: After a hasty trial, he is hanged in the town square by Lord Larassan.
  • Staff of Authority: Carries a cross between a king's sceptre and a glaive (a.k.a. a stick with a blade crudely lashed on with vines)
  • Villainous Glutton: Spittlebrick loves eating. He thinks his massive weight makes him worthy of being king of all goblins.

    Needlefang Tribe 
Appearances: Campaign One

A tribe of goblins that live in a cave just south of Correnwald, known for harrying travellers on the Stumpmarsh Trail. They earned their name by filing their teeth into wicked points. They are led by the fattest of their number, His Almighty Girthness Chief Spittlebrick.

  • Bamboo Technology: Most of their equipment and construction is made of wood.
  • Black Blood: Their blood is a shade of green so dark that it's almost black.
  • Brains and Brawn: The presence of a tribe shaman makes up for what they lack in the former. The shaman is Spittlebrick's shrewd right hand until he is swiftly killed by Callidus.
  • Elite Mook: A few of them: the shaman, the gaoler and the bugbear. All three are killed before they can make much of an impact.
  • Evil Minions: Of Chief Spittlebrick, their fat and scheming leader.
  • Homemade Inventions: They wield a number of clever contraptions, all made out of stolen junk.
    • Headcages: cages tied to sticks that the goblins use to trap intruders' heads inside. The twist: there's a feral rat inside with them. Used to great effect against Callidus and Visimar.
    • Pig-Saw: a serrated circular blade tied to a stick, used to chop up dead boars for food. Used as an Improvised Weapon against the party.
    • The Ratapult: a collapsible (possibly too collapsible) catapult that flings bags of rats at enemies. Sadly, it falls apart when they try to use it, freeing the rats.
  • Our Goblins Are Different: Subtly so. Unlike the usual Zerg Rush goblin fodder in tabletop games, these goblins have become attuned to their swamp-forest environment, instead using a combination of haphazard traps, poisoned weapons and hit-and-run tactics to gain the advantage over their prey.
  • Scavenged Punk: Their myriad traps and constructions in their lair are all made of materials pilfered from the swamp (and from unwary travellers they've killed).
  • Torture Technician: One of their number is a gaoler who wields a triple-switched barbed whip.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Only Spittlebrick gets a name. The rest are slaughtered with relative ease.

    Mama Marianne 

    The Monster in the Hellmire
That's no log...

Appearances: Campaign One
A freakish mutant crocodile that lives in the Hellmire swamp. It is a local legend amongst the citizens of Correnwald, who blame it for the maulings and burnings of the local fish and fishermen, though none have lived to tell the tale.
  • Animal Nemesis: After it kills Baesellor/Lancion, it becomes the Reforged's primary target.
  • Breath Weapon: Its unnatural mutations allow it to breathe fire, which it uses frequently and to deadly effect. Lancion is even killed by it.
  • The Dreaded: It is feared by the citizens of Correnwald, not least because nobody has survived to accurately report its existence.
  • Fiery Salamander: It's a ghastly mutant crocodile that can breathe fire.
  • Hero Killer: On the journey to the Swamp Snakes' distillery, Lancion is twice caught in the monster's fire breath, succumbing to his wounds the second time. Though he was no hero, losing Lancion meant losing the much nicer Baesellor, too.
  • Kill It with Fire: Is doing this to the fish in the Ramman River, and eventually does so to Lancion Strong/Baesellor Rhelareon.
  • Never Smile at a Crocodile: A hideously bloated and aggressive crocodile, complete with infernal mutations that allow it to breathe fire.
  • Shrouded in Myth: Due to the fact that no-one has survived it, nobody in Correnwald knows exactly what the monster is, or even that it exists. Given the burned fish turning up in the river, some believe it's a dragon.

    Pallid Men 
Appearances: Campaign One

A tribe of depraved and murderous wildfolk living in the swamp.

  • Ambiguously Human: Their skeletal physique, human-leather masks and tendency to cake their bodies in white mud renders them hardly recognisable as human beings. It doesn't help that their only mode of speech is a guttural, animalistic clicking, and only seem interested in the mindless slaughter of hapless passers-by.
  • Ax-Crazy: The Pallid Men appear exclusively interested in the murder and cannibalism of anyone who crosses their path. The only trophies they seem to claim from their victims are their faces.
  • Cannibal Clan: Given that they show no interest in wealth, it is heavily implied that they eat the people they kill in the swamp.
  • Covered in Mud: The Pallid Men coat themselves in dry mud, giving them their nominal pallor. It's unclear whether this is for camouflage or ritual purposes.
  • The Dreaded: For good reason. The Pallid Men are a gang of ghoulish, murderous nudists who kill and eat unwary travellers on the road. Not only that, but they actually wear their victims' faces. The Rangers of Roamere hunting the Pallid Men fear them just as much as they revile them.
  • Face Stealer: They wear the preserved faces of their slain victims.
  • Serial Killer: The Rangers of Roamere warn that the Pallid Men are known to have killed countless souls on the Stumpmarsh Trail, and the fact that each one of them is masked in human skin only proves the point.
  • Tear Off Your Face: Appears to be their modus operandi, if their gruesome masks are any indication.
  • The Unintelligible: They have lived in solitude for so long that they have lost the common tongue. They now mainly communicate through throaty grunts and clicks.
  • Wild Man: A pack of them, living in the swamps for so long that they have lost the ability (or need) for regular human speech.


Alagost's second city, built atop two rocky crags that loom over the surrounding marshland. Heavily fortified since its sacking thirty years ago, it holds the crossroads that connect the four major roads of Alagost.


    Lord Slean Stylflint 

    Marshal Dulgrum 

    Odda the Elder 

    Archmage Rogeiros 

    Captain Varick 
Race: Human/Halfling
Appearances: Campaign One

An amiable captain in the Stonecross city watch.

  • Half-Human Hybrid: Judging from his height and features, he appears to be the product of a union between human and halfling.
  • Police Are Useless: When it comes to getting rid of the monster that's leaving craters in the street, he pays some mercenaries to sort it out rather than trying to sort it out himself.
  • Punch-Clock Hero: As a captain in the city watch, this is his job. He's part of the system that keeps the peace in Stonecross.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: He's a friendly man, unlike the stern nobles that make up the city's leadership. When his superiors order him to evict Vilwyn from Cliffhollow Garrison, he's very apologetic.




    Lord Cobble Robin 


The Rangers of Roamere

    In General 


Other Characters


