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YMMV / Walker (2021)

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  • Crossover Ship: Before the show even aired, there were dozens of fanfics shipping Cordell with Dean Winchester and Jensen Ackles' various other characters he's played over the years, including himself, Soldier Boy and Boaz Priestly.
  • Incest Yay Shipping: Likely due to the number of Supernatural fans who followed Padalecki to Walker, a trailer showing Liam tackling and pinning Cordell to the ground (itself similar to a scene in Supernatural's pilot episode where Padalecki's character is tackled and pinned to the ground in the dark by his brother) launched the ship "Walkercest" or "Cordelliam".
  • Narm: It's difficult to take Walker's Death Wail seriously at the start of "Pilot", when he has no confirmation that Emily is dead beyond her not picking up her phone.
  • The Scrappy: The Davidsons in Season Two. Most fans feel that they are taking up too much screen time feuding with the Walkers, period.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks!: Fans of the original series weren't happy to see how much was changed from the original. Only Cordell Walker himself was carried over, as Trivette, Alex, CD, Sydney, and Gage were not. In addition, Walker was given a huge family upgrade, which resulted in lots and lots of family angst that wasn't in the original. But most egregiously, Walker doesn't perform a single roundhouse kick throughout the entire first episode.
