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YMMV / Tightrope

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  • Award Snub: There were rumors that Clint Eastwood might get his first Academy Award nomination for acting for this movie. Then, there was some shock and surprise when Eastwood wasn't nominated.
  • Complete Monster: Leander Rolfe was a former cop arrested for raping two girls. Since then, upon being paroled, Rolfe wants nothing more than revenge against Wes Block, the cop who busted him. Rolfe embarks on a spree of raping and murdering women, particularly prostitutes, while steadily luring in Block. Rolfe uses a gay prostitute as bait, and when Block tries to get the man to lead him to Rolfe, Rolfe murders him, before trying to frame Block as the killer. He then heads to Block's home to murder Block's children and their nanny. When he fails, Rolfe then tries to kill Block's girlfriend after killing her police escort.
