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A page for characters in the 2006 anime Simoun

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    Chor Tempest 

In General
Pictured, counterclockwise starting from the bottom left: Aer, Neviril, Floe, Alty, Vyura, Morinas, Rodreamon, Mamiina, Yun, Dominura, Rimone, Kaim, and Paraietta. Not pictured: Amuria and Eli
  • Ambiguous Gender: Enforced...and downplayed. Because a Simoun can only be piloted by one who hasn’t chosen their permanent sex yet, all Sybillae are technically genderless. However, the narrative continually flip-flops between calling them “women” and calling them “genderless”. They all present and act female.
  • Amazon Brigade: Zigzagged. Inside their Simouns they’re the most feared fighting force on the planet. Outside...they’re just ordinary teenage girls. A couple of soldiers exploit this when they shove Yun out of their way. Outside their Simoun, their pretty powerless.
  • The Cavalry: They are the vanguard of the Simulacran military, but due to the nature of the Simouns, also something of a last resort
  • First-Name Basis: Most Simulacran citizens don’t even seem to have a last name, at least not that they use in everyday speech.
  • Ms. Fanservice: ALL of them, in spades. Simoun Sybillae primarily rotate between three outfits: their Stripperific flight suits, sailor fuku-esque priestess robes, and practically painted on skintight Maju pool suits.
  • The Only One: After a suicide bomber destroys half the Simouns, Chor Tempest is left as the only functioning Chor to defend the Arcus Prima.
  • Privileged Rival: They are this to everyone. The Simouns are the envy of all enemy nations, the Chors are revered by the Simulacrum populace as near goddess like beings, and even among the Simoun Sybillae, Chor Tempest is enviously seen as top dogs. Their home base is even a refitted luxury liner, to drive the point home.
  • Religious Bruiser: Technically, all of them, as they’re priestesses fighting as elite soldiers. In practice, though, some Sybillae treat the “religious” part pretty casually.


Voiced by: Rieko Takahashi
”It’s only once you are strong you can truly hold someone close.”
The Sybilla Aurea of Chor Tempest, Neviril is both its leader and most skilled pilot. Known for her grace, her flawless flight skills and her devotion to Tempus Spatium, Neviril is somewhat unapproachable save her closest companions and her lover, Amuria. Sadly, after Amuria perishes in an aerial duel, her entire world is shaken and she must come to grips with leading a fractured Chor in the midst of nation embroiled in desperate war.

  • The Ace: Neviril is considered one of the greatest Simoun pilots of her least until her partner dies in combat
  • Animal Motif: All Sybillae have a bird motif going on, but it shows the most in reference to Neviril.
  • Berserk Button: Casually bringing up the Emerald Ri Majoon
  • Broken Bird: After losing Amuria Neviril goes into a reclusive, depressive state, which even after she comes out of still weighs her down. A big part of her character arc is learning to deal with the sadness.
  • Chick Magnet: Everyone wants to get with Neviril: Aer, Para, Morinas, Mamiina...
  • The Leader: We don’t see much of it in action until Episode 8, but Neviril is practically revered by her team members as the only rightful leader of the Chor
  • Regal Ringlets: Another aspect of her appearance emphasizing her noble bearing and borderline ethereal beauty.


Voiced by: Michi Niino
”The rest of you can keep on praying. I came here to fight.”
A brash and impetuous young girl drawn from the ranks of the common footsoldiers in Simulacrum’s border skirmishes, made into a Sybillae for her outstanding flight abilities, Aer desires to become the best Simoun Sybillae ever and has little interest in choosing a permanent sex, as long as she can keep flying Simoun. Her quest to become the best leads her to pursue Neviril to be her partner, at first for purely pragmatic reasons, but soon...
  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: Her battle technique fighting in a Simile (i.e. can’t draw Ri Majoons) is to ram the enemy ships head on.
  • Ambiguous Disorder: Besides being Oblivious to Love and rather immature in her mannerisms, Aer seems to genuinely lack knowledge of a lot of basic social conventions like flirting, social classes or respect for the grieving, not to mention tact.
  • Blithe Spirit: Extremely carefree and prone to upsetting every apple cart that exists in the Chor with her irreverent attitude towards religion, disregard for decorum and protocol aboard the Arcus Prima, and her relentless pursuit of the still-grieving Neviril.
  • Blood Knight: Unlike the rest of the Sybillae, Aer loves fighting, even licking her lips before going into combat.
  • Clueless Chick-Magnet: She attracts the attention of Floe and Morinas, but unlike Neviril, she doesn’t even notice.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Most of the time, this is actually part of her charm, but sometimes, it’s pretty inexcusable, such as offering to do the Emerald Ri Majoon with Neviril JUST as she’s coming off of grieving for Amuria. It’s debatable how “innocent” this example is, as she immediately blurts out that what everyone else is thinking afterwards, sending Neviril over the edge. Everyone rightfully calls her out for this.
  • Meaningful Name: In Plumbish, her name means “The Love of God” or “The Greatest Love of All.” Ironically, due to some incidental time traveling this phrase seems to be named after her, not the other way around.
  • Oblivious to Love: Painfully so. Aer doesn’t seem to even seem to have a concept of romantic love for the first 20 episodes of the show and pursues Neviril out of purely utilitarian reasons. During that period, she would probably qualify as some shade of asexual, which is ironic for being the romantic lead of the show...
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Mamina’s death hits her pretty hard, as does her horror at witnessing Angulas’ suicide bombing. Moments like these we see her truly grieving; these also tend to be the points that draw her and Neviril closer together, bonding to each other from the shared pain.
  • Enter Stage Window: Loves doing this, on an airship no less! It falls right in line with her reckless and headstrong nature.


Voiced by: Eri Kitamura
I want to become more powerful, Neviril. More and more powerful...
Neviril’s former Auriga known for her martial prowess and her indomitable will, Amuria was considered the rock that held Chor Tempest firm and gave others hope. Tragically, she perished while trying to complete the dangerous Emerald Ri Majoon with Neviril
  • The Ace: Implied to be the best pilot before Neviril became a Sybil, and a significant factor in why they paired up.
  • Ambition Is Evil: Not evil, per se, but her insistence on becoming more powerful and performing an extremely dangerous Ri Majoon ended up leading to her death.
  • Blood Knight: Like Aer, She is a warrior through and through.
  • The Lost Lenore: To Neviril. She does eventually get better
  • Never Found the Body: Tying in with her Uncertain Doom.
  • Uncertain Doom: Did she truly die when the Emerald Ri Majoon failed? Is she alive in another time? Did she Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence? The story never directly answers this. There is a persistent fan theory that she went back in time and became Aer’s Grandfather
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: She dies in the first episode


Voiced by: Ami Koshimizu
You want to see another world, you say? Why don’t you let me take you there right now?
A childhood friend of Neviril with a not-so-secret unrequited crush for her, Parietta has spent her life trying to protect her friend to the best of her ability...almost to a fault. After Neviril becomes reclusive following the death of Amuria, Para tries to take the reins of the crippled Chor Tempest, where she frequently butts heads with the more imposing Dominura and the reckless and carefree Aer. Rigid and inflexible in her application of Sybillae protocol, Para struggles to balance the duties of leading with her own emotions, particularly her deep-seated feelings of self doubt.
  • Be All My Sins Remembered: While She does have serious flaws (see above), they tend to be worsened and compounded by her acute awareness of them and deep-seated feelings of inadequacy.
  • Bodyguard Crush: Tries to be this to Neviril, before coming to realize that her protective act is doing more harm than good.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: Again, with Neviril.
  • Foil: Pretty much the diametric opposite of Aer. She’s a tall, dark-haired no-nonsense Rules Lawyer whereas Aer is a short, blonde-haired and impulsive Blithe Spirit who tends to do everything her way. The only thing they have in common is that they both want Neviril, and even then, for different reasons: Aer out of a utilitarian desire to become the best pilot (at first), and Para pining for Neviril with unrequited love. Needless to say, they do not get along.
  • Hopeless Suitor: A key source of struggles of self-worth.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Consistently tries to take this attitude with Neviril, first with Amuria, then with Aer. Unfortunately, sometimes she...slips.
  • Near-Rape Experience: Para actually held Neviril down and forcibly kissed and groped her while the latter was struggling beneath her. Thankfully she got ahold of herself just in time, as given the circumstances there was nothing stopping her from going further.
  • Number Two: To Neviril. It’s mostly a self-taken position, which causes friction with Dominura.
  • Statuesque Stunner: The tallest of the Sybillae, only Dominura seeing eye to eye with her, and she does command quite an imposing presence.
  • You Are in Command Now: A rare self-imposed example; she tries to take up the mantle in Neviril’s absence, not because she wants to but out of duty, and struggles, all the more so after the much more natural leader Dominura steps in.


Voiced by: Michiko Hosokoshi
Hey, Para...let’s do a Ri Majoon.
A veteran pilot of Chor Tempest, Kaim frequently finds herself in the unenviable position of pining for her co-pilot, Paraietta, while having an unwanted crush of her own pining for her... her own sister, Alty. A routine patrol piloting with the latter unfortunately brings these buried feelings of guilt and shame to the forefront.
  • All Love Is Unrequited: Kaim is pining for Para, Para pines for Neviril, Neviril pines for Amuria, Alty pines for Kaim...make it stop!
  • Brother–Sister Incest: Well, sibling incest, at least, with her sister Alty. It drives an even deeper wedge between them and leaves her feeling guilt ridden.
  • Hopeless Suitor: Like Para, for Para.
  • Never My Fault: She tries to put all the blame of what happened between her and Alty on her sister. Aer doesn’t buy it.
  • Out of Focus: Her sister Alty and her tend to get less attention than the other Sybillae, serving most often as background characters. Their subplot is also one of most contentious among fans.
  • Scary Shiny Glasses: Has these occasionally, particularly when talking to Alty from her cockpit.
  • Sex for Solace: This seems to be what happened between her and Alty, it’s difficult to tell. They were both terrified during a thunderstorm, crawled in bed with each other, and things got out of hand.


Voiced by: Megumi Toyoguchi
The younger sister of Kaim and a seasoned pilot of Chor Tempest. Mostly introverted and soft-spoken, she does her very defensive around her sister, whom she has something of an unhealthy obsession with, much to Kaim’s chargin.
  • Covert Pervert: Besides the whole business with Kaim, she likes eavesdropping on private conversations and casually stares at Para’s boobs in the shower.
  • Out of Focus: Even moreso than her sister. Kaim at least has her subplot with Para to give her some screentime. This is reflected in Alty’s rather unremarkable character design.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Comes off this way, as Kaim repeatedly makes it clear that her affections are unwanted. This doesn’t deter her.


Voiced by: Mikako Takahashi
I wanted to be friends that day...and I still do, even now
A gentle and kindhearted girl from a wealthy house of Simulacran nobility, Rodreamon is commonly seen as the sweetest and most emotionally vulnerable of the Sybillae. Her sheltered upbringing often exposes her to shock in the real world. She initially tries to befriend Mamiina and is rebuffed, not realizing at first that what she considered their childhood friendship Mamiina saw as just being a rich girl’s plaything. She eventually wins Mamiina over through constant effort and willingness to self-sacrifice, and the two become closest friends afterwards. She has a propensity for collecting stuffed dolls.
  • All-Loving Hero: She does not have a malicious bone in her body. She just wants to be friends with everyone. She even starts an orphanage with her family’s fortune after the war!
  • Beware the Nice Ones: According to some of the other girls, she can be pretty terrifying when she really gets angry. We never actually get to see this
  • Easily Impressed: She loves to gush over Mamiina’s housecleaning skills, among other things.
  • Fear of Thunder: During a thunderstorm, she offers to let Rimone sleep in her bed if she’s afraid, though the others point out it’s really her who’s afraid. Rimone gets in bed with her anyway
  • Girls Love Stuffed Animals: She shares this trait with Rimone. It’s not the only thing they have in common
  • The Heart: She functions as the emotional center of Chor Tempest, and along with Mamiina, does a lot to hold the group together.
  • The High Queen: In the Distant Finale.
  • Important Haircut: She cuts off her braids to symbolically tell Mamina she would give up her noble heritage if it kept her and Mamiina apart.
  • Ojou: Of course, most of the other Sybillae are from noble, wealthy families as well, but for some reason poor Rodre gets singled out for it
  • Sheltered Aristocrat: Starts out very naïve from her posh upbringing, if well meaning and kind. She does grow wiser through the course of the series while never shedding her compassionate nature.
  • Spoiled Sweet: Barely spoiled, but VERY sweet. The only “spoiled” part of her is her rich girl naïveté, and even Mamiina can’t hold that against her for long.
  • Worst Aid: Due to her sheltered upbringing, she can’t wrap bandages worth a crap. Luckily Wapourif is a on hand to fix things up.


Voiced by: Michiru Aizawa
Of course! It’s all kinds of better in the Simoun when you’re in love.
A young, hot tempered Sybillae of Chor Tempest, Floe is one of the first girls to befriend Aer upon her arrival, drawn to her vibrant and carefree personality. Though attracted to Aer herself, she encourages her relationship with Neviril and tries to help Aer understand things like love and romance.Upbeat and fun-loving herself, her childish temper nevertheless gets her into trouble, such as when she punches a tear into Rodreamon’s doll. She can be quick to panic when the stakes get high, being afraid to die and longing for a simple life outside of a Simoun. She eventually gets her wish, becoming male at the spring and living out a simple life as a vegetable farmer.
  • Ambiguously Bi: As much as anyone can be in a cast where physical sex is mutable, but she’s flirted with Mastiff and Wapourif, two men, as well as seeming to have a crush on Aer. Made all the more confusing after he chooses to become male in the end. We don’t get any hints as to his sexual preference in the finale.
  • Bratty Half-Pint: She’s one of the shortest girls in the Chor (only Aer and Rimone are shorter) and easily the brattiest out of all of them.
  • Coy, Girlish Flirt Pose: Prone to these, as seen in her profile image.
  • Fiery Redhead: bright orange hair and a bombastic personality to match.
  • The Tease: She’s the most flirty of the Sybillae, seen Most when the Chor teams up with a gang of foot soldiers.
  • Gender Bender: She chooses to become a man after going to the spring. One of the most significant examples as we see him much later after he’s fully transitioned, something of a rarity for this show.
  • Hot-Blooded: She’s got the most feisty temper of anyone in Chor Tempest. Thankfully it never gets too out of hand.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She can be abrasive, childish, and loudmouthed, but she means well and cares about her friends.
  • Naughty Nuns: A downplayed example; she’s a priestess who likes to flirt with boys. While not expressly forbidden, Simoun Sybillae are supposed to be pure and untouchable, so this earns her a few tongue lashings from Para.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Threatens to pull this after the death of Mamiina, saying she doesn’t want to go the same way. But she can’t bring herself to go through with it and stays with Chor Tempest.
  • Shipper on Deck: She supports Aer and Neviril’s relationship and will occasionally take Aer to the side to talk some sense into her after she’s done something insensitive.
  • Volumetric Mouth: Not as outlandish as some examples, but in the world of Simoun she can open hers pretty wide.


Voiced by: Yukana
Why ask me...could the judgement of someone who’s just woken up really be less questionable than your own?
An enigmatic and cryptic woman sent to bolster Chor Tempest after their devastating losses during the skirmish with Argentum forces, Dominura is tasked with filling the effective power vacuum in the Chor during Neviril’s conclusion. Though externally confidant, decisive and innovative, she’s never without her own shadowy agenda that diverges from the other Sybillae, the military, and even the Simulacran government. She takes a particular affinity to Rimone, and flies as her Sagitta.
  • Big Eater: Infamously in one particular episode after coming off a Heroic BSoD. The scene has been compared to comedy eating scenes in Dragon Ball Z.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Her past as a whole is pretty mysterious, but what we can gather isn’t too pleasant. She was part of a failed “phantom chor” of which there were only two survivors, including her. Further hints indicate that she’s an immigrant and refugee, not just to Simulacrum but the entire planet. What she was fleeing from is never stated.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: She has a much darker and overall more sinister design than the rest of the pastel-toned heavy Sybillae, even resembling a stereotypical dominatrix. Despite this, she is firmly on the side of the heroes.
  • Human Outside, Alien Inside: She is this to the inhabitants of Daikuriku, who are already Human Outside, Alien Inside to us. The most visible difference of her biology is her aging cycle, which allows her to look like a young woman despite being in her sixties.
  • Heroic BSoD: Goes into a particularly nasty one after gazing on the inside of a Simoun and seeing...something horrifying
  • May–December Romance: Rimone and Dominura are the oldest and youngest members of the Chor, respectively. Their relationship is kept ambiguous and fairly innocent for obvious reasons, but it’s pretty obvious by the end note  that they’re romantically interested in each other.
  • Meaningful Name: “Dominura”...huh, I wonder what kind of personality she has?
  • The Leader: Of the pragmatic flavor. While Neviril is always the spiritual leader of Chor Tempest, leave it to Dominura to handle external relations, military tactics, strategy, innovation and have her foot in the government’s politics as well.
  • Lady of War: She certainly comes off as this, being just as much a military strategist as a Sybillae. She’s often seen consulting with generals in the war room and government officials as she is leading the Chor.
  • Large and in Charge: She’s as tall and imposing as Parietta, but with the grit and moral fortitude to back up Her authority.
  • Odd Friendship: She has one going with Wauf, the jolly middle aged captain, who seems to have more in common with her than the other Sybillae. Technically her relationship with Rimone could also qualify.
  • Older Than They Look: Combined with Younger Than They Look. Confused? Dominura’s age is officially listed as 19, despite looking to be in her late 20s, early 30s. However, according to the writers She’s actually from another planet with a different aging cycle, so she’s actually chronologically over 60 note  but biologically 19, which given that her species has a different aging cycle apparently must mean she only looks 19 (how the writers think her design looks 19 is another question), and that’s before we start throwing time travel into the mix...If this is starting to feel like a Mind Screw, it’s just much easier to say she’s the oldest of the Sybillae.


Voiced by: Mamiko Noto
There’s really nothing you can’t figure out if you just think it through long enough
One of the newest and certainly youngest members of Chor Tempest, Rimone was inducted into the Chor to replace their losses after a devastating battle with the Argentum forces. She was granted special permission to pilot a Simoun at such a young age because outstanding flight skills. Despite often being treated as the kid in need of protection, Rimone exhibits astonishing resilience and greater emotional maturity than many of her fellow Sybillae. Bookish, quiet and uncannily perceptive, she flies Auriga with her partner and confidante, Dominura.
  • The Baby of the Bunch: In years, but not maturity. One example of this is when Rodreamon offers to let her sleep with her if she’s scared. Rimone is actually fine; it’s Rodre who’s feeling scared.
  • Badass Bookworm: It’s downplayed but Rimone seems to be the most well read of the Sybillae, surprising for also being the youngest. She’s the only one who thinks to consult a Plumbish dictionary when Angulas refuses to say Aer’s name.
  • Brutal Honesty: Rimone will say exactly what she’s thinking without regard to feeling, but unlike Aer, she isn’t reckless or careless with it. She’s actually very thoughtful of speaking her mind, she’s just very honest with stating what she feels.
  • Child Prodigy: She was only allowed to be a Sybillae at such a young age because of piloting skills. She later proves her talent by being the first Sybillae to successfully complete the Emerald Ri Majoon.
  • Girls Love Stuffed Animals: She shares this trait with Rodreamon. She also shares Rodre’s dolls...
  • May–December Romance: Rimone and Dominura are the oldest and youngest members of the Chor, respectively. Their relationship is kept ambiguous and fairly innocent for obvious reasons, but it’s pretty obvious by the end note  that they’re romantically interested in each other.
  • My Greatest Failure: She ended up getting her flight instructor killed during a drill that went wrong, and the guilt of it still haunts her
  • Older Than They Look: Despite being the youngest Sybillae by a long shot. She’s twelve but looks like she’s about six.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: She briefly pairs up with Aer. Aer takes her on an unsanctioned misadventure in which they are shot at, captured and tied up by an Argentum soldier, watch him die after vomiting blood all over their cockpit, culminating in Aer having to hack off his fingers while Rimone hides in abject terror, and flying back to the Arcus Prima in a bloodstained Simoun. The next day, she politely tells Aer she’d like to dissolve their pair.
  • The Stoic: Some of the things she’s seen would bring adults to the breaking point.
  • Sweet Tooth: As seen in her character image. If she’s not reading, she’ll likely be snacking on some candy. Or doing both.
  • Troubling Unchildlike Behavior: After seeing Dominura in her Heroic BSoD, she says that her face looks like the face of someone about to die.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: She astonishes the rest of the group with how perceptive She is. Even Dominura is almost frightened by how much Rimone sees.


Voiced by: Nana Mizuki
As you wish, you may never touch me again.
Another recruit sent to replace the losses of Chor Tempest, Morinas is fascinated by the Simouns as machines and loves hanging around the maintenance bay, passing the time with lengthy conversations with the mechanics. Somewhat of a flighty girl, she briefly tried pairing up with both Aer and Neviril in quick succession, before giving and settling her attentions on Wapourif, the head mechanic of the Arcus Prima, with whom she has a much more natural connection. After going to the Spring and leaving Chor Tempest, she and Wapourif get married and start a family together.
  • Babies Ever After: How her and Wapourif end up.
  • Ms. Fanservice: While all the Sybillae fall under this category to some degree, she takes the cake, spending the majority of the show basically walking around in skintight lingerie with visible garter straps to boot. Notably, hers is the only outfit that ever gets commented upon.
  • Naughty Nuns: This causes a considerable deal of friction between her and Wapourif; he as a devout religious man is acutely aware that a Sybillae is supposed to be untouchable, whereas Morinas pretty clearly wants him to do just that.
  • Shower of Awkward: She steps into the shower while Wapourif is using the next stall, much to his embarrassment. She doesn’t seem to mind.
  • The Tease: Rivaled only by Floe in this field. She’s noticeably more effective at it, as her presence has a very, erm...distracting effect of Wapourif.
  • Wrench Wench: She loves studying the Simouns from a mechanical point of view, and likes painting miniatures of them, as shown in her profile picture.


Voiced by: Rika Morinaga
Are we not all companions? Haven’t we eaten from the same pot?
Mamiina was sent to Chor Tempest specifically by Councilor Halconf to pair up with his daughter Neviril and help get her out of her reclusive state.She took her duty seriously, fully intending to become Neviril’s co-pilot, both to further her station as a Sybillae and fulfill the councilor’s request.Unfortunately, she arrived to find a few rivals vying for Neviril’s attention.Mamiina was initially cold and dismissive to the rest of the Sybillae, despising their high status and privileged lifestyle as she herself had come from a family of low class servants and only became a Sybillae due to her willingness to fight.Fortunately, Rodreamon, an old childhood acquaintance, took pains to befriend the girl and help move her past her bitterness. This combined with the girls’ time on the Messis helped to significantly brighten Mamiina’s outlook, to the point where she became known as one of the kindest, most helpful and well-loved girls among the Sybillae. She was tragically killed during a strike on the Argentum airbase, shot down in a Mercy Kill by Plumbish priestesses.
  • Defrosting the Ice Queen: She starts out as cold and callous to the rest of Chor Tempest, looking only to Neviril to advance her position and openly disdaining the rest of the girls for their privileged upbringings, especially Rodreamon. Rodre breaks through her icy exterior, the sybillae are brought down a peg on the Messis, and then she starts growing by leaps and bounds. By the time of her death, she’s gone from Token Evil Teammate to the voice of unity and encouragement on the ship, almost approaching Team Mom.
  • Supreme Chef: The fact that she had everyone praising her soup without anyone even realizing they were eating mice is testament to her cooking abilities.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: She gives up her life to save four Plumbish priestesses who rescued her and Neviril from the Argentum soldiers.
  • Important Haircut: With a dash of Ironic Echo, see the entry under Rodreamon
  • Heel Realization: When She comes to realize that Rodreamon never looked down on her for being a lower class, she’s the one who’s been looking spitefully on her for being rich.
  • Murder the Hypotenuse: She attempted to do this this to Aer by taking off her anti-gravity bands in the Maju pool, leading to a scuffle. This was undoubtedly her low point, and probably the low point of all Chor Tempest as well.
  • Neat Freak: She’s really merticulous when it comes to cleaning. She claims Tempus Spatium is too!
  • Token Evil Teammate: Until She Took a Level in Kindness, see below.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Took a HUGE level after being befriended by Rimone and using her domestic skills to help all the girls adjust to life on the Messis.


Voiced by: Kaori Nazuka
I wanted to save them...but I know in my heart it’s impossible to save the dead.
One of the last girls to join Chor Tempest, Yun is a devoutly religious Sybillae who abhors war and violence. The rest of her former Chor was massacred, and she fights despite her dislike of it so that their sacrifice might not be in vain. Yun is often introverted and rarely speaks, but when she does she is listened to, as she is insightful and wise beyond her years. Yun is somewhat unique as she exhibits no signs of attraction to any of the other Sybillae. She pilots a Simoun with Mamiina, but there is no romance between them. In reality, Yun has taken interest in the mysterious Onashia, and forms a friendship with the ancient guardian of the Spring. At the end of the series she confesses her love to her, freeing her from her eternal vigil and taking her place as the new Guardian.
  • The Atoner: Fights out of a self imposed duty to honor her fallen comrades, despite hating war. She later admits this is a misguided reason for fighting.
  • Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: She becomes the new guardian of the spring at the end of the series
  • Due to the Dead: Yun takes the sanctity of respecting the dead very seriously, evidence of her devout character. She tries to fight the soldiers taking away Anglas’s body and weaves a cradle of branches to honor those who died before their time.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: She sacrifices her freedom to free the Onasia from the endless burden of gusrding the spring, taking her place in the process.
  • Intergenerational Friendship: She has one with Onasia. And some fans interpret it to be more than that...
  • The Quiet One: She doesn’t talk a lot, but when she does, her words are very insightful.
  • The Stoic: She generally keeps a level head and soft spoken personality more than the rest of the girls.
  • Token Religious Teammate: Ironic, given that all the girls are priestesses, but Yun takes her religious duties and convictions considerably more seriously than anyone else in the Chor, barring possibly Neviril.


Voiced by: Ai Hayasaka
Chor Tempest is the Chor all Simoun Sybillae worship and take pride in.
A pilot initially from Chor Rubor, another Chor stationed aboard the Arcus Prima. Vyura is introduced as Aer’s roommate and starts off as cold and dismissive of Chor Tempest, criticizing them for their ineffective leader and lack of activity that’s made her team pull double patrols. However, she comes to speak out against disbanding them during the hearing and delivers the above praise in their defense. After the Simouns of Chor Rubor are destroyed during a terrorist bombing, most of her teammates are sent to the spring, with her and an unnamed copilot being the only remnant of Rubor. Following the death of Mamiina, Vyura joins Chor Tempest for their final days and accompanied them to the spring.
  • Friendly Rival: With Chor Tempest, after the hearing but before joining.
  • Gender Bender: She, along with Floe, choose to become male at the spring. One notable consequence of this is that both of them end up being drafted as footsoldiers when the war flares up again.
  • Jerk Jock: Has shades of this at first, being very athletic and pretty curt. However, the worst thing she ever does is ask the members of Chor Tempest to stand aside for her own during a tense confrontation in the hallway.
  • Late Character Syndrome: Hit with this hard, despite technically being introduced in episode 3. She only becomes a Sybillae of Chor Tempest in the last stretch of the show.
  • Replacement Goldfish: Plotwise, her role is to replace Mamiina so that the five remaining Simoun can still fly. It’s telling that she’s the only active named Sybillae outside of Chor Tempest.


Voiced by: Yukana
One of the Sybillae who visits the Spring in the aftermath first battle with Argentum. Apparently close to Neviril, as she asks her to accompany her in her journey.
  • Plot Device: She mainly exists to give a firsthand demonstration of how the Spring works. Thematically, she underscores the decision Neviril is wrestling with, whether to continue as a Sybillae or to give up and enter the spring herself.
  • Gender Bender: A more tragic example than most, as she couldn’t choose which to become, so the Spring chose for her.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: A downplayed example, as there’s indications she was considering going to the spring even before the battle. This just tipped her over the edge.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: She drops out of the show after Episode 2, briefly reappearing in the finale.
  • You Can't Go Home Again: She breaks down into a heart wrenching cry of anguish as it sinks in that she can never fly a Simoun again.

     Simulacran Military and Government 


Voiced by: Reiko Kiuchi
Chor Tempest, those glorious Simoun Sybillae...but we’re the ones who took away that glory
The Captain of the Arcus Prima, Anubituf also indirectly oversees and orders the Chors stationed abroad his ship. A responsible and compassionate man, he is well loved and respected by both his subordinates and the Sybillae under his command.
  • A Father to His Men: One of the only adult characters that truly shows concern for the well-being of the Sybillae, along with Guragief. His sympathy and care for them is evident in all his dealings.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Swoops in to save the Messis and Chor Tempest at the end of episode 16.
  • The Captain: Of the Arcus Prima.
  • Front Line General: He flies into battle with the Sybillae I’m their last fight. Notably, he’s piloting a simile, meaning for all intents and purposes he can’t attack or draw a Ri Majoon. He’s risking his life just to guide and direct them from the forefront.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: The heterosexual part is a little questionable, but otherwise he and Guragief fit this trope to a T.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: It’s safe to say he’s the highest ranking Simulacran official that the audience will nearly always be siding with. It helps that his heart is the most in line with and understanding of the Sybillaes’ plight. Justified, as he was once a Simoun Sybillae himself.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: Nearly always seen in his military dress regalia. Towards the end we see him in casual clothes and he’s barely even recognizable.
  • Big Guy, Little Guy: Little guy to Guragief’s big. Amusingly, this was reversed when they were sybillae.


Voiced by: Houko Kuwashima
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The second-in-command aboard the Arcus Prima, Guragief is responsible for the more direct handling of personal and as such has built a strong rapport with the Simoun Sybillae. Gentle and soft-spoken, he is consistently the first to advocate for them in higher up discussions of what to do with the Chor. A devoutly religious man, he also frequently finds himself shocked by the changes taking place in Simulacrum before his eyes. Guragief maintains a close relationship with Anubituf, whom he once flew sagitta with as a Simoun Sybillae himself.
  • A Father to His Men: Even moreso than Anubituf, if that’s possible.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: As some Plumbish officials found out in the penultimate episode.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Swoops in to save the Messis and Chor Tempest at the end of episode 16.
  • Big Guy, Little Guy: The big guy to Anubituf’s little. Amusingly, thiswas inverted when they were sybillae.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: Long hair, earrings and wearing pastel pinks puts him into this territory.
  • Gentle Giant: Easily one of the tallest people in the series, he’s also the kindest.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: The heterosexual part is a bit questionable, but otherwise he and Anubituf fit this trope to a T.
  • Number Two: To Anubituf. Aboard the ship he’s referred to as the “Dux”.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: Nearly always seen in his military dress regalia. Towards the end we see him in casual clothes and he’s barely even recognizable.
  • Universally Beloved Leader: No one on the Arcus Prima has a harsh word to say against him, and it's easy to see why given how much he cares about the others under his command.
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist: One of the key differences between him and Anubituf. While both are compassionate leaders, Anubituf has a slightly more cynical, realistic view of how their nation operates. Guragief, as the captain put it, “Never truly stopped being a sybillae.”
  • You Are in Command Now: Anubituf puts him in charge of the Arcus Prima when he personally leads the Sybillae into battle.


Voiced by: Urara Takano
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Councilor Halconf
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Defense Minister

     Other Simulacrans 

Twelve Sybillae, who become each other’s pair and inscribe Ri Majoons across the sky. There is only one Chor Tempest.



Aer’s Grandfather

     Forces of the Plumbish Highlands 

If you’re unsure of yourself, you’ll never find the answer

     Forces of Argentum 

As a Whole
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