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Characters / Ruby and Nora: Other supernatural beings

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Some supernatural beings coming from Remnant's lore. There are Walking Spoilers left and right, so all spoilers will be unmarked. Also, beware of spoilers from Volume Six of the show.

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    The Brothers 

The Brother Gods, Light and Void

Appearances: The Road to Atlas, Cold

A pair of gods in the multiverse.


  • Adaptational Villainy: They both understood the importance of keeping the balance of life and death in canon. Here, they were destroying universes to gain power for themselves and kill the other gods.
  • Ax-Crazy: Void may have been more open about it since he is a god of destruction, but Light still hides it under his calm demeanor. However, he does go crazy and destroy everyone in Remnant in a fit of rage.
  • God and Satan Are Both Jerks: They were a pair of genocidal entities who tried to destroy humanity in other universes.
  • Named by the Adaptation: They didn't have actual names on the show.
  • Serial Killer: Jinn compared them to this. They wiped out universes to systematically kill off the other gods. Even she says that she has trouble knowing who many they destroyed.
  • The Sociopath: They both decided to destroy universes to kill the other gods and attain power for themselves. Light manipulated Void to join his plan, but Void showed no remorse over it either.


  • And I Must Scream: He is trapped in his own mind and his actions are now not his own. His malevolent personality can do nothing but watch helplessly.
  • Heel–Face Brainwashing: How one can interpret his punishment. His malevolent personality is still there, but he has been trapped behind a more benevolent being. His actions are not his own and he can only watch.
  • Light Is Not Good: Literally, before his Heel–Face Brainwashing. He was just as malevolent as his brother. In fact, possibly even more so since he manipulated him into destroying other universes for power. Despite him having the powers of creation, he was not using them for creating life. Instead, he had his brother join him to destroy universes and gain power for himself.
  • Manipulative Bastard: He played on Void's insecurities on not being able to create life and used that to make him assist in destroying universes and other gods to gain power.
  • The Usurper: He planned to overthrow Spectrum.


  • Cessation of Existence: Void is disintegrated when Ruby unleashes the full power of her Silver Eyes on him.
  • Dark Is Evil: He's a god of darkness and destruction and helped his brother destroy universes for the power of creation.
  • Final Boss: Fittingly, he's the ultimate villain in the series and the last one fought.
  • The Ghost: He wasn't even mentioned until halfway through the series, and only finally showed up eighteen stories into the series. Until The Road to Atlas, he was basically unseen.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: Qrow says that he's the one that sent Salem to destroy humanity.
  • I Lied: Salem was promised godhood, but once he is released, he says he doesn't need her anymore and strips her of her powers.
  • The Resenter: He detested the other gods including his brother since they were successfully able to create universes.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: He’s trapped somewhere at Atlas as punishment for aiding in the destruction of countless universes. He promised Salem Godhood if she releases him.
  • Unrealistic Black Hole: After stripping Salem of her powers and absorbing all the Grimm in Remnant, Void creates a black hole that threatens to destroy all of Remnant.



Appearances: The Road to Atlas

The creator of humanity in Remnant and most powerful god of the multiverse.


  • Good Is Not Nice: He does not hesitate to punish the brothers when they decide to break the terms of their punishment.
  • Greater-Scope Paragon: Moreso than Light since he was the one to make Light benevolent.
  • Light Is Good: He's based on the colors of the spectrum and is the most benevolent being involved in the story.
  • Meaningful Name: He is based on the spectrum of colors and he's the reason people are named after colors.
  • Top God: He is the highest god in the multiverse.

Sentient Grimm

General Tropes:

  • It Can Think: Salem granted these Grimm the ability to think and speak.
  • Rule of Three: Wendigo mentions that he is one of three Grimm Salem granted with such intelligence.


The Aswang

Appearances: Recovery, Attacks, Bloodsucker

A sentient Grimm who works with Salem.


  • An Arm and a Leg: Ruby cuts off his hand
  • Ax-Crazy: He's sadistic, homicidal, and fully aware of what he's doing unlike other creatures of Grimm. He leaves nothing but death in his wake.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Whatever Salem did to him for failing her, it wasn't pretty.
  • Genius Bruiser: He's fairly intelligent for a Grimm and can strategize.
  • Faux Affably Evil: When speaking to Ruby after capturing her, he speaks in a rather creepily calm tone. He even says that her scent is nice while restraining her and preparing to have her killed. This drops after getting hit one too many times in the face by Nora.
  • Humanoid Abomination: Unlike the Animalistic Abominations that the other Grimm beasts are, he is humanoid and acts like it.
  • Laughably Evil: As terrifying as he is, Nora hitting him in the face so many times that he can't even finish a sentence is pretty funny and cathartic.
  • Mind Rape: He performs a mundane form of it using supernatural methods. As he fights Nora, he changes his voice to sound like Ren to throw her off.
  • Nothing Is Scarier: All we get for the description of his death is that Salem was covered in his blood after it was over. And even Mercury seems frightened by it.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: He acts like a violent child, vying for Salem's affection while delighting in causing slaughter.
  • Sadist: It appears that he takes great pleasure in the suffering he causes. As Voice Changeling below shows, it isn't limited to physical suffering.
  • Voice Changeling: He modifies his voice to sound like Ren to mess with her.


The Wendigo

Appearances: Atlas

A sentient Grimm who kills and tortures for pleasure.


  • Animalistic Abomination: Traditionally designed, it has a head resembling a deer skull and it can think like a person.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: What he does to his victims. He mutilates them and tortures them to death while they're still alive. He also suffers this at the hands of Winter. Well, her summons at least.
  • The Darkness Gazes Back: When Nebula finds him in his cave, his red eyes light up for her to see just before he pounces on her.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He speaks in a calm but mocking tone to Nebula as he has her in his clutches. Greets the officers and then thanks them for walking into his trap.
    "Hello," he greeted, menacingly, "I am the Wendigo."
  • For the Evulz: It's likely that he was working under Salem's orders, but he generally seems to enjoy what he does.
  • Sadist: He admits that he enjoys the taste of flesh and blood. Although looking at how he killed Nova Ivy's family, he really didn't need to admit it anyway.
  • Serial Killer: Of the supernatural variety. He hunts humans for pleasure.
  • Skull for a Head: His head is said to look like a deer skull.
  • The Sociopath: Unlike the Aswang who is Ax-Crazy yet fervently loyal, the Wendigo acts on his own accord and is a Serial Killer just because he enjoys the taste of flesh and blood. His superficially charming persona is 100 percent deliberate. This trope is even more apparent since the Spider is benevolent. This shows that they don't have to be a sociopath or could at least learn not to be one.
  • Villains Want Mercy: After Winter leaves him at the mercy of her summons, he begs her to finish him off quickly. Winter offers him no such compassion.
  • Wendigo: A monster that lives in the frozen wastelands outside of Atlas.


The Spider

Appearances: The Ring

A surprisingly benevolent Grimm who was given sentience by Salem and befriended the little girl that would become Little Miss Malachite.


  • Abusive Parents: Salem tried to kill him just because he didn't want to destroy things. She later lobotomizes him for Little Miss.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: Even Nora says she feels a little bad after killing it, even though she's not sure why.
  • Anti-Villain: He was benevolent and Salem tried to kill him. He just wanted to have friends and Little Miss made him kill people or threatened to let everyone know where he was to kill him. And Little Miss ended up chaining him up to be her personal enforcer, left in the same solitude he sought to escape. The nail in the coffin is when Little Miss sells him out to Salem and gets him lobotomized again into being another mindless Grimm again.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: He's the nicest Grimm you'll ever meet. It's only because of Little Miss' influence that he becomes a killer against his will.
  • Death of Personality: His benevolent personality is taken away and he is transformed into another ferocious Grimm. The Spider that Little Miss met all those years ago is gone.
  • A Dog Named "Dog": Unlike his brothers, he's simply named after what he resembles.
  • Giant Spider: Hence the name.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: He was so lonely and desperate to have friends that Little Miss used this to manipulate him.
  • Spiders Are Scary: Subverted. He's the only Grimm creature who isn't a malevolent force of evil. (At least, not until Salem lobotomizes him.)
  • Token Good Teammate: He's the only exception to Grimm being Always Chaotic Evil.
  • Walking Spoiler: Mentioning anything about him is rather difficult without revealing Little Miss' backstory, her connection to Salem, and the punishment that she has in mind for Ruby and Nora in The Ring.




Appearances: The Road to Atlas, Cold

The woman in the Relic of Knowledge.


  • Adaptational Skimpiness: Her statue in front of the vault. The depiction of her is fully naked rather than wrapped in robes.
  • Adaptation Personality Change: Downplayed. While she is rather casual in how she speaks in canon, she's incredibly irreverent here due to the fact that she has slept with any female that knew she existed. That isn't to say that she can't be serious when it counts.
  • Adaptational Superpower Change: She can only answer three questions every century in canon. In this story, she can answer questions without restriction.
  • Hidden Depths: While she is a sex-fiend who doesn't bother to hide it and can be rather casual with others, she still takes her job seriously and is shown to care about Blake's distress. She also expresses sadness for the victims of Light and Void.
  • Hotter and Sexier: Instead of Barbie Doll Anatomy, she has genitals, pubic hair, and nipples. She's also a Shameless Fanservice Girl as opposed to the more Innocent Fanservice Girl role she has in canon. (She just happens to be naked in canon and isn't really trying to show it off as far as we know.)
  • Lipstick Lesbian: If her canon counterpart is anything to go by, she is rather feminine in appearance. Now, she also happens to have an affinity for bedding women.
  • Lovable Sex Maniac: Not as perverted as someone like Yang, but she definitely enjoys her several sexual encounters.
  • Ms. Exposition: This is basically her role since she is the Relic of Knowledge.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Even more than in canon since she has actual nipples and genitalia and has slept with just about every single woman who knows she exists.
  • Official Couple: Genuinely settles down with Summer by the end of the series.
  • Pity Sex: Gave this to Winter after her divorce.
  • Really Gets Around: She has slept with every woman that knows about her.
  • Shameless Fanservice Girl: She's always naked and she has had sex with just about every single woman who knows she exists. And she will not hesitate to talk about it, much to the embarrassment of those who would like to keep that information private.
  • Sizeshifter: She can grow and shrink as necessary rather than just being a Giant Woman all the time.
