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Characters of Plunderer

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Main Characters

    Licht Bach 

Voiced by: Yoshiki Nakajima (Japanese), Eric Vale (English)
Click here to see his appearance 300 years ago

Licht Bach is the Main Character of the series.

    Hina Farrow 

Voiced by: Rina Honnizumi (Japanese), Sarah Wiedenheft (English)

Hina is the main female protagonist of Plunderer. She is a solitary girl who lived with her mom on the mountains, until her sudden demise. After her mother's death, she traveled for five years, looking for the Legendary Red Baron.

  • All-Loving Hero: She’s extremely kind, considerate and sweet-natured.
  • Covert Pervert: On the last episode, she strips down and wanted to make babies with Licht.
  • Curtains Match the Window: She has light blue eyes and hair.
  • Damsel in Distress: Initially, as she has almost no combat experience or training, she tends to need rescuing by other characters on a fairly regular basis.
  • Happily Married: To Licht, in the epilogue both have a daughter named Rina.
  • Intimate Marks: Her Count is on her upper thigh.
  • Naïve Everygirl: She's very naive about the ways of the world due to living a relatively sheltered life.
  • Super Gullible: Her sheltered upbringing and innocence of the world can often get her taken advantage of by more duplicitous individuals.

    Nana Bassler 

Voiced by: Shizuka Itō (Japanese), Caitlin Glass (English)

Nana Bassler is a character introduced in Plunderer. She is an owner of a mobile tavern, and one of the 7 Legendary Red Barons, known as "The Insight Baron".

  • Ambiguously Brown: She has brown skin, but her ethnicity is ambiguous.
  • The Bartender: She runs a traveling tavern, and is a popular bartender due to her looks and general knowledge and social skills.
  • Beta Couple: With Jail. The two got married by the time of the epilogue.
  • Buxom Beauty Standard: She's very well-endowed and wears low-cut outfits that emphasize her cleavage. She's even introduced with a Male Gaze close-up of her breasts. Men are often attracted to her due to it and some girls get A-Cup Angst when interacting with her.
  • Cool Big Sis: Acts like an older, mature figure towards Hina and Lyne.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Despite her seemingly cheery demeanor, her past was anything but happy, as she was a Street Urchin until the military kidnapped her and turned her into the Insight Baron via horrible experiments that she was the Sole Survivor of.
  • Get A Hold Of Yourself Man: Jail tries capturing Rihito but Nana bitch slaps him to bring him back to his senses.
  • Hard-Drinking Party Girl: She enjoys drinking and relaxing with her friends, and constantly tries to convince the others to do the same.
  • Intimate Marks: Her Count is on her left breast.
  • Lascivious Beauty Mark: She has a beauty mark underneath her left eye and is the series Ms. Fanservice, with a coy demeanor and a voluptuous figure, and The Tease.
  • Like Brother and Sister: With Licht
  • Love at First Sight: Nana fell for Rihito shortly after she woke up and the war was over. She stayed with him for 300 years after that but realized that he would never accept her as a bride because of what happened.
  • Ms. Fanservice: She's an attractive woman with a voluptuous figure that wears a revealing open shirt with a strapless bra and a skirt that has a slit over one leg. Her good looks are also emphasized by frequent Male Gaze camera angles.
  • Never Gets Drunk: She has extremely high alcohol tolerance, being able to easily out-drink her comrades.
  • Power at a Price: Whenever she uses her Time Travel powers her count decreases, making multiple trips through the past or future impossible due to her steadily decreasing count.
  • Purple Is Powerful: Her eyes are purple and she's the Insight Baron.
  • Rags to Riches: From humble beginnings, she ends up becoming The queen of Althea after marrying Jail in the epilogue.
  • Street Urchin: Was one until the the military picked her up for experimentation.
  • The Tease: She frequently speaks in a coy tone, and seems to enjoy flirting with Jail, if only to get a reaction out of him.
  • Time Travel: As an Insight Baron, she has the power to send either herself or others through time.

    Lyne May 

Voiced by: Ari Ozawa (Japanese), Elizabeth Maxwell (English)

Lyne Mei is a character from Plunderer. She is a sergeant, who protects Hoemmh which located at the side of a hill.

  • Cute Bruiser: She's undeniably cute, but she can kick anyone's ass. Even if someone is a Legendary Baron.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: She was quite the airhead.
  • Curbstomp Battle: She defeats the New Class 1-A when Gespenst ordered them to drop their ballots. After that, she's on a receiving end courtesy of the Pierce Baron.
  • Kick Chick: She fights mainly by kicking. Unfortunately, she wears a short skirt so it shows people her panties each time.
  • Ship Tease: With Pele, later on in the manga.
  • Signature Headgear: Almost always wearing the same blue hat.
  • Weight Woe: Played for Laughs as everyone says she needs to lose weight.

    Pele Poporo/ Gespenst Zerlegen 

Voiced by: Aoi Ichikawa (Japanese), Austin Tindle (English)

Pele is Lyne May's friend and a young officer in the Althean Royal Guard. He's actually one of the 7 Legendary Barons and a Colonel General of the Special Service. His real name is Gespenst Zerlegen.

    Jail Murdoch 

Voiced by: Yuichiro Umehara (Japanese), David Matranga (English)

Jail Murdoch is the second male protagonist of Plunderer. He is a part of the Althea Royal Guard, having the rank of squad leader with the title of Lieutenant. He is also the commander of special troop, Gefängnis.

  • Accidental Pervert: He accidentally falls into the trap set to catch the peeping tom at the school's bath, Rihito, which saw the signs to the mens' and womens' baths changed. Jail only realizes he's in the wrong one after he gets in the water and sees a naked Lyne. He tells her to lose weight then gets out. Once he gets dressed and is about to leave, he has a massive nosebleed then passes out. While all the girls fret over him, a bound Rihito, who they caught, tries to get away. But Captain Alan, holding Tokikaze who Rihito pinned the crime on to distract Alan, grabs him. Alan then puts his foot on Jail's head, saying he never expected three peeping toms.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: Despite not being one of the Legendary Barons, he is still one of the most powerful characters in the Manga, capable of fighting a Legendary Baron. He also happens to be the leader of Gefängnis, which its function is similar to a Vigilante Squad.
  • Bash Brothers: With Licht, after finally accepting as his Equal/Friend.
  • Beta Couple: With Nana. The two got married by the time of the epilogue.
  • Blind Without 'Em: What he claims after taking off his glasses and throwing his iron at Althing.
  • Catchphrase: "Conviction". He always says that when things get serious.
  • The Comically Serious: He was these moments:
    • When he saw Lyne naked, he ordered her to lose weight.
    • When he doesn't know how to use a keyboard, he tries to smash it. Pele stops him.
  • Chaste Hero: He lacks sexual tendencies towards other women.
  • Determinator: He can shrug off anything: from bullets in the chest to powerful attacks that would disintegrate a man easily.
  • Expy: He's basically an adult version of Sugata Eishirou complete with the same personality.
  • Extra-ore-dinary: His ability is to create Iron constructs which range from spikes and bars to even demons.
  • Get A Hold Of Yourself Man: When Sonohara is almost killed by Licht in his Superpowered Evil Side, he proceeds to attack him in order to wake up to his senses. While he manages to turn Licht back to normal, he went unconscious after pushing himself to his limits.
  • I'll Kill You!: After Nana strips down to her bra and underwear and begins teasing Jail, he shouts this twice at her.
  • It Amused Me: The reason Jail gives for sending Pele to Hoemh.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Despite his seemingly cold demeanour, he genuinely does care about his subordinates and goes out of his way to protect innocent civilians.
  • Knight Templar: His is this at first. He gets better courtesy of Nana and Lyne.
  • One-Man Army: Took on 5,000 soldiers with a Count of one and took down 500, including two captains and a major, with just hand-to-hand combat.
  • Scary Shiny Glasses: Much like Sugata. Also doubles as Stoic Spectacles.
  • Starter Villain: He's the first tough opponent Rihito has to face.
  • Street Urchin: His parents were killed by a Ballot holder when he was five and was living on the street for two years until Alexandrov took him in.
  • Whole Some Crossdresser: While he and the others sneak into the capital, the guards would agree he made for a beautiful woman.
