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Characters / Altina The Sword Princess Belgarian Empire

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The largest political power of the continent.

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The Imperial Family

    The Empress of Belgaria 

The Empress

Introduced in Volume 7.5, and just a few sentences into her introduction, she's already a far worse individual than just about any of the antagonists listed to date.
  • Aristocrats Are Evil: The Emperor married her and made her the Crown Empress purely because she's of noble blood, and she's a particularly nasty individual.
  • The Corrupter: Even her retainers dub her a poisonous snake who makes the Serpent that tempted Eve pale in comparison.
  • Did Not Think This Through: She is so impatient to see Latrielle take the throne in the Volume 7.5 prequel, that she's very sloppy in her methods, and has to be reminded about appearances.
  • Dirty Coward: When word gets out that Latrielle murdered the Emperor, a mere day before Latrielle's coronation, she makes herself scarce, knowing full well she'd be implicated too.
  • Dystopia Justifies the Means: She is willing to implement any scheme or ploy that she thinks will grant her bloodline, and nobility in general, a stranglehold in Belgaria's power structure, regardless of the short or long term consequences.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Her name is not mentioned in Volume 7.5, she's only adressed as "Empress".
  • Evil Matriarch: She's the Crown Empress, and in order to secure Latrielle takes the throne, she openly orders the assassination of every rival, starting with Prince Auguste.
  • Feeling Oppressed by Their Existence: Having Latrielle exile Altina to the front lines wasn't enough to appease her. She wants Altina to become an Unperson. Even hearing Altina's name is enough to sour her mood.
  • It's All About Me: All she cares about is having her son, Latrielle, take the throne, and living comfortably in the castle, everyone else can go hang themselves as far as she's concerned.

    Princess Johaprecia Octovia 

Johaprecia Octovia Fon Belgaria (formerly Johaprecia Octovia Fon Estaburg)

The 6th concubine, a princess from Estaburg. Sent by the kingdom of Estaburg to improve relations with Belgaria, as part of a mutual defense treaty.

  • Did Not See That Coming: Laughed at an enraged Latrielle when he "realized who the Empire's true enemy is". Not realizing he was talking about herself.
  • Driven to Suicide: The official cover story regarding her death.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: At the end of Volume 7.
  • Lady Macbeth: She was certainly a bad influence on the Emperor of Belgaria.
  • Manipulative Bitch: She had the Emperor wrapped around her little finger, and certainly not in a good way.
  • My Death Is Just the Beginning: Thanks to her "suicide," relations are on the brink of war with her home country, Estaburg which is even more expansionist than Belgaria.
  • Smug Snake: She was firmly convinced that, having the Emperor wrapped around her little finger, she was completely untouchable. She was wrong.
  • While Rome Burns: She had the Emperor host a party with wild abandon while a war was going on just outside, and convinced the Emperor and a second concubine of indeterminite gender to simply not care. It gets her killed.

    Prince Auguste (Spoilers

Carlos Liam Auguste de Belgaria

The eldest of the Emperor Liam XV's children, introduced in Volume 3. He was presumably poisoned in the dinner, and had yet to wake up.

    Prince Latrielle 

Alain Deux Latrielle de Bulgaria

The second born of the Emperor Liam XV's children, and commander of the First Army.

  • Antagonistic Offspring: Combined with The Coup, and Rage Breaking Point. In chapter 4 of Volume 7, he returns to the imperial palace with urgent news regarding the war with High Britannia. After witnessing a long list of debased debauchery occurring without regard for the lives of the soldiers on the front lines, including his own, he finally snaps after seeing the Emperor in bed with not one, but two concubines, all of them both ignoring the urgency of the situation, and openly boasting of spending the imperial military budget on frivolities like vacation palaces, and naming the yet unborn child of the concubine the heir which means, at best 15 years of rampant debauchery, at a time when The Empire isn't guaranteed to last the next 15 days! Latrielle murders both the Emperor and one concubine with his sword while Germain throws a dagger at the other one. It is revealed that the current emperor murdered the previous emperor the same way, for the exact same reasons, except that the last emperor was stabbed in the back.
  • Be All My Sins Remembered: As he's being cheered ascending to the throne, he hallucinates corpses of all his victims, both direct and indirect, pointing and accusing him as he climbs the stairs to the throne, with him literally stepping over them.
  • Deliberate Injury Gambit: He lets himself be stabbed by Oswald, to grab Oswald and keep him from dodging a deadly blow.
  • Did Not Think This Through: Even if he was completely unaware that Regis is Altina's most important person, expecting that Altina would simply sit back and take it quietly when he not only tried to assassinate Regis, but sent a headless corpse in his stead with a flimsy cover story that Regis died in battle with High Brittania is the height of folly, especially considering Latrielle's long, sordid history of provoking her.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: The way he scoops up Regis to share his horse and chase after Margeret and Oswald is quite suggestive, and the fans don't hesitate to point this out in the comments.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Make no mistake, this character is clearly villainous, but he is utterly disgusted and outright enraged by the tactics of Oswald, who happily turns his own soldiers into bombs, by having them hide inside gunpowder barrels, with orders to light them when the enemy comes to confiscate them. He dubs Oswald a "poisonous snake." He is also utterly incensed to see the entire castle engaged in utter debauchery while a war is going on just outside with the Empire's very existence in peril, and completely snaps when The Emperor himself treats it like a trivial matter.
  • Evil Prince: Is the one directly responsible for not only sending Altina to the front lines, but signed the orders to attack Fort Volk in Volume 2, hoping she would be completely crushed, if not outright killed. He is also the one who chose the corrupt military inspector that was sent to audit her regiment, and make sure the order was carried out. He also kills his own father to claim the throne. Though the old man had it coming.
  • Eye Scream: His left eye is rendered blind by the Mercenary King Gilbet's venom-laced trident. The doctor tending to him warns him that his right eye will gradually lose sight as well.
  • A Father to His Men: One of his few redeeming characteristics is that, as a whole, he does care about the well being of the soldiers under his command. One of the reasons he finally snaps and kills his father is because the latter doesn't.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He pretends to be cordial and polite, but he's really a borderline psychopath who is constantly scheming and plotting new and interesting ways to murder people and get away with it, in his quest for power. Being a close relative won't protect you. He already murdered at least one of his siblings through constant poisoning over years.
  • Heel Realization: Of sorts. His defeat by the Mercenary King made him realize that a constant state of war is not the best thing for Belgaria, still, he's dead set on building up the military as much as possible. Considering that Belgaria is literally surrounded by enemies, through his own actions, there is little other alternative.
  • If I Can't Have You…: When Regis politely declines becoming his Chief Strategist, and requests going back to Altina, as promised, Latrielle immediately considers Regis too dangerous to live, tears up the letters of approval he wrote highlighting Regis's accmplishments in the war with High Brittania, and orders Regis be killed. Of course, Franziska and Jessica got to Regis first, but Latrielle doesn't know that.
  • I Know You Know I Know: He comes right out and tells Regis that he's well aware both Altina and Regis want to boot him of the Belgaria throne in volume 8.
  • Inadequate Inheritor: Latrielle is scared the Emperor will see him like this, not because of his words, actions, or personality, but because of a crippling war wound, as the Emperor does have a history of rejecting previous heirs due to physical deformities. He later proves the emperor right, in terms of character.
  • Klingon Promotion: In Chapter 4 of Volume 7, he takes the throne by killing the Emperor, just like the Emperor killed his predecessor.
  • Knight Templar: He is so utterly convinced that his way of doing things is the correct approach to handling the Belgaria Empire that he will kill anyone and everyone who opposes him. He is still willing to be tolerant of other opinions, but will bring lethal force to bear upon opposing acts.
  • Made of Temptation: In a non-sexual manner. In volme 10, Regis notes that his passion, charisma, and overwhelming force of personality would have had him drop to his knees and swear fealty on the spot if Altina hadn't secured his loyalty first.
  • Make It Look Like an Accident: Latrielle is an expert at this. Germaine is not far behind.
  • Pet the Dog: When he meets Regis in Volume 6, among other things that he does, he promotes Altina to General, and Regis to Third Lieutenant so they won't have any problems executing Regis's strategy to deal with High Britannia. While this doesn't normally merit Pet the Dog, Latrielle also grants Regis the title of Chevalier, making him a noble. When Regis becomes uncomfortable with the title because he doesn't think nobility suits him, Latrielle agrees, and says the rank and title are not high enough to acknowledge his accomplishments. Of note, Latrielle tried to have the first army kill Altina and Regis in Volume 3 for rescuing "Auguste" and interfering with his plans.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: Despite being Altina's rival for the throne, he has the sense not to sabotage her or pull any Uriah Gambits during the war with High Britannia, since that would probably mean there wouldn't be a throne left for them to fight over.
  • The Scapegoat: Surprisingly. Volume 7.5 reveals that it's not Latrielle who poisoned Auguste to death, but the Crown Empress, and in such a way as to make rumors of Prince Latrielle being responsible unavoidable, though there's no direct proof of her involvement, or his.
  • Secret Stab Wound: Played With. While everyone knows Latrielle was wounded in a battle with the Mercenary King, he's hiding that the wound was poisoned and will eventually cost him his vision.
  • Smart People Play Chess: He challenges Regis to a game of chess in Volume 3, and although he does well, he lost.
  • Smug Snake: He thinks he's a much better swordsman, politician, and ruler than he actually is. Although he is quite skilled, Altina only struggled against him due to a prior injury.
  • Start X to Stop X: His idea of bringing the peace that will last a 1000 years, is to launch a world war and capture all the neighboring countries, then turn his guns inward and abolishing the noble's private armies to make the imperial army answer to the royal court alone, and to prevent the army getting too comfortable with the local governors, constantly rotating out the officers.
  • Suicidal Overconfidence: He makes the same exact mistake that Oswald and High Britannia did. He thinks that just because he and his army have their hands on Brittania's latest rifle models and have started mass-producing Belgarian counterparts, that they can outright conquer all the surrounding nations in just two years and quell all dissent, without Regis's brilliant tactical and strategic insight.
  • Tranquil Fury: When he hits his Rage Breaking Point at the end of Volume 7 after witnessing his father's careless debauchery and lack of concern for Belgaria's plight he suddenly calms down, has an epiphany of who is the Empire's true enemy and murders the Emperor's manipulative concubine in cold blood. He then just as calmly kills the Emperor himself.
  • Tyrant Takes the Helm: He's officially anointed Emperor of Belgaria in chapter 1 of Volume 12. The fact that his mother's still in hiding doesn't clue him in that he's in a very precarious situation.
  • Utopia Justifies the Means: At the start of Volume 6, he tells his strategist, Germain, that he wants to make Belgaria the best country in the world, with a military so mighty that no-one would ever dare challenge them again, among other reforms (Namely, actually punishing corrupt nobles).
  • Villain Has a Point: When confronted about the inherent inequity of treatment between the aristocracy and the commoners, and how the nobles abuse the peasants as a result, Latrielle agrees, but specifically points out that a proper education system for the entire country that could even the playing field, and foster the inherent talents of the commoners is a physical, financial, and practical impossibility, and he's right. Regis does later agree with the sentiment, but does point out an alternative, thanks to the recent invention of the printing press. His plan requires giving hope to the commoners first, or they're not likely to want to level the playing field and get themselves involved.
  • War for Fun and Profit: Tells Altina in Volume 3 that he aims to keep Belgaria in a constant state of war with its neighbors, purely for the sake of justifying the constant build up of the military.
  • We Can Rule Together: He offers Regis the chance to be his top strategist thrice. Once in Volume 3, once in volume 6, and once in Volume 8. Regis accepts in volume 8 both to spy on Latrielle and because Latrielle needs him to finish routing the High Britannia Army from one of Belgaria's castles. He makes his final official appeal to Regis in Volume 10, after their significant joint victory. He takes Regis very politely declining him very, very poorly.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Tries to market himself as this, Altina doesn't buy it for a moment. At the start of Volume 6, it would ultimately prove true. Even he believes he's genuinely acting in Belgaria's best interests. When he snaps and kills the Emperor and his concubines, it's not (entirely) due to ambition, but mainly because he realizes that getting rid of the Emperor as soon as possible is crucial to Belgaria's survival.
  • What Were You Thinking?: He voices this sentiment towards Altina when he gets word of her coming for him, in force, at the end of Volume 11. He completely fails to comprehend why Altina's so murderously angry at him, despite his past of provoking her, and sending a headless corpse to her fort with Regis's name on it.
  • You Have Failed Me: Played with. When his subordinate strategist failed to eliminate Altina at the end of Volume 3, Lattrielle called himself a "benevolent man" by sparing him. The fact that the strategist was terrified of being killed for failure, however, would tend to indicate that Latrielle, or the other royals of Belgaria do indeed tend to take out their frustrations on their staff. Further, he equates the man's life to a cup of wine, which he happily pours out in front of him to make the point.

    Princess Felicia (Spoilers unmarked

Felicia Six Celia de Belgaria

The sixth child and second princess of the Emperor. She is acting like her deceased older brother Auguste in the eyes of the public.

  • Actual Pacifist: She hates swords and warfare even more than Eddie does. In fact, her pacifism resonates with his own.
  • Bookworm: Volume 7.5 reveals that she loves to read as much as Regis does.
  • Damsel in Distress: Latrielle finds out about the charade and tries to expose her and have her arrested. When that fails, he tries to have her killed.
  • I Owe You My Life: To Altina and Regis.
  • Master Actor: People outside the royal family would have a very hard time telling that "Auguste" is not himself. She gets it from her mother.
  • My Sibling Will Live Through Me: For complicated political reasons, Felicia is urged by her mother Catherine to impersonate the dead Auguste while “Felicia” (Eliana in disguised) is recovering her eye disease in House Trouin's villa.
  • Walking Spoiler: Just mentioning this character easily spoils most, if not all, of volume three.
  • Wholesome Crossdresser: She disguises herself as Auguste to seize the throne to get at Latrielle, at her mother's urging.


    Duke Eddie Fabio de Balzac 

Eddie Fabio de Balzac
The Lazy Duke

Current Duke Balzac and Balthazar’s grandson, First Grade Combat Officer. Introduced as the bodyguard of Prince Auguste (Felicia in disguise), and apparently Altina's childhood friend.

  • Accidental Pervert: He hears a scream from Auguste's quarters, rushes in to investigate and....
  • Actual Pacifist: Despite being highly proficient with the sword, he hates them and wishes war and swords didn't exist.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Comes to Altina's rescue when her sword hilt breaks in volume 5.
  • Bodyguard Crush: He began to fall for "Auguste" long before realizing that Felicia was impersonating him.
  • Childhood Friend: With Altina.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Doesn't look like much, but he can fight at least as well as Altina.
  • Forgotten First Meeting: He and Felicia met once, and only once, when they were children. While she remembers him clearly, he forgot everything about her except that she hates swords more than he does.
  • In the Blood: Volume 7.5 reveals that his reluctance to kill people is a family trait going back generations.
  • Officer and a Gentleman: Despite being a duke, he is in the armed forces, and is very affable.
  • Red Baron: Is known as "The Lazy Duke" because he doesn't have a high kill count, but his sword skill is insanely high.
  • The Scapegoat: Defied. The reason Regis and Altina encounter him in the capitol with "Auguste" and not on the front lines is that the Empress had him transferred there, so that he would take the blame when an assassin went after his charge.
  • Secret-Keeper: One of the few that knows "Auguste"’s true identity.
  • Ship Tease: With Felicia.
  • Sweet on Polly Oliver: He began having feelings for "Auguste" before finding out about Felicia cross-dressing to impersonate him.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Is scared of blood.

    Balthazar Basil de Balzac 

Balthazar Basil de Balzac

The strongest swordsman of the empire. He is the former Duke of the Balzac House, and the Grandfather of Eddie Fabio de Balzac.

  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Is a bit of an...eccentric man, and even intended to teach Clarisse swordsmanship out of boredom.
  • Master Swordsman: He isn’t called “the strongest swordsman“ and bestowed with the emperor's sword for showy.
  • Old Master: Although he doesn’t take in students, he taught her as a fellow swordsman after catching the 10-year-old Altina swinging her sword in the courtyard. And he is going on 60.
  • Retired Badass: While he is retired from fighting in the frontlines, it never means his badassery will disappear.

    Sir Germain 

Germain Laurentis de Beaumarchais

Prince Latrielle's strategist. 1st class admin officer and the 3rd son of a Marquis.

  • Book Burning: Wants to put fiction and books that criticize the Empire to the pyre.
  • Crazy-Prepared: At the end of Volume 7 he took the liberty of bribing the maids just in case Latrielle assassinated the Emperor. What makes this crazy is that neither Latrielle nor Germain had any intention or plan to kill the Emperor at first — but Germain bribed the maids anyway.
  • Disease Bleach: The sheer terror of being executed by Latrielle for failing to defeat Regis, and capture or kill Altina and "Prince Auguste" as well as their traveling companions turns his hair white at the end of Volume 3.
  • Dragon-in-Chief: He becomes this as a result of Latrielle's crippling injury that will eventually leave him completely blind.
  • My Master, Right or Wrong: Is utterly convinced that Latrielle is the only man who can save the country of Belgaria from imminent destruction, and turns a blind eye to all of Latrielle's faults.
  • Secret-Keeper: Aside from Latrielle and his doctor, he's the only one who knows that Latrielle's going blind as a result of his fight with the Mercenary King.
  • Smug Snake: Thinks he's vastly superior to Regis. He's wrong.
  • The Strategist: He is Latrielle's strategist.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Is genuinely trying to save the country of Belgaria, but will do some rather nasty things to see Latrielle take the throne.

    Inspector Becker

A military inspector from a minor noble house sent to Altina's regiment for the purposes of auditing her unit, and delivering orders, signed by Prince Latrielle, to seize Fort Volks.

  • Ax-Crazy: By the time volume 11 rolls around, he's totally, murderously, batshit insane. It's only because of his father's aristocratic connections that he's put in charge of the Empire's secret police.
  • Berserk Button: He crashes into a toddler because he's not watching where he's going. Said toddler was holding his food at the time which made Becker's uniform dirty. This was enough to send Becker into a murderous rage, complete with bloodshot eyes.
  • The Bus Came Back: He returns to the story, and in a big way in Volume 11. He's leading the secret police and orders open murder on anyone he doesn't like, trying to rationalize it as "weeding out traitors" afterwards.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: Despite not being in a corporation, he holds many of the traits, especially the "corrupt" part.
  • Fingore: He runs afoul of Prince Bastian, and as a result of pulling a gun on the prince, he loses his trigger finger.
  • It's All About Me: Called Altina's regiment "rude" because he had to walk from a train station to the scheduled pick up point despite the fact that he arrived several days early, and had Regis not anticipated his early arrival, would have killed a toddler because he crashed into said toddler.
  • Minor Injury Overreaction: Granted Altina is insanely strong, still, one punch in the face, resulting in a bloody nose, and he acts like he's been mortally wounded.
  • The Neidermeyer: Fits this to a T. He firmly believes that any order from the Empire, even an order to engage in an obvious suicidal charge, is so glorious that the soldiers should feel honored just to hear it, and the merits of such orders should never be called into question, as long as he's not on the list of people who has to carry it out, that is.
  • Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: He engages in a great many villainous and criminal acts in volume 2, including attempts to extort bribes from Regis. Regis holds his nose and turns a blind eye to all of them, including threatening a toddler with a sword, because he's the one who crashed into said toddler, all in order to prevent problems with the Empire. However, once he attempts to rape Clarisse, with his bodyguard keeping watch, Regis turns him over to Altina without hesitation of any kind.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Whenever he's enraged, his eyes become so bloodshot that they turn beet red.
  • Royal Rapier: In addition to a derringer gun, he carries a rapier.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Connections!: Despite being from a minor noble house, him being a noble allows him to bluster and push just about everyone in Altina's regiment around, that is until he tries to rape Clarisse, and finds himself in the fort's dungeons.
  • Slasher Smile: In volume 11, he's described having a smile so large, it looks like it's sawing his head in two, as he's perpetrating violence.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: He's from a minor noble house, yet doesn't bother to remember the names of people from families that he doesn't recognize.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Him being sent to Fort Sierck's dungeon for the attempted rape of Clarisse is the last we see or hear of him until volume 11.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Upon arriving at the town at the base of Fort Sierck, he would have killed a toddler because he crashed into said toddler if Regis had not anticipated his early arrival.
  • You Have Failed Me: Volume 11 implies he kills those under his command if they fail to follow his murderous orders to the letter.

    Marquis Thénezay 
The first noble to hire Regis as a strategist.
  • Aristocrats Are Evil: Averted. Regis remembers him fondly, and notes that his people loved him as a kind and benevolent ruler.
  • Benevolent Boss: Regis had absolutely no complaints in his service. In addition to a fair wage, being promoted several times for his faithful service, and being given room and board, Regis could read all the books he wanted.
  • Human Pincushion: How the manga chose to illustrate his death.
  • Post Humous Character: He's introduced only in flashbacks.
  • Sacrificial Lion: He died to serve as a warning to the Empire on how inferior their tactics and strategies are. Unfortunately, his lesson goes unheeded.
  • Suicidal Overconfidence: Despite being only marginally better than Regis on the battlefield (which isn't very much), and hiring Regis specifically for his strategic insight, he completely ignores Regis when he finds himself in actual combat, and charges headlong into an ambush, just to "prove he's not cowardly." He pays for this with his life, and the lives of all his men, bar Regis who was Forced to Watch.

    Duke Barguesonne 

Lieutenant General Barguesonne

The commanding officer of the Belgarian Army Fifth Division and the general of the Seventh Imperial Army.
  • Brutal Honesty: Shut down Vincent hard when Vincent tried to blame Regis for his own failures.
  • Commander Contrarian: He debunked and refused Regis's strategic advice in favor of Vincent's. He would come to regret this.
  • It's All My Fault: Took responsibility for the disaster that happened to the fifth division as a result of choosing Vincent's strategy over Regis's.
  • Redemption Equals Death: He would ultimately sacrifice his life so the seventh division could fight another day.
  • Sergeant Rock: Abrasive, but loved by the men of the fifth division.

     Jean Roland de Tiraso Laverde 

Jean Roland de Tiraso Laverde

A "liberal" aristocrat encountered by Bastian while recouperating from the wounds he received in Volume 4.

  • Actual Pacifist: He doesn't raise a weapon, even in self-defense.
  • Aristocrats Are Evil: Averted for himself, but he clearly believes this for the caste system, as a whole.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Combined with literally Taking the Bullet. He dives in front of Elizabeth to save her life from a gun-toting, self righteous thug out to kill Belgarians purely out of Fantastic Racism.
  • Smart People Wear Glasses: To fit with the stereotypical view of liberalism, he's an intellectual that wears glasses.
  • Take Me Instead: He tries this tactic to stall "Loyal Soldiers," a self-righteous gang of bullying thugs so the rest of the Belgarian civilians (and Princess Elizabeth) can flee to safety. Bastian vetoes that idea.
  • Take Up My Sword: In a sense. He hands off a book where he wrote his theories and governmental policy ideas to Bastian before he dies.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Killed off in the same chapter as he was introduced.


    Constant Felix de Bartoli 

Constant Felix de Bartoli

The captain of the First Army, The White Wolves unit, which is responsible for the capital's defense.
  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: He is very aggressive. Thoughts of retreat, caution or surrender never enter his mind. This would cost him dearly.
  • For Justice: He truly believes carrying out Latrielle's orders to abduct Auguste is the right and just thing to do.
  • Honor Before Reason: Insists on the Knight "chivalric code" at all times.
  • Hypocrite: Condemns Jerome for "abandoning chivalry" because the latter, with just 500 cavalry attacked, and defeated, his 1000 mounted knights by setting them on fire, but completely ignores the fact that he ordered his "honorable" knights, numbering 1000, to attack five people sharing three horses without even an arrest warrant.
  • Pride Before a Fall: He was so enamored by the First Army's reputation as the strongest army in the country, that he never considered someone could beat him.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Killed off shortly after his introduction.

Becker's bodyguard and escort officer, Grade 4 combat officer. He is every bit as unpleasant as his master.

A book store owner in the capitol who is familiar with Regis.

    Vanessa Smith 

Vanessa Smith née Aurick

Regis's older sister. She married a blacksmith and has two small boys.

  • Annoying Younger Sibling: Inverted. She's the annoying one, and she's the older sister.
  • Babies Ever After: She has two very young boys.
  • Gone Horribly Wrong: She tried to make Regis a more well-rounded individual by downplaying his intellect and emphasizing his lack of strength. This wound up destroying his self-esteem and sending him into the military, to become more "manly."
    • Gone Horribly Right: Then he winds up being Altina's strategist, and is both feared and respected by friend and foe alike, for the most part.
  • Happily Married: She's married to a blacksmith, has 2 children and a happy family life.
  • Meaningful Name: Her family name is "Smith" and she's married to one.
  • My Greatest Failure: Instead of fostering Regis's inherent talents, ie, his exceptionally keen intellect, she, as a 12-year-old child with no parents or extended family, constantly called him "useless" so she could continue working as a maid. This wound up crushing his self-worth.

    Enzo Bardot Smith 

Enzo Bardot Smith

Vanessa's husband. Reputed to be the best blacksmith in the continent, by Vanessa anyway.

  • The Blacksmith: His work. He even has “Smith” as his last name.
  • The Brute: He is not very skilled in social graces. He's got far more in terms of muscle than brains, and that's what Vanessa likes about him. Still, acting that way before Princess Altina had the entire workshop scared pale, including Vanessa.
  • Brutal Honesty: He does not mince words regarding Quatre Tonne's condition. Altina prefers it that way.
  • Charles Atlas Super Power: Surprisingly, his strength exceeds even Altina's. He was able to draw Quatre Tonne, a hundred pound weapon, from its sheath like a longsword.
  • MacGuffin Delivery Service: He's tasked with delivering the reforged Quatre-Tonne to Altina in volume 7.
  • Meaningful Name: His family name is "Smith" and he’s one.
  • Muscles Are Meaningful: Noted to have the physique of a bear, and can draw Quatre-Tonne like a longsword.
  • Sherlock Scan: He can tell that Gilbert prefers tridents due to his muscle structure.



A conscripted soldier fighting in the Fifth Division. He was a farmer before joining the military, and has a wife with 4 children.
  • Action Survivor: One of the few infantry who actually survived Vincent's "brilliant" strategy.
  • The Determinator: Despite being shot so many times that he looks like a sponge, he kept right on going. Altina wonders how he's still alive.
  • Made of Iron: Shot by Britannia's guns, stabbed with spears by the shield carriers, bandaged and bloodied, he still ran to Altina and Regis to ask for them to save his family.
  • Mauve Shirt: He's of lowly infantry, yet he's got a name and backstory.



A fishing girl from Ugovi Regis encounters in Chapter 2 of Volume 6. Regis specifically hires her to help him scout out the enemy's navy.

  • Bullying a Dragon: Despite knowing Altina's the fourth princess (because Regis specifically introduces her as such), she decides to taunt her regarding her relationship with Regis. As her childhood friend points out, this could easily lead to visiting a guillotine, if Altina wasn't particularly kind and forgiving.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: With her sailing partner, "Fippo".
  • The Gadfly: Teases Regis and Altina regarding their romantic relationship or lack thereof. She's lucky Altina is a very gentle and kind soul, as had Narissa taunted any other royal, she could easily have been killed, legally.
  • Genius Ditz: She's a total master when it comes to sailing and navigation. She's completely clueless in just about everything else, including proper etiquette when dealing with Royalty.
  • The Nick Namer: Loves to shorten people's names for her own convenience.
  • No Sense of Personal Space: Immediately clings to Regis's arm when Altina arrives, much to his chagrin.

    Marabella Tiraso Laverde 

Marabella Tiraso Laverde

The matron of the trading house where Bastian finds himself recuperating from the events of Volume 4.

  • An Entrepreneur Is You: She runs a merchant house and trading company.
  • A Friend in Need: She is ultimately responsible for Bastian and Princess Elizabeth being fished out of the Grey River, and loaned him a bed where he could recover from his wounds.
  • Secret Test of Character: She gives a few to Elizabeth and Bastian, knowing full well they're royalty, but pretending she doesn't. Bastian manages to see through one of them.
