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YMMV / The Matrix: Path of Neo

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  • Big-Lipped Alligator Moment: Being The Matrix, anything can distort and occur when you least expect it. And yet despite the superhuman kung-fu, the ghosts and vampires, and all the other weird stuff in the story for the sake of Rule of Cool, the moment that pops up right the heck out of nowhere towards the end of the game are human-sized giant ant monsters. That fight you with martial arts too and need to be put down with fire. It all but occurs to just give you something to fight and maybe have a subtle joke about fighting computer bugs.
  • Misaimed Fandom: Many fans who were disappointed by The Matrix Revolutions saw the Mega-Smith battle as a major improvement on the climax, even though the Wachowskis made it solely for gamers and as a joke.
  • Narm: Towards the last phase of the final battle, Smith yells, "This is my world, Mr. Anderson, MY WORLD!" Which he follows up with a long pause and scrunching up his face in rage. Not only is it ridiculous in concept, but it looks hilarious with the dated graphics.
  • Nightmare Fuel: For the security guard—when you realize that when he says, "I killed you.", he remembers Smith killing Neo as if he did it himself. Also when you remember that he also says, "You're a ghost. Get away from me!" and it hits you just how much those few seconds impacted him. That because of it he had a Heroic BSoD, everyone thought he was crazy and he lost his job as a cop before being demoted to a security guard at a church.
  • Surprisingly Improved Sequel: The game was received better than Enter the Matrix was. Largely because it wasn't a half-broken Obvious Beta on release.
