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YMMV / The Kaskade Region

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  • Accidental Innuendo: In “A Rotom Form for EVERY TYPE”, when talking about Jackhammer Rotom, Lockstin mentions that it could also just “jack off on the Pokemon” before realising said innuendo and correcting himself by saying it can “do what jackhammers do”. It ends up being exemplified by Jackhammer Rotom jittering around on some… questionable fanart of Salazzle while Lockstin makes the innuendo.
  • Ensemble Dark Horse: Tofrug is the most popular Kaskade Fakemon in the region because of its creative, adorable design. It was even popular enough to receive its own plush, which no other Pokémon from the region received.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: From the second video of the series, the delivery-based MegaCorp Amaze-All, a clear Fictional Counterpart to Amazon, was built up as this game's evil organization, complete with a No Celebrities Were Harmed Expy of Jeff Bezos, bald Corrupt Corporate Executive Tom Bezzle, as the Big Bad. Then, a later episode is sponsored by Audible, whose parent company is, you guessed it, Amazon!
  • Narm: The Eldritch Abomination Endram-Odai, who the entire game has been building up, is a neon pink whale with hideously clashing red markings around its mouth that look a bit like lipstick. It can be a bit hard to take seriously even as it distorts reality and perception in horrible ways.
  • Tear Jerker: Much like Bede, it's hard to not feel bad for your rival once they lose their position at Amaze-All. It's even more sad in the fight where their last remaining Pokémon is a weak Pudet; clearly not an Amaze-All provided Pokémon.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: The Cataclysm Quartet, and in a sense, Endram-Odai itself. It's unclear which, but Lockstin implies that the four are either reluctantly working for Endram-Odai so that their worlds are spared, or that all five of them are Brainwashed and Crazy from the parasite latched onto Endram-Odai's body. Lockstin even says that once you defeat Endram-Odai, you break it free from the parasite controlling it, and states that it's even grateful to you for doing so. Lockstin's monologue at the end of the video really sells the idea that these five aren't as evil as they seem after all.
    Lockstin: "Reluctantly...well, yes; who wants to end all life on various planets throughout the universe?"
