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Characters / Amnesia: Rebirth

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    Anastasie "Tasi" Trianon
"Don't forget. Don't lose yourself. You are strong. You are Tasi."
Voiced by: Alix Wilton Regan

The expedition's engineering drafter and protagonist of the game, who finds herself stranded in the desert after surviving a plane crash. She wakes up at the crash site, but for some reason doesn't remember what happened a few days prior.

  • Amnesiac Hero: Continuing the tradition of the series' Meaningful Name, Tasi cannot remember the last few days of her life, spending most of the storyline recollecting those events. This is because she has been purposely infected by Empress Tihana, alongside the majority of her crew, with a toxin inside the waters of her fountain. She eventually escapes, on Hank's beckoning, and travels back to the Cassandra, through unclear means. As her illness progressed, she slowly began to lose her memories.
  • Anti-Hero: Villain protagonists are Frictional Games' specialty, although Tasi is a lot more sympathetic than Daniel or Justine. She's simply a distraught mother whose love for her child gets deconstructed to hell and back.
  • Babies Make Everything Better: Amari coming into Tasi and Salim's life brought them joy once again they lost their first daughter, reduced the strain in their relationship, and gave Tasi a reason to live after Salim dies early in the game.
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Averted. Tasi can see herself in a few pools of water throughout the game, and by the time it is nearing its conclusion, her face is visibly mutated, injured and muddied in blood.
  • Conditioned to Accept Horror: As the story progresses, Tasi becomes more used to seeing corpses around her, and even accepts having to use a torture machine on a person to produce vitae for Amari.
  • Determinator: She will do anything to get her child to safety, even if that means going through a different planet/dimension and keeping a monster-turning illness at bay.
  • Doomed by Canon: Even if the Provider ending is picked, World War II will still eventually occur, and Tasi's hometown is soon to be affected by it.
  • Doom Magnet: Whenever she carries, or is near the Orb, the Shadow relentlessly pursues her, destroying anything in its path.
  • Express Delivery: After prolonged amounts of time inside the Other World, Tasi awakens with her child having suddenly grown months inside the womb, each time bringing more physical and emotional discomfort to her journey.
  • Face–Monster Turn: Upon waking up after being knocked out by Richard, she loses control over her illness and attacks him, torturing him to death and creating Vitae in the process, but still returns to normal shortly after.
  • Forbidden Love: Implied between her and Salim, whose wedding photo is captioned "Love Transcends Law" on the other side. Examining the same photo in a dream sequence set in the couple's Parisian home will prompt a flashback to Tasi declaring that their marriage is "as official as she needs it to be". Additionally, during that same sequence a letter can be found addressed to Salim from the French Interior Ministry, denying an application of his.
  • Happily Married: By all accounts, she and Salim loved each other throughout their marriage and had no conflict with each other.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: If the Iconoclast Ending is picked, she sacrifices both herself and her child by injecting the Shadow's red flesh into Empress Tihana's vitae production, consuming all three of them in the process, but freeing countless torture victims used to keep her alive from their suffering.
  • I Have Your Wife: Right after giving birth, Metzier kidnaps her child so he can forcibly bring the newborn to Tihana and convince her to help them. It does not end well for him.
  • It's All About Me: Tasi gets her entire party killed, including the love of her life, tortures an innocent man to death, and murders Dr. Metzier in cold blood all because she can't stand reliving the pain of losing Alys. In one ending she chooses to abduct Amari and possibly dooms her to die, showing that her attachment to her child might be selfish and possessive rather than just a normal motherly love.
  • Love Makes You Evil: Lampshaded. Although the "evil" part is debatable, Tasi is willing to risk the lives of every single one of her crewmates so she can stay with her daughter, instead of giving her to Empress Tihana and possibly gaining a way out of the desert. This also ties into how willing she is to knowingly doom her daughter to a painful death and also inflict her inevitable transformation as a Harvester onto Paris in the Golden Ending.
  • Made of Iron: Tasi goes through several situations where either she or her child, should be gravely injured or killed, for example, when a tank cannon falls right on her abdomen, just after she falls several floors below while inside a tank, merely rendering her unconscious and the baby silent for a few moments, even though Tasi herself says she felt her ribs break. Possibly justified, due to Empress Tihana's interference.
  • Mama Bear: Almost the entire story surrounds Tasi attempting to escape the desert for the sake of her initially unborn daughter, with flashbacks showing that she preferred to risk the lives of her crewmates, rather than giving her up to Empress Tihana. Near the end of the story, when Anton Metzier kidnaps her newly born child to offer to Tihana, in exchange for a way home and cure their diseases, Tasi goes berserk and chases him through the desert and into the ruins below the desert. When she finally catches up to him, she fatally slams his head into the stairs in a fit of rage.
    • This eventually turns into a deconstruction. By the end of the game, it's made clear that Tasi's attachment to Amari is not the healthy love of an archetypal mother, but the unhinged obsession of a woman broken by grief.
  • Maternity Crisis: After one of her forced travels into the Other World, Tasi finds herself entering labor, forcing her to walk all the way towards the nearby signal made by the Cassandra's survivors, in horrible pain all the way. This is not helped by one of said survivors being about to fully turn into a Ghoul, only having survived thanks to Metzier, who was nearby.
  • Mystical Pregnancy: Although her child is conceived naturally with Salim, the fetus grows exponentially after each time Tasi returns from long travels in the Other World.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Right after Tasi frees Richard Fairchild from his torture, he beats her into unconsciousness, hoping that the Ghoul who was torturing him will take her in exchange for his freedom. It doesn't work, as Tasi loses control over her mutations and attacks him shortly after waking up.
  • Non-Action Girl: All Tasi can do is run and hide, being completely unequipped to face the monstrosities she encounters throughout the storyline. Subverted in the final stage of the game, where she temporarily allows her mutated-self kill Anton Metzier, and is also carrying the necessary tools to poison Empress Tihana's Vitae production.
  • No One Gets Left Behind: During some of her flashbacks, it is shown that Tasi repeatedly refused to leave members of the expedition behind. This includes Salim and Hank, who told her to keep going due to their injuries, as she says it is just "self-sacrificial bullshit". Then this ends up subverted as she goes increasingly mad to protect her own child.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: Her first daughter, Alys, dies approximately one year prior to the game's events due to a congenital disease, becoming one of the main reasons why Tasi refuses to give her second child to Empress Tihana. In a horrible twist of fate, her second daughter has the same disease... and in one ending Tasi knowingly condemns Amari to it just so she doesn't need to let go.
  • Pregnant Badass: Throughout most of the story's runtime she is pregnant, yet manages to survive increasingly horrific and dangerous situations found in her journey.
  • Sanity Slippage: Similarly to Daniel, Tasi is unable to stay in the dark for too long or look at monsters and corpses (Although she does become used to seeing the last one as time goes on), otherwise her heart rate will increase considerably and she'll start to hallucinate, but in order to counter this, Tasi can look at her belly to calm herself and the child, even when she's amidst the darkness.
  • Someone to Remember Him By: Lampshaded. Tasi figures she is pregnant just a few moments before Salim's dead body is found by her, and then uses the child as the main motivation to keep moving forward for the rest of the story. This is taken to extremes as well, after finding out her second daughter will also die of the same illness, it's possible for Tasi to willingly condemn her daughter to the same fate because she doesn't want to let go of the last vestige of her husband.
  • Taking You with Me: In the Iconoclast ending, she kills Empress Tihana by injecting the Shadow's red flesh into her Vitae production, consuming Tasi and Amari in the process.
  • Tragic Keepsake: Makka, Alys' plush monkey is carried by Tasi during the flight in the Cassandra, it can also be found and picked up in a cave very early on the game, and once Tasi finds Salim's body, she can obtain his wedding ring, which will then be carried on her left thumb for the rest of the game.
  • Trauma Conga Line: Losing your child and then your husband, crashing in the middle of nowhere, being infected with a toxin that can potentially turn you into a monster every time you feel enough fear or anger, being hit by heavy debris, almost drowning, being hunted by a world-ending Eldritch Abomination... those are just a few of the things Tasi has to endure throughout the story, almost all of it happening while she is pregnant.
  • Walking Spoiler: A surprising example, having the protagonist bear this trope. Almost everything about her, including motivations and backstory, are hidden from the player until certain key points within the story.

    Salim Hannachi

Voiced by: Abhin Galeya

One of the expedition's guides and Tasi's husband. Finding out what happened to him is part of what drives Tasi forward.

  • Babies Make Everything Better: Amari coming into Tasi and Salim's life brought them joy once again they lost their first daughter, reduced the strain in their relationship, and gave Tasi a reason to live after Salim dies early in the game.
  • Dying as Yourself: He's one of the few in his group to die as a human, since he never even drank the Harvester toxin in the first place.
  • Forbidden Love: Implied between him and Tasi, whose wedding photo is captioned "Love Transcends Law" on the other side. Examining the same photo in a dream sequence set in the couple's Parisian home will prompt a flashback to Tasi declaring that their marriage is "as official as she needs it to be". Additionally, during that same sequence a letter can be found addressed to Salim from the French Interior Ministry, denying an application of his.
  • Happily Married: By all accounts, he and Tasi loved each other throughout their marriage and had no conflict with each other.
  • The Lost Lenore: His death deeply affects Tasi, who looks back on her marriage with mournful fondness. His final request in his note asking Tasi to live for their child becomes the sole reason for Tasi to keep going.
  • Nice Guy: Salim is shown to be nothing but a faithful and loving man toward Tasi.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Much of the expedition, including Salim, are revealed to have died fairly early in the story, though more can be learned about them throughout the rest of the plot through flashbacks and documents.

     James Henry "Hank" Mitchell

Voiced by: John Macmillan

Leader of the expedition from Algiers to South Sudan on the Cassandra.

  • Nice Guy: Hank is an empathetic, compassionate man who won’t press anyone to do something they’re uncomfortable with and out of everyone in the crew, he is the only person who reassured Tasi that it was her choice whether to give her child up to Tihana.
  • Only Sane Man: Despite succumbing to the transformation, he’s the only one of the crew who mutated into a ghoul to maintain any semblance of humanity, warning Tasi the Empress resides in the ruins they are in.
  • Was Once a Man: He is seen as a Ghoul/Harvester very late into the game, possibly being the first of the crew to drink the fountain waters of the Empress' shrine, due to the injures he's suffered by one of said creatures.

     Dr. Anton Metzier

Voiced by: Nicholas Boulton

The medic of the expedition, who communicates with Tasi through her radio several times throughout the storyline.

  • All for Nothing: His plan to give Amari to the Empress. It's a tragic case in that he never knew for sure that anyone else was still alive, but judging by his exact wording of 'cure us', he was trying to save anyone left. Asides from Tasi and Amari, everyone else is already dead.
  • Anti-Villain: While stealing a newborn child to sacrifice is never a good thing, he at least has fairly justifiable reasons for doing so: saving everyone else.
  • The Alcoholic: In flashbacks, other expedition members discuss rumors that he is one and was sent to Algeria to dry out, but given how urgent things were after the crash it understandably never comes up in the present day.
  • Big Damn Heroes: He appears just in the nick of time to shoot Yasmin dead and save Tasi's life.
  • Mission Control: He is the one talking to Tasi during almost all conversations by radio, telling her where she must go and offering pieces of information.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: He suddenly goes from Reasonable Authority Figure into a moustache-twirling asshole once his plan is revealed, but his overall goal of trading Amari (whom he already knows is going to die anyway) to Tihana for the cure to the Harvester mutation is completely understandable. He even tells Tihana he wants her to "cure us" rather than "cure me", indicating he's still thinking of the other survivors, even if he doesn't know if they're still alive.

     Yasmin Chabani

Voiced by: Lara Sawalha

The hostess of the Cassandra, who can be heard sometimes in Metzier's communications.

  • Face–Monster Turn: When Tasi finds her, Yasmin is about to turn into a Harvester, and begs Tasi to run while she can. Since Tasi was in labor during the encounter she was unable to outrun her, and only manages to survive because of Anton Metzier, who was nearby and carried a weapon.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Attempts this by willingly stepping onto a beartrap to buy Tasi time in escaping before Yasmin loses control of herself. It doesn't last for long as Yasmin turns shortly afterwards and quickly breaks out of the trap to chase Tasi down.
  • Innocently Insensitive: In one of Tasi's flashbacks, Yasmin asks if the girl in one of her drawings is her daughter, to which Tasi answers as yes, and then proceeds to ask if she was left back home, leading Tasi to give another saddened yes.
  • Tragic Monster: She apparently was the most cheerful person in the expedition, and even manages to resist the Harvester toxin once it begins to finish its transformations so Tasi can escape, but unfortunately succumbs to it and almost kills the latter.
  • Was Once a Man: She is barely clinging to her humanity once Tasi finds her, due to the fact that she is turning into a Harvester, and the latter is almost killed by her if it weren't for Metzier's sudden intervention.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Despite her appearance in some radio communications, she barely talks to Tasi throughout the story, and when they finally find each other, Yasmin is about to turn into a Harvester and is then killed shortly after by Anton Metzier.

     Leon De Vries

Voiced by: Anthony Ingruber

The expedition's mining specialist. He has become a Harvester by the time Tasi finds him.

  • Abhorrent Admirer: Only implied, but its there. When he first meets Tasi he is cordial with her, but his tone changes when she introduces him to Salim, her husband. Much later on, when he finds Tasi in the Hunting Grounds and recognizes her, he immediately lets her go and retreats, though he does hunt her afterward. Tasi later confides to Amari that he liked her in the "wrong way," which also implies another reason for why he resented Salim so much.
  • Amoral Afrikaner: He's stated to be South African, is heard speaking Afrikaans to himself in the maze after becoming a Harvester, and while it's subtle and the game never brings direct attention to it, he is heard making racist remarks regarding non-whites such as his repeated insistence that the locals are likely violent and untrustworthy, or his comment towards Tasi that she smells of "dark meat", presumably referring to her unborn child after she finds him in the maze.
  • An Arm and a Leg: His arm is ripped from his body as he tried to grab Tasi navigating through the torture chambers.
  • Ax-Crazy: After mutating into a ghoul, Leon has lost any semblance of reason, being nothing more than a crazed lunatic ready to tear Tasi into pieces for refusing to offer her child to the Empress.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Tasi says she never liked Leon, even before he became a monster, because he "liked her in the wrong way" and hated her husband for it.
  • Please, Don't Leave Me: As Tasi escapes from his grasp, he desperately cries out for her to not leave him.
  • Sir Swears-a-Lot: Out of the entire expedition crew, Leon was the most foul mouthed.
  • Was Once a Man: He has succumbed to his mutations when Tasi finds him, immediately questioning how is she alive when they see each other again, then pursues her in a maze-like area while blaming her for recent events.

     Alexander Melville Sterling

Voiced by: Gyri Sarossy

The sponsor of the expedition. He is already dead by the time Tasi finds him.

  • Dead All Along: When Tasi finds him, his body is completely mauled and drenched in its own blood. It is quite likely that he was killed by Leon De Vries, who was near his location and may have already fully transformed into a Harvester.
  • No One Gets Left Behind: He decides to leave the rest of the crew so he can look for Richard in the depths of the Tomb of Tin Hanan, and hopefully bring him back. Unfortunately, he fails, as a Ghoul (possibly Leon De Vries) kills him before he can find Richard.
  • Secret Relationship: With Richard Fairchild. According to Tasi, she could notice that when seeing both together at a hotel's garden, as Richard complained about the local coffee.
  • Senseless Sacrifice: His ultimate fate. He splits from Tasi as he refuses to leave Richard behind, going back to find him. He never found him, and died a grisly death in the process.

     Richard Fairchild

Voiced by: Samuel Barnett

Alex Sterling's assistant in the expedition. Tasi finds him at a torture chamber in the middle of the story.

  • Ambiguous Situation: Once Tasi strikes him back, it appears that she tortures him to death so Vitae can be produced. However, Tasi is only semi-conscious throughout the whole ordeal, so the player is unaware of almost all events that just happened.
  • Apologetic Attacker: As soon as he starts attacking Tasi, he repeatedly apologizes to her.
  • Asshole Victim: Right after Tasi frees him from his torture, he beats her into unconsciousness, hoping that the Ghoul who was torturing him will take her in exchange for his freedom. It doesn't work, as Tasi loses control over her mutations and attacks him shortly after waking up.
  • Fingore: If one pays enough attention, it can be noticed that some of his fingers are missing, with parts of his hands still bloody, possibly having lost them during the torture session.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Tasi is immediately "rewarded" for freeing him through being knocked out with a stone and left as a substitute victim.
  • Secret Relationship: With Alex Sterling. According to Tasi, she could notice that when seeing both together at a hotel's garden, as Richard complained about the local coffee.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: He thanks Tasi for rescuing him from torture by knocking her out with a rock and offering her up as a substitute source for Vitae. This ends up biting him in the rear.

     Malick Tamboura

Voiced by: Abhin Galeya

First gun and one of the expedition's guides. He is dead by the time Tasi finds him.

  • Heroic Sacrifice: In the last chapter of the storyline, it is revealed that he died holding back Hank, who had succumbed to his Harvester mutations, allowing Tasi to escape. He was brutally killed in the process, with his body now left in the Empress' tower.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Much of the expedition, including Malick, are revealed to have died fairly early in the story, though more can be learned about them throughout the rest of the plot in flashbacks and documents.

     Jonathan Webber

Voiced by: Wilf Scolding

The expedition's engineer. He has a family back home in London.

  • Dying as Yourself: He's one of the only few of his group to die as a human since he never even drank the Harvester toxin in the first place.
  • Off with His Head!: This is his fate after a Ghoul ambushes him and the nearby members of the expedition.
  • Sacrificial Lamb: Is the first (recent) victim of the Ghouls.

     Eva Ritter

Voiced by: Amelia Tyler

The expedition's resident geologist and Lukas' wife. She's committed suicide by the time Tasi finds her.

  • Driven to Suicide: After the death of her husband, she commits suicide by overdosing on Laudanum.
  • Gratuitous German: In one of Eva Ritter's final messages, left right above her husband's grave, there is a poem, with all words in it having been written in german.
  • Happily Married: She loves her husband very much. Tragically enforced when Eva commits suicide due to the grief she sustained over Lukas' death

     Lukas Ritter

Hired Rifle of the Expedition, and Eva's husband. Dead and buried by the time Tasi finds him.

  • Happily Married: Eva Ritter's loving husband. Somewhat enforced due to the fact that Eva commits suicide due to the grief she sustained over his death
  • The Lost Lenore: To Eva. She cannot live without him and commits suicide not long after he dies, beside his grave.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Barely anything is known about him. He's revealed to have died relatively early in the story, just after Masson and Rachael.


Voiced by: Saskia Donnely

Tasi and Salim's daughter, who is often seen in flashbacks and during loading screens.

  • Walking Spoiler: Her role in the story cannot be easily talked without spoiling a large amount of what happened to her and the affect this has taken on Tasi.


Voiced by: Saskia Donnely

Tasi and Salim's second daughter, she spends most of the story being carried inside her mother's womb.

  • Red Herring: It's implied throughout the story that the baby isn't natural or not human, instead being from the other dimension. It is Tasi and Salim's but she's being artificially aged upwards by the Empress or the Other World itself.
  • Walking Spoiler: Well, "crawling" spoiler more specifically. Her role in the story cannot be easily talked without spoiling a large amount of the story's main plot points, including Tasi's time before her amnesia and the events that befell on her companions.

     Empress Tihana SPOILER WARNING
" Here with me, she can live. Here, there is hope."

Voiced by: Rachel Atkins

Also known as Tihana The Eternal, she is Empress of the Other World and the apparition that Tasi finds throughout the game. Tihana has been alive for at least centuries but was never able to conceive a child, and now she wants Tasi and Salim's unborn child badly.

  • Affably Evil: She genuinely cares for Amari and offers to take care of her in Tasi’s place. She also appears to have been a fairly reasonable ruler, other than the not-insignificant fact her life is sustained by the eternal suffering of many people being harvested for their Vitae.
  • Aristocrats Are Evil: Her Vitae factories are one of the main reasons that led to the end of her world, possibly having indirectly caused the events of The Dark Descent, and directly so in Rebirth.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: In the Harvester ending, she takes Amari as her daughter and fully mutates Tasi into a Harvester.
  • Big Bad: The source of conflict in the plot begins with Tihana’s desire to be a mother, causing the plane to crash so that she could take Tasi's child from her. When Tasi refuses to surrender her child to her, Tihana tricks the crew into infecting themselves with a disease that’ll gradually transform them all into monsters she can control. She can even be seen as the big bad of the entire series, as it is implied in one of the Other World tablets that Alexander from the first game was exiled to Earth by the Empress, making her indirectly responsible for the events of the first game.
  • Dark Lord on Life Support: Empress Tihana's physical body is a heavily mutated immobile flesh sac, with numerous tubes sticking into her spine pumping her full of Vitae. She can use her powers to generate a projection of her former humanoid appearance, which she uses to speak and interact with you.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: In his first diary entry Daniel mentions that Professor Herbert told him the story of Tin Hinan, Mother to Us All.
    Daniel: A fascinating story in its own right, but I cannot help but feel that there is more to it.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: She genuinely seems to want to be a good mother to Amari, and vows to Tasi that she will love and protect Amari if Tasi chooses to leave Amari with her.
  • The Extremist Was Right: She is right about Amari's disease.
  • Fan Disservice: It's difficult to tell since she's relatively far away from you, but a closer look at her true body reveals that she is completely naked. Of course, Tihana is also mutated by her constant use of Vitae, with three of her four limbs entirely merged to the spherical coccoon she resides in and her mask-like face being split in half.
  • Final Boss: If one wishes to acquire the Provider or Iconoclast endings, they must go through her first, although it isn't very difficult to do so since she acts almost exactly like a Wraith, if not for the fact that she is immobile throughout the entire moment, relying on Amari's cries to locate Tasi, though the Harvester ending can still be gotten if she manages to capture the protagonist.
  • God-Emperor: Implied to be that according to texts left by her civilization. Confirmed by Word of God.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: If the implication that she banished Alexander to Earth prior to The Dark Descent truly points to him, it could be said that she indirectly caused the events of that game. She may also be this for The Bunker, as the liquid that transformed Lambert into the Beast is heavily implied to be the same type Tihana used to transform the crash survivors into Ghouls. Notes you can find describe soldiers getting visions of another world and one of them wants to have "a place in her unending kingdom".
  • I Have Many Names: Tihanu, Tin Hinan, The Woman In Gray, The Great Mother, to name a few...
  • Immortality Immorality: Similar to Alexander in The Dark Descent, Empress Tihana has sustained her life for ages with the use of Vitae, which is generated through the torture and killing of humans. Unlike Alexander, Tihana requires massive amounts of Vitae to sustain herself, with entire factories dedicated to generating the Vitae needed to keep her alive.
  • Last of Her Kind: Tihana seems to be the last surviving member of her civilization, the rest were either turned to ash or transformed into mindless Wraiths when rebels attempting to overthrow her to stop the Vitae torture factories sabotaged the dimensional gateway, inadvertently provoking the Shadow to destroy their world.
  • Mama Bear: The very reason for why most of the Cassandra's crew survived, is because she wants to save Tasi's unborn child from her illness, and eventually care for her as her own daughter in the Other World. This brings up an interesting question: Who loves Amari more? Tihanna or Tasi?
  • Manipulative Bitch: After Tasi shows herself reluctant to give up her child, Tihana brings the Cassandra's survivors to the fountain on her shrine, telling them that its water would heal their injuries, while not mentioning the side effect of them turning into Harvesters, hoping to make them more "controllable", whether or not this worked depends on the player.
  • Our Genies Are Different: According to a few texts found in the game, she was known by certain ancient groups on Earth as a deity, more specifically as a Djinni named "The Ashen Mother" and "Tin Hinan".
  • Really 700 Years Old: The story implies she's been alive for centuries, if not millenia.
  • Sufficiently Advanced Aliens: The technologies used by her civilization are far more advanced than that of Tasi's dimension, using Vitae to allow unlimited energy and eternal life for the empress, something that is used as an argument by Tihana in trying to convince the former to give up her daughter.
  • Troubled Fetal Position: Her motif. Her civilization symbolizes her with statues of a female figure curled up, however, the head is replaced with a tendril, curled forward in a spiral.
  • Villainous Breakdown: If Tasi decides to not let Tihana raise her daughter in her stead and instead chooses to attempt to escape or kill her, the Empress loses her composure and becomes gradually more desperate and angrier as Tasi gets closer to her goal. Given that Amari will very likely die without Vitae, her warnings and desperation are not without reason.
    ''No! You cannot! She will not live! Tasi! Your child will die without vitae! Stop! You will lose yourself! No! Don't leave me!''
  • Walking Spoiler: The revelations of who, and what, she is and what her intentions are come very late into the story, making her this.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: It's clear living for ages has tired her and was to some degree forced onto her as a response to her inability to conceive, especially since she has been alone for what's implied to be centuries before Tasi appears.

     Ghouls and Wraiths 


Mysterious mummified creatures found by Tasi throughout the story.

  • Body Horror: Their bodies are unnaturally slim and grotesque, resembling desiccated mummified corpses.
  • Facial Horror: Almost their entire inner mouth structure is visible, having large teeth, visible veins all around it, and dark, fully dilated pupils.
  • Humanoid Abomination: Similar to the Gatherers in The Dark Descent, they are able to trouble Tasi simply by having her look at them.
  • It Can Think: As shown by turned members of the Cassandra, they retain some of their intelligence and cognitive ability, but are unable to resist their instincts.
  • The Needless: Though they're perpetually ravenous, they apparently have no actual bodily needs, with a significant population surviving in the other world long after its destruction. Made more explicit with Tasi, as she remarks a few times that she doesn't feel hungry or thirsty despite spending so long in the desert.
  • Our Genies Are Different: A few texts found throughout the story imply that they have been found by civilizations at least as old as The Roman Empire, having been considered as base Djinn by some who encountered or heard about them, leading to their naming as "Ghûls" or "Ghouls", possibly making them the Amnesia universe's origin of the same-named beings that are talked about by Arabic lore. Early in the story, during a flashback, Yasmin confirms that the creatures the expedition has seen really are them.
  • They Have the Scent!: They are able to smell Tasi, forcing her to find more enclosed hiding places or keep moving while they search.
  • Tragic Monsters: Most, if not all of them, were people passing by that fell victim to Empress Tihana's manipulation, turning them into monstrous hunters and torturers of other humans, so more Vitae can be produced.
  • Was Once a Man: All of them were normal humans at one point, as late into the story, it is revealed that at least the Empress' fountain water on her shrine, is able to cause their mutations.


Magicians and alchemists of the Other World's civilization that used Vitae for centuries, and then turned into these monsters after the Great Gate was damaged.

  • I Know You're Watching Me: They are able to discover Tasi's position every time she looks at them for a certain amount of time.
  • Laser Sight: Their means to find and attack Tasi, emitting a strong light that can induce a lack of control over her transformations into a Harvester, using a form of telekinesis to bring her closer to them and inside their sight.
  • Nightmare Face: Their only visible facial feature is a very decayed mouth-like region, which has an interior that is too obscured for anything to be noticed.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: They used to be magicians and alchemists who extensively used vitae, and eventually decayed into the ghost-like beings they are now, being able to float and teleport as forms of locomotion, serving as wardens for Vitae factories, as well as hunters of potential Vitae sources alongside the Harvesters.
  • Teleportation: One of their means of locomotion.

     The Shadow of the Orb 
See its entry in Amnesia: The Dark Descent
