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YMMV / Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Was Not

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  • Complete Monster: In "The Investigation into The Dawning Od: A Sherlock Holmes and Dr Arthur Conan Doyle Mystery", by Andrew Salmon, Otto Von Reichenbach is a practitioner of the dark arts who desires power over the Od. During the Boer Wars, Von Reichenbach has an army of British soldiers positioned in South Africa poisoned, turning them into monsters under his control who slaughter their loved ones upon returning home. Unleashing them on Britain, Von Reichenbach harvests the power created from their carnage, intending to use to it open a portal using the Od to release an army on the world to brutally put it under his foot.
  • Magnificent Bastard: "Curtain Call" by J. Scherpenhuizen: Dr. Johann Faustus returns from Hell, acting as Satan's emissary on Earth and aids Sherlock Holmes in taking down James Moriarty to consolidate his own criminal empire. Taking the alias Dr. Hieronymus Mabuse after killing him, he hypnotizes a man into believing he committed the murder and later manipulates him into killing Moriarty and himself. Revealing to Holmes his true nature, "Mabuse" sees him escapes karmic punishment while being the true mastermind behind the Great Detective's victory.
