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Characters / The Getaway

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The character list for The Getaway.

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Mark Hammond

  • Anti-Hero: He's reluctant to use violence against the public, especially law enforcement. But Jolson has his son.
  • Berserk Button: He has his pressed big time when the Bethnal Green Mob murder his wife and kidnap his son.
  • Better Manhandle the Murder Weapon: As Mark runs out into the street to find his wife shot, he drops his own gun only to paw the dropped murder weapon for a second. This results in law enforcement hunting him down since his fingerprints were all over it.
  • Cop Killer: Charlie assigns him to kill DCI Clive McCormack, the corrupt head of the Flying Squad and the one who arrested Mark and sent him down for five years.
  • Crusading Widower: Getting Alex back is his his main motivation, but he doesn't skip a chance to punish the thugs responsible for his wife's death.
  • Deadpan Snarker: He has a sarcastic, sardonic sense of humor, as shown in his response to Harry about the instructions to employ a rampage in Snow Hill.
  • Defector from Decadence: He used to be with the Bethnal Green Mob before he defected to the Collins Crew because they had views similar to his own and were more modern.
  • Everyone Has Standards: When tasked with killing Yasmin, Mark is unsure of killing an unarmed woman. He nearly does so once Yasmin admits she was involved in the kidnapping of his son and the murder of his wife. Ultimately, Mark spares Yasmin when she reveals she has knowledge of Alex's whereabouts. Mark even grows to care for Yasmin.
    • Marks also severed ties with the Bethnal Green Mob due to their racist beliefs and even Mark is disgusted with the brutal methods of members like Jake Jolson.
  • One-Man Army: By the end of the game, he's taken on hundreds of gangsters across London, and put most of them into the ground, all the while evading a massive manhunt from Scotland Yard.
  • Papa Wolf: He's a focused, determined family man who is unhesitant to accomplish any job, dangerous or worse, if that is the price to save his son.
  • Pet the Dog: Despite having a distrust and possible dislike of the police (he does refer to them as “filth” after all), Mark does form an uneasy alliance with DC Frank Carter in order to rescue Mark’s son, Alex and stop Charlie Jolson. As such, when cornered with the other gangs on board the Sol Vita, Mark attempts to reasons with the gangs to spare Frank’s life too, but they have none of it.
  • Reformed Criminal: At the start of the game, he's left the criminal life, settled down with a family and running a nightclub. Sadly, it doesn't last.

DC Frank Carter

  • Big Good: The nearest this game has to one. While he is still ruthless and bends the rules, he is definitely on the right side of the law and incorruptible.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: His first scene is in the cutscene following Jake's breakout where he tries to intercept, only to get shot at and his car flipping over. He and Mark make eye contact as the latter leaves. Later on, he appears to free Mark and Yasmin from captivity.
  • Colour Motif: Being a police officer, he's dressed almost entirely in blue denim (as in "the boys in blue").
  • Cowboy Cop: A determined member of the elite Flying Squad, his ambition is to nail Charlie Jolson. Some of his superiors, however, do not share his obsession, so he must bend the law to bring the Bethnal Green Mob to justice.
  • Deuteragonist: The game's secondary protagonist whose story arc comes after you finish Hammond's.
  • One-Man Army: He'll take on a whole a mass of criminals at once and almost single-handedly took down the Bethnal Green Mob. McCormack even compares him to Rambo.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: Right after being suspended, he heads off to rescue a pair of captured rookie officers.
    WPC: What about all that screaming? I thought you were suspended?
    Frank: Fuck him. He can arrest me later.
  • Spanner in the Works: He's been a thorn in Charlie Jolson's side, yet Charlie failed to act upon it. By freeing Mark and Yasmin from the warehouse, he completely derails Charlie's plan.
  • Uncertain Doom: His story ends with him running and jumping off the Sol Vita as it explodes. Whether he survived the fall or not is up in the air.

    Bethnal Green 

Charlie Jolson

  • Arch-Enemy: To Mark Hammond, Frank Carter, Yasmin and the other gangs in London
  • Been There, Shaped History: In his younger days, Jolson was an associate and fellow gangster of the Krays.
  • Big Bad: He's behind almost all the events of the first game.
  • Big Fancy House: He lives in a huge mansion in Mayfair.
  • Born in the Wrong Century: He has a room dedicated to the British Empire in his mansion. Yasmin describes him as "having a thing about the Empire".
  • The Chessmaster: Smug prick though he is, there's no denying that he plays the biggest gangs in London like fiddles right until the end of the game. He even uses their perception of him as a "soft touch" and a "pushover" to make moves they'd never expect from him.
  • Dirty Old Man: He's a bit of a pervert, as he likes girls like Layla. Yasmin even calls him a "dirty old tosser". He also used to run sex shops in Soho before the Collins Crew showed up.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Charlie is very close to his nephew Jake, whom he is grooming to be his possible successor. Although Charlie is aware that Jake is extremely violent, a possible liability and even referred to him as his "imbecile nephew", Charlie is fond of Jake and makes sure Jake is broken out of jail soon after being arrested.
  • Evil Old Folks: He's pushing seventy and he's the evil mastermind behind the first game's events. He's seen as archaic in the New Millennium.
  • Fan of the Past: His grand plan is to reset London back to the good old days of when he had no rivals and ruled the roost.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Towards Mark Hammond and also to each of the rival gangs.
    Charlie Jolson: " A little ray of hope from soft old Uncle Charlie."
  • Good Smoking, Evil Smoking: Definitely evil smoking - is never seen without a cigar.
  • Hate Sink: He was already hated in-universe before the plot of the game even starts because he was THE drug lord of London. The game manual explains that he wants to go back to the glory days when he was one. It ends just as you would expect, only worse, because in order to force him to smuggle drugs and fight against the rival drug lords he kidnaps the son of the protagonist and kills his wife.
  • Hypocrite: He can't stand people who don't keep their word, yet he has blackmailed and betrayed many people.
  • Jerkass: Is racist, violent and a thoroughly unpleasant person.
  • Lack of Empathy: He admits to an unconscious Hammond in front of his men that he fully intends to kill Hammond and his son. He pretty much openly states he won't keep his word of letting them go even if Hammond does exactly what's asked of him. At no point does Charlie seem to feel any kind of empathy towards anyone at all. He even light-heartedly makes jokey comments about "the late Sparky", one of his own men, after he is killed.
  • London Gangster: It's implied that he was a former associate of the Kray Twins before forming his own crew in Bethnal Green.
  • Man of Wealth and Taste: He smokes fine cigars, lives in a mansion in Mayfair, wears Savile Row suits and drives around in a Bentley.
  • Motive Rant: Gets one after capturing Mark and Yasmin, decrying how unworthy and/or foreign gangs have taken too many libertes on "his manor", and his whole plan has been to have them tear each other apart before he finishes them off in one, explosive finale. Leaving him, once again, boss of London.
  • Non-Action Big Bad: He's unarmed throughout the game and relies on his heavies, such as Harry and Jake to be armed and do the heavy-lifting. That being said, he does have the detonator and activates the bomb during the climax putting everyone's lives at risk.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: He was a member of the National Front and as such has a racist hatred towards the immigrant gangs in London. He and his gang throw racial slurs around casually.
  • Villainous Breakdown: While onboard the Sol Vita, Charlie Jolson snaps and decides to not only kill himself with the bomb, but all the other rival gangs.
    • Taking You with Me: Knowing he'll die anyway, Charlie activates the Time Bomb on the Sol Vita in a desperate attempt to take out all the gangs. Had Jamahl not escaped, his plan would've succeeded entirely.
  • Would Hurt a Child: He has no qualms about murdering children, as he once ordered his gang to retrieve Alex and place him in the middle of the bomb, primarily because the boy had no use to him as Mark betrayed him.
  • Ye Goode Olde Days: He's obsessed and embittered with how the London underworld has changed since "the old days", when gangsters like the Kray Twins and the Richardsons were undisputed bosses of the city. Probably solely because someone like him (white, native-born, and unabashedly bigoted) would have been the norm, not a relic.

Jake Jolson

  • Arch-Enemy: To Carter
  • Asshole Victim
  • Ax-Crazy: Even his friends think he's crazy.
  • Berserk Button: Jake hates being called "crazy", "mental" or "psycho"
  • Blood Knight: Shows no fear when fighting anyone, and when he escapes from the prison transport, he's gleefully emptying an AK at Carter rather than running away.
  • Co-Dragons: With Harry.
  • Dumb Muscle: He's tough, but he's not very smart, not understanding what Mark means when he calls him a "Moron" or a "maggot." He also doesn't seem to grasp that Mark is being sarcastic when he refers to Jake as a "genius". Even Charlie refers to him as his "imbecile nephew".
  • Faux Affably Evil: Especially towards Mark Hammond
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: He's unpredictable and gets angry very easily.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: He shares his uncle's racism towards the Triads and the Yardies.
  • Villainous Friendship: With Sparky and Eyebrows



  • Ax-Crazy: He tells Hammond he's actively looking forward to murdering police officers when they go to bust Jake out of a prison van. Later on he massacres unarmed police officers with an assault rifle and describes it as "a laugh".
  • Casanova Wannabe: In the opening cutscene, he looks at Yasmin lecherously, but gets told off by the latter.
  • Cop Killer: He seems to hate police officers to the point of becoming almost as psychopathic as Jake. He murders several during Jake's bust out and finds it entertaining.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: Despite being a prominent (and pretty nasty) member of the gang through the game, Eyebrows is quietly and suddenly killed offscreen in a shootout with Yasmin.
  • Hypocrite: He appears to have moral qualms with bringing Yasmin, an assassin, on a kidnapping job at the start of the game. However, a few missions later he gleefully murders several unarmed cops in cold blood.
  • Jerkass: Often goes out of his way to be unpleasant or even murderously violent if he can get away with it.
  • Killed Offscreen: He gets shot to death offscreen by Yasmin.
  • London Gangster


  • The Big Guy: Possibly the tallest member of the Bethnal Green Mob.
  • Dumb Muscle: Not very bright and gets easily frightened by Jake's sneaky style
  • Killed Offscreen: Is believed to have died in the explosion on the Sol Vita

    Collins Gang 

Nick Collins

  • Affably Evil: Nick allow Mark, Yasmin and Alex to leave the Sol Vita alive.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: It's implied that he has a child, stating that he understands that Mark did what he did for his kid and that he would have done the same for his.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Whoremaster and gangster though he is, Nick despises Jolson's racism and bigotry.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: He has a violent temper, as shown when he explodes with rage when he initially confronts Mark Hammond.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: Has apparently shifted a lot of his prostitution racket online, boasting to Jolson that he makes more money there than the Bethnal boys ever made in cheap knocking shops.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Vengeful as he is towards Mark, once he sees how Jolson has been manipulating everyone through threats and lies, he agrees to let him, his son, and Yasmin go (provided he never return to London, of course).
  • Villain Has a Point: While he's willing to be lenient with a fellow crook who was forced into an impossible situation, why would he ever allow a decorated and notoriously incorruptible Flying Squad detective walk away with knowledge of the numerous crimes he and his associates committed aboard the Sol Vita?

Liam Spencer

  • Affably Evil: He believes in Mark's innocence very early on the game and goes behind his boss' back to help Mark. Even though Liam strongly disapproves of Mark's crimes, he perfectly understands his situation and his highly concerned for Mark's safety.
  • Mauve Shirt: He's given more background in Hammond's story arc as the only person in the gang who believes that he didn't kill his wife and kidnap his son.
  • Only Sane Man: Liam is probably the most reasonable character in the game. He advises Mark to be careful when he carries out dangerous missions for the Jolsons. Liam also reasons with his boss Nick Collins to listen to Mark's side of the story rather than allow for Nick to kill Mark in retaliation for killing his gang members. Also, when Charlie presses the detonator to blow up the Sol Vita, Liam is level headed and thus manages to escape and survive.
  • Sudden Sequel Death Syndrome: Liam Spencer is unceremoniously shot to death off-screen in Black Monday.
  • Token Minority: The only member of the gang who's of African-British origin.



  • Karma Houdini: He's the only gang leader in both games to scurry away from the cops, the Anti-Heroes, and all the other villains without so much as a scratch. And by the end of the second game, nearly all of the other gangs have been eradicated or driven out of London, so The Bad Guy Wins.

    Metropolitan Police 

DCI Clive McCormack

  • All There in the Manual: His first name Clive is only given in the instructions manual that came with the PS2 game.
  • Arch-Enemy: Serves as one to Mark Hammond, whom he arrested five years previously resulting in Mark's imprisonment. McCormack is also antagonistic to his subordinate Frank Carter.
  • Asshole Victim: He's such a complete bastard that Mark has no remorse about killing him and Frank's more upset that he didn't get to bust him for being corrupt than he is about being killed.
  • Bad Boss: When's he not berating his officers, he's sending rookies into dangerous situations or just having them killed.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Not only is he a crooked cop who's working with a gangster, but he's also selling the Yardies their own guns that were taken from a Flying Squad bust.
  • Da Chief: He's the head of the Flying Squad and is not only a belligerent areshole, but horribly corrupt.
  • Dirty Cop: He's on Jolson's payroll and also deals with Jamal behind his back. Jolson has Hammond kill him, just as Frank uncovers the truth about him.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: He's a bent copper and even he hates Jake Jolson, comparing him to a mad dog that needs putting down.
  • Fat Bastard: He's one of the most thoroughly destable characters in the game and is clearly overweight. Harry even calls refers to him as one.
  • Jerkass

DC Joe Fielding



  • Broken Bird: It's implied that she was an escort before becoming an assassin. Beneath her icy pretense lies a hurt little girl. She is depressed when she was caught by Charlie and locked up to what she believed was her doom.
  • Dark Action Girl: Serves as the BG's lone assassin before she joins up with Mark and Frank.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Joins Mark and (grudgingly) Frank after she finds out that the former was ordered to kill her.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: While being a ruthless female assassin, Yasmin does offer to help Mark find his son.
  • Surrounded by Idiots: She does not like working with people who she considers to be has beens or amateurs. This is evident when Yasmin was annoyed at Harry for having shot Suzie when she was supposed to have been kidnapped rather than killed.


Suzie Hammond

  • Creator Cameo: She's played by Sony UK game writer Katie Ellwood.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: Her death in the game sets off the events of the game. She was suppose to be kidnapped by Yasmin, not killed.

Alex Hammond

  • Hide Your Children: Alex Hammond appears to be the only child in the whole Greater London area.
