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  • Complete Monster: Stanley Dover Sr. was the secret main villain of the Quiver arc. We first meet Stanley Sr. when Green Arrow rescues him from a mugger. Stanley Sr. comes off as a kindly old man and even becomes Green Arrow's assistant. However Stanley Sr. has a secret, he has been a Satanist since the 1950s. His wife left him when he suggested they sacrifice their first born infant to a demon to gain immortality. No longer married, Stanley Sr. traveled the world and studied the occult. Decades later he returned to America and moved to Star City. His daughter Shelia now grown up, made contact with him. Wanting to remain respected by the community, Stanley Sr. pretended to be a loving father. Shelia would often have Stanley Sr. baby sit her infant son, Stanley Dover Jr. One day, while baby sitting Stanley Jr., Stanley Sr. attempted to summon the Beast With No Name and bind it to him. However the Beast bonded with Stanley Jr. instead. Years later, when Stanley Jr. was a teenager, Stanley Sr. found that the Beast had bonded to his grandson. So Stanley Sr. kidnapped his grandson and began to torture and starve him to force the Beast out. Stanley Sr. began to murder children and feed their blood to his grandson. Stanley Sr. eventually revealed his true colors to Green Arrow, planning on transferring his soul into Green Arrow's body to further his power mad quest. Stanley Sr. also plans to rape Mia Dearden, a former teenage prostitute Green Arrow had recently rescued.
